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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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i want to say linkin park's 'hybrid theory' is a guilty pleasure but afaict literally everybody in the world thinks that album is good, it's kind of weird.

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i wear socks with sandals sometimes and love every minute of it

*eyes emoji*

i genuinely enjoy watching kristen stewart

*glass shatters, a cat screams, and sirens go off*


i unironically have shopped at hot topic and would do so again

So do i. Im out of fucks to give. Especially since Hot Topic became Funko Pop Figure Hell.

Three Words: Full House Reruns.

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I'd say the fact that I genuinely like/am entertained by Inuyasha. But I'm not ashamed to admit that.

Or the fact that I want a bunch of Buso Shinki figurines, yet I'm not ashamed to admit that either.

There's also the fact of me watching nothing but cartoons, not ashamed of that either.

I'm also not ashamed to admit that I love cute and cutesy things, but that's common knowledge 'round these parts.

Oh wait~

Before I go to sleep I imagine that I'm a knight saving a princess from a bunch of monsters and she's all, 'Let me reward you with my body' and I'm all like, 'Nay, your highness I saved you because I saw a broken man and his weeping wife, I saw a kingdom worried for their next leader. I didn't do this for me, I did this for your homeland' then after I return her to her castle I walk off into the sunset with a bunch of leaves blowing from trees.

I have the imagination of a child

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I love Hot Topic because they sell stuffs for the "screamo" bands that I listen to and almost no other store out there does because my music is way too edgy for anybody to handle~

It actually wasn't until I heard Integrity and Specta making fun of the store that I found out that that place gets a lot of hate, I'm always so blissfully unaware~

i almost cried at the end of madoka

There were only a few points I almost cried at madoka

The rest of the time I was crying

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Bad power metal lyrics. I normally can't stand excessive cheese, but for some reason I love it in power metal.

I don't get it either.

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I don't know if I really have any... this is a tough question for me to answer and I put a lot of thought into it too so I feel obligated to posting this non-answer.

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I like watching videos of kpop idols

Q449: You are now nobility. What sort of design is on your wax seal?

phoneposting lol

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