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Fire Emblem 4 0% Growths LTC


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I think I'm actually done with sacrifices for the first generation (well maybe one person in chapter 5.) The second generation is where things get really quiet. I don't recruit Aseaello, Hannibal, Altenna, Corple, or Linda, and there are going to be a fair number of sacrifices too.


Yay! Guys, we've won the war!

... Guys?

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Yay! Guys, we've won the war!

... Guys?

Random Townsfolk

"The crusaders have come to our rescue! Er... there are a lot fewer of you than I'd have imagined."

*received 5000 gold*

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Yeah, I could've gotten the Gaebolg but... whatever. All Cuan could have done with it is massacre some hapless pirate who wasn't even in my way. Anyways, I thought I wouldn't need any more sacrifices until the end of chapter 5, but turns out someone needed to kick the bucket to bait the pegasi away.



I'm kind of sad that generation one is nearing its end. I just enjoy it so much more than the second in terms of story, map design, and even music. It's also more diverse strategically since a lot of units get to contribute to the first generation on 0% growths, whereas the second generation is mostly just Celice/Oifaye/Laylea/Leif/Aless charging around with an occasional Shannan cameo and a few tiny contributions by other units.

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I don't get why you had Sigurd use the Hero Lance over the Hero Sword.

EDIT 1 Nevermind, I'm dumb.

EDIT 2 Why did Lachesis never heal Levin (she had some spare moves here and there)? That would've improved reliability by well, some.

Edited by Refa
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Essentially Sigurd already had the hero lance in his inventory and I think Holyn got more kills on it than Sigurd would have? I'm not sure, either way the hero lance is probably better because it has more might and Sigurd doesn't double the pegs/myrmidons/mages on this map even with the hero sword, I don't think. As for Lachesis, I noticed that she didn't have any healing staves in her inventory once I was already midway through planning out the turn by turn, and I didn't feel like backtracking for such a minor issue, since those wind mages are the only enemies with decent hit on Levin. I didn't really need to RNG abuse much as it was anyways, at least compared to other chapters (*cough* chapter 2 *cough*)

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Yeah, Holyn got more kills than Sigurd did (too lazy to count, but Sigurd killed around 3 people and Holyn killed around 5?). Also yeah, this chapter seemed a lot easier than Chapter 2 haha. When I planned my run, the mage brigade was a PITA, but I didn't even have Rescue at this point (since I was doing Aideen x Claude) so that was probably a contributing factor.

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God this chapter would be a nightmare to LTC on 0% growths without the rescue staff. I mean... your best mounted units at this point in the game are a potentially promoted Fury (her base stats are pretty good), a promoted Beowulf, a promoted Lachesis, and Sigurd, all of whom have a lot of problems when used as combat units this late in the game on 0%. The good thing about the second generation is that I'm not slowed down by having to pull a 6 move unit all over the place because there are only like, three or four situations where I absolutely need Shanan to keep pace with my mounts.

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Whenever I play FE4, I feel a bit too lazy to plan out things properly. I think Dew gets better with more secure planning and money management, but if you can't be bothered thinking and doing too much it's like "Whatever, I don't even feel like moving Dew to this village".

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I think sacrificing Beowulf in order to make things more reliable even though you technically didn't need to was a particularly good idea. It just looks so much more elaborate than rigging dodges does. I understand that you need to rig stuff to one-round bosses who'd waste turns otherwise but when it comes to the genereal strategic approach to a map it just look so much better to not rig if you don't have to. Major props for that decision!

The more I think about the top 5 units of Gen 1 the harder it becomes. I probably would've put Dew into the top 5 anyway but not that you reminded us all just how important he is I'm starting to think that he might just be #1 based on how many turns he saves. Might be a stretch though. I also wonder if you count obtaining the Rescue staff as a contribution for Azel and Aideen? Though it probably doesn't it would be good to know for sure. It's hard enough to figure out whom I have to leave out between Dew, Levin, Sylvia, Lachesis, Sigurd, Ethlin and Cuan [Fin, Midir and Deirdre definitely won't make the cut despite their contributions].

I think it's genereally agreed upon that Gen 1 > Gen 2 in terms of how enjoyable the game is. Gen 2 kind of starts dragging out during Ch7 and Ch8 that just take ages to complete and are largely a matter of destroying shitloads of enemies with OP kids in a regular run. I think Ch9 kinda manages to pick up on the drama of Gen 1 with the whole Leaf/Altenna/Arion/Travant thing but other than that it's really a lot less exciting.

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I think most people will get the top 10 units mostly right, though there are a few units on the fringes of that top 10. The real issue will be deciding what order to rank them. Aideen/Azel don't get credit for the rescue staff, by the way. I guess Gen 2 on my play through is more interesting because I don't quite have overpowered kids, but then again, some parts are super rig heavy (like the first half of chapter 8.)

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I thought by top10 units you meant their unit records (most kills/battles). I would assume Cuan/Sigurd/Levin have the highest positions there.

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Love the run as usual! It's really epic how Levin's glorious return to Silesia involves him massacring everyone and everything, and he doesn't even get his fancy book yet. Levin's the man.

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Quick question: does anyone know if there's a jealousy formation that uses more than two other females? I cut more turns than I thought I would be able to in chapter 4 and am now not sure if Claude/Fury can be paired in time. I was just curious if anyone knew if there was a better formation than mine, I don't know too much about jealousy.

Edit: Never mind, all is good. I clearly can't math.

Edited by MartyTheDemonSlayer
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Quick question: does anyone know if there's a jealousy formation that uses more than two other females?

I know plenty, but they're not in this game.

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I really felt like recording today so here's Zaxon as well:

Expect my pace of uploads to slow down quite a bit during chapter 6, because it's incredibly frustrating on 0% growths. How low a turn count I can get is either out of my control or reliant upon guess and check with massive random number burns before the second generation starts, both of which crush my motivation to play. After that the rest of the game should be pretty smooth sailing.

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What if you'd pair Ayra and have her kids inherit some various swords and have them burn some RNs? Like a Broken Sword and an Iron Sword or something. If you pair her with Holyn they could also burn RNs through Luna procs. Then later on you can use Fee and Amid to attack bandits at 1-range or 2-range for more variations in RNs.

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Nah, I won't be clearing Ganenshire veryfast, 5 strength 5 speed 24 health Celice is just too bad and my ability to RNG abuse is very limited. I'll be recruiting Johalva, but he only exists to help in the clear of one castle. @Mekkah I can already use the substitutes to burn RN's to some extent. Though having things like the broken sword/luna to vary the number of rn's burnt could probably help, if the sword twins were both burning more rn's at a time it would probably still not give me much control over the RN chain I do get (and Celice needs to dodge a lot, he gets two shotted.) Chapter 6 will be the one place when the run is over that I could have saved a lot of turns, but the guess and check in terms of RN burns at the end of the first generation is too frustrating for me to abuse until I get the optimal turn count.

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What kind of role do you expect Oifaye to play? He would probably improve reliability a great deal in chapter 6, but would he take too long to reach the front?

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