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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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brazilian funk music

It has nothing to do with what people in other countries call funk.

And it's really crappy, but the lyrics are so hilarious that I love listening to them.

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I guess I would say american football? It's crazy intense and people get really bad injuries from it, but it's extremely popular as always.

I've been recently watching some highlights videos on youtube due to the superbowl craze this past weekend, although I've never followed football before. I don't know all the rules, either. But I saw some of the videos where I think they have microphones on the players? And the sounds that they make when they get tackled...ooohhhh my goodness. It made my heart seize up every time I heard the grunts, regardless of which side I was rooting for. I don't know how their moms can stomach watching their sons get mauled like that sometimes...

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Super Mario Bros film. Oh yes.


This film. Its from the 80s and actually cheesy as fuck and has Stephen Dorff as a kid in it. But man its fucking wonderful. Its also the source of the Gary Busey gremlins meme.

Theres also a movie i saw recently that was so bad, it was amazing. It was called The Shrine. Its on netflix.

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