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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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Ending of Dust, an Elysian Tail

Runner-ups would've included, but not been limited to:

[spoiler=Mass Effect]The scene near the end of the game where the numerous races of the galaxy come to the defense of the Citadel

[spoiler=Harry Potter 7 (part 2)]Snape's memories scene

I really need to play Brothers.

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The Order of the Stick / Strip 496

Roy getting to meet his little brother in the afterlife.

This being a webcomic, I can directly link to it if someone is interested.


Honorable mention goes to strip 877 which features...

...the death of Durkon.


Although this strip in particular probably needs quite a bit of context.

Honourable mention goes to the ending of Episode 8 of Puella Magi Madoka Magicka.

Normally I don't get that much emotionally invested into something when I experience it for the first time. This scene turned out to be quite an exception.

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James Robinson's Starman run.

Just. Fucking. Grand Guignole's end.

Oh and I really did cry at the deaths in James Robinson's Starman run. The Mist II's death was well written, but it's the death of Ted Knight that really made me cry a bit. [i'm the odd kid who chose to read a ton of golden/silver/bronze age comics growing up, and I liked the original Starman.] Add in the death of Matt O'Dare, and all the other stuff that happens. [Evening with David, Zatara's wedding gift, and even the whole Prince Gavyn/Will Payton combined entity saying goodbye to Sophie Payton.

Everything about that run. I love legacy heroes.

Speaking of legacy heroes, I read the Last Days of the JSA oneshot that came out after the first Crisis. Fucking goddammit, I cried.

Then I went and read the JSA run by Morrison, and it starts with the funeral of Wesley Dodds. Fucking goddammit.

There was a time when major characters weren't dying and coming back to life every few years, and death meant something lol.

Honorable mentions go to:

The Death of Captain Marvel by James Starlin.

I loved this send-off to a hero that could have just faded away, but they gave his death gravity and was one of the earlier graphic novels.

Death of superman ain't got nothing on Mar-Vell of the Kree's final moments, as he engages in one last brawl with Thanos.

[There are quite a few worthwhile deaths in comics that made me cry.]

Terra's death in the Judas Contract.

Aquaman's infant son's death back in the 70's [sic]

Wonder Girl's infant son dying due to her not being there to stop a car crash iirc.

The death of Barry Allen and Kara Zor-El in the Crisis on Infinite Earths.

Mentor's death from the 60's THunder Agents comic.

Ultimate Peter Parker's death was sad. But the Ultimate Universe was 80% shit, 15% mediocre, and 5% good in stories imo.

Edited by Howard the Duck
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Q452: What was the last album you bought?

Sorry dudes morning has been interesting

Have another last minute before class update

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The Outkast double disc thing, Speakerboxx and Love Below(that's what Andre 3000's disc was called, right)

Still wish I had them.

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Geez it's been a while....



...................... I think it was Minecraft - Volume Alpha >_>


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i tried buying some (digital) falcom soundtrack albums online, but amazon foiled my plans

so my answer is: i've never actually bought an album with my own money

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James Robinson's Starman run.

Just. Fucking. Grand Guignole's end.

Oh and I really did cry at the deaths in James Robinson's Starman run. The Mist II's death was well written, but it's the death of Ted Knight that really made me cry a bit. [i'm the odd kid who chose to read a ton of golden/silver/bronze age comics growing up, and I liked the original Starman.] Add in the death of Matt O'Dare, and all the other stuff that happens. [Evening with David, Zatara's wedding gift, and even the whole Prince Gavyn/Will Payton combined entity saying goodbye to Sophie Payton.

Everything about that run. I love legacy heroes.

Speaking of legacy heroes, I read the Last Days of the JSA oneshot that came out after the first Crisis. Fucking goddammit, I cried.

Then I went and read the JSA run by Morrison, and it starts with the funeral of Wesley Dodds. Fucking goddammit.

There was a time when major characters weren't dying and coming back to life every few years, and death meant something lol.

Dude... I really couldn't have said it better myself.

i tried buying some (digital) falcom soundtrack albums online, but amazon foiled my plans

That's funny, because the last album I bought was a Falcom soundtrack from Amazon.
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the newest Mastodon album. it isn't good :(

Implying they ever were. Wakka wakka wakka. j/k


You know i cant remember. It may have been the Only Lovers Left Alive soundtrack.

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I'm assuming online stuff counts, so I'll say that one Humble Bundle with the Terraria OST on it.

As for hard copies, I guess the Skyward Sword CD you get for getting the game on release day or whatnot counts? That was ages ago though.

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I have never bought an album ever.

How hilariously edgy of you.

I'm assuming online stuff counts, so I'll say that one Humble Bundle with the Terraria OST on it.

Ohh if that does count, the OST to the game, The Cat Lady. I didnt really buy the OST, but it came with the game update. (The OST to that is actually gr9)

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Ohh if that does count, the OST to the game, The Cat Lady. I didnt really buy the OST, but it came with the game update. (The OST to that is actually gr9)

It's arguable that buying a good number of Steam games is the equivalent of buying the OSTs since they are extractable from the folder (often in OGG format). Edited by Interest
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