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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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Until I can actually make what the seal looks like, I'd just drip a shitton of wax and use the hilt of a sword with a legible word as the "seal"


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I can't tell is this a serious question

[spoiler=if it is then]xA9rG1C.png

1) quote a thing

2) click the button I circled to get it to be plain text

3) copy / paste that into your sig editor

4) ???

5) profit!

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A Falcon with a Falchion (not the FE one)

then why did you capitalise it??

idk mine would have chevrons and shit on it, I fuckin' love chevrons

And a cormorant. A fuckin' chevron cormorant. Fuck yeah.

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A more serious and nobility-fitting design that I still like a lot would be an eastern dragon in a circle akin to the designs on Chinese emperor robes

Something that's 150% me is just a fat-ass rabbit but it wouldn't fit nobility much

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A more serious and nobility-fitting design that I still like a lot would be an eastern dragon in a circle akin to the designs on Chinese emperor robes

Something that's 150% me is just a fat-ass rabbit but it wouldn't fit nobility much

Use the Rabbits head part of this steampunk Chang'e design..


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Use the Rabbits head part of this steampunk Chang'e design..


that is a cool ass rabbit

I totally would

I was just more thinking of


because it's kinda my signature rabbit

which is like, very much MY thing since I designed it but it wouldn't fit with the whole nobility thing by a mile haha

but yeah I really like that rabbit you linked

Edited by Thor Odinson
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ugh this is such a cool question but I have no fucking clue what my answer would be

maybe a fancy book or something idk

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ugh this is such a cool question but I have no fucking clue what my answer would be

maybe a fancy book or something idk

8DDD I am pleased you liked it

answer for spex: crown motif, maybe around a ghost~

Q450: What went well this week?!

big or small, let's focus on the happy today

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I made my prof piss herself with laughter during a practical exam of Parliamentary rules and regulations.

It was a meeting simulation, and I had to give an impromptu, spotaneous , prayer for the invocation. [it's a thing here.]

So I end up sounding like James Brown from the Blues Brothers movie, all the while the prof records this for the entire bunch of first year majors I'm taking the class with.

oh and I was wearing a suit with a picasso necktie with naked ladies on it, dress shoes, and 5'0 clock shadow. [i'd been at the college for many ours prior in the dark morning, prepping for this.]

The best part is that the prof didn't count my thing as a mistake, and my group got about a 95% for the exam. All while I unintentionally did shit that SHOULD have gotten me in serious trouble.

I love how I did it with a straight face. Public Speaking of any kind is always fun.

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WELL I'm getting better at my new jobby and even yesterday when it's busiest I handled it better than last time (though it helped that they didn't have me coming in 15 minutes after they opened this time like last time)

Although really there were lots of things that went well this week~ As tends to happen.

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Umm, let's see...I learned I'm not as abysmal as I think at drawing, just a slight bit better. And drawing is super fun! What else...I'm perfecting the art of tea! In just one week I've learned so much about it. Amazing what you can do when you try. Uhhhh hopefully the rest of my life is going to be put back in order.


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i'm going to list an astounding THREE THINGS

1: i got to do the thing with necktie in qotd and that was amazing

2: serenes forest dot net user moiraine damodred convinced me to watch tokyo godfathers and that's one of the best movies i've ever seen




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Got to be on call with some good friends since it's been a while since we did! Lot of weird antics and such but overall made my day since it hasn't been going well for me this week.

Aside from that I learned how to make a lot of rainbow sweets and drinks /o/

Edited by Koneko
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I can't tell is this a serious question

[spoiler=if it is then]xA9rG1C.png

1) quote a thing

2) click the button I circled to get it to be plain text

3) copy / paste that into your sig editor

4) ???

5) profit!

It was. Not that good with BBCode

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My friend finally returned to work after being in a bad car accident, and she seems to be in a much better mood than the last time I saw her.

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