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Fire Emblem 4 0% Growths LTC


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Did you skip the power ring? I might have just missed it or something, but I imagine having a second power ring would definately help.

And for some reason I thought Ishtar moved as an NPC. I guess it was always my paranoia when she spawned so I always killed her as an NPC as well.

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No, I definitely missed the power ring... oh well, I kind of doubt it will actually make a big difference anywhere. Aless has the strength to one round with crits anyways, Oifaye is still fine with crits, Leif won't really be fighting, and there are no castles where two units need power rings.

Edited by MartyTheDemonSlayer
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i know for sure in some other fire emblem game that you can kill an enemy unit before some event with dialogue involving that character occurs, and that event occurs anyway. i forget which game it is.

i also know on 3-6 in FE10, if you defeat lethe, the camera still pans to her starting position on the map during the end-of-chapter dialogue.

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And so begins chapter 9!

Also, quick question. Does anyone know much about how silence stave users choose what units to target? I didn't start planning for the final chapter soon enough... everything would have been alright if I had been realized that I needed Fee promoted, but it's too late for that now. If I can find a way to make a silence staff near Chalphy target Amid instead of Lana or Sety, everything should be alright, but I want to make sure that I can make it work out. Hopefully the AI just decides via RNG, in which case I can rig it so that Amid gets targeted.

Edited by MartyTheDemonSlayer
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Burning RNG definitely has an impact on the enemy AI. I know it because I had it happen a bunch of times during the last 3 days of playing the game. Sometimes they "opt" to attack a unit even though they would be able to kill somebody else after burning a couple of RNs at the arena. I do not know whether this applies to staves or not though.

Regarding the names of castles: a lot of things in FE4 are named after mythological or historical things. Kapadoghia [sp?] for example is probably named after Cappadocia, a region in turkey

Edited by Yojinbo
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Yeah, I'm just not sure how status staves would prioritize targets, since there aren't as clear cut factors making one target "better" than the others. Chance to hit/potential damage is a non factor because staves either work or they don't, and chance to kill is also nonexistent. Maybe I can test to see if status staves use RN's to target in chapter 10. Oh well, if I can rig Amid to take a silence I think I can 9/10 turn the final chapter? I'm still not sure, this is currently all theory and me trying to work out how I would adapt strategies from the nico video play through to 0% growths, but I think it's possible.

Edited by MartyTheDemonSlayer
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I'm just letting you know now to give you time to think about it, but I'll have another ranking challenge at the end of this generation. There will be two categories that can be won. First will be generation specific rankings: the top 10 units and the top 15 items (this seems very generous, but there are so many significant items in this generation.) No items are banned from being selected. The second category will be playthrough wide rankings: the top 10 items of both generations and the top 5 skills of the play through. I have yet to decide the reward for winning either category, but save your decisions until I get somewhat far in the final chapter, certain strategies I use in the next two chapters will very likely change your minds.

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Sign me up for the C9 fan club. One of my favorites. The atmosphere in the map is really tense, and dat music. A really dramatic chapter and a fitting end to the Thracia sub plot.

It's pretty fun if you go full recuitment since you gotta take a step back. But like you said, this is for casual play. You trail blazed the hell out of it like you said you would. Very much looking forward to C10.

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Hey Marty, if you haven't recorded yet I must ask a favor. Can you turn on the animations and set the speed to normal during the Alvis battle? I want to see it for 3 reasons.

1: To see for myself just how unreliable the strategy is.

2: To see Shanan kick ass.

3: To hear that boss music (ha, see what I did there)

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