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Using DLC/Spotpass Characters

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Out of curiosity, does anyone tend to use the einherjar characters, or bonus team recruitable characters? I recently got the leif/alm/seliph DLC, and after I compared Leif and Anna I decided to swap Anna out for him, giving up a higher weapon rank for mostly better combat (I think Anna had better res...). Now I'm curious if anyone else uses 'em, because it seems like most of the time I see people talking about DLC rewards, they're interested in the weapons, gold, exp and skill/class scrolls.

(And ya, I'm aware that they don't have supports.)

Edited by Severlan
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Spotpass: Brom is awesome. I imagine Jamka is, too.

DLC: CELICE! And Leif, if I really need a pair-up bot. Oh, and Micaiah, if I want to make a super-gimmicky flying Waste build.

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Lief (and I assume other DLC characters) has/have the best dialogue in the game. Every time he levels up: "...!"

It's not that, rather I don't have to hear their critical cut-ins every time they activate one of their skills/get a critical hit (because they don't have one).

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I usually don't use them often, so far I've only downloaded Zephiel and Percival from spotpass because they made some chapters less of a pain. I might be using more of them if I had the Supreme Emblem unlocked, but I'm 97k renown short of that lol.

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Some of them.

King Marth can OHKO Lunatic+ Grima through Pavise+. Trabant and Ashnard have epic classes, skillsets and bases for running interference to help feed units exp on higher difficulties. DLC!Katarina is incredible at everything. And of course they make good Rallybots/Staffbots in general.

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I don't, for multiple reasons - one being the aforementioned lack of supports. Another is the fact that (for DLC characters) on harder difficulties, they'd likely be outstatted by the units I'd be using by the time it'd actually be reasonable to take their chapters on (except for the CoY triad). And Katarina, IMO, just falls victim to Bragging RIghts Reward. Also, most of the Spotpass units are characters I don't exactly care about (or are from games I haven't played, and am very unlikely to even bother playing)... It doesn't help that aside from a handful (Pr. Marth, Ike, Camus, Jaffar, Jamke and maybe a few others), they don't really have much to help them stand out.

Edited by Levant Caprice
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Well for DLC chars nthing stops you from beating the DLC and saving them straight into logbook for easy access, ofc this will raise their recruit price from 0 lol.

You have a point, though tbh, I discounted that for obvious reasons.

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Not really. I suppose i could if i really wanted to, but never thought about doing a Spotpass/DLC guy run. Ive used past Avatars of mine a couple of times, but not much of the others. Id imagine they make for good expendable units if necessary, or excellent rally bots.

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They are the only characters I use. My first run even was Nino (the first spotpass I got) destroying the whole game alone in hard mode before I could get another character I liked (Florina, which I got two days after Nino)

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Not really. I suppose i could if i really wanted to, but never thought about doing a Spotpass/DLC guy run. Ive used past Avatars of mine a couple of times, but not much of the others. Id imagine they make for good expendable units if necessary, or excellent rally bots.

Someone made a Spotpass draft for this game. It's a LOT of fun. Give an all-Spotpass run a try! Furthermore, you can kill them off, and they'll come right back~!

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I don't usually during a normal playthrough of storyline, but I use them postgame for rallybots and whatnot.

But I did just recently do a story run with a bunch of legacy characters I liked + chrom. Malice was MVP and Camus is clutch endgame god.

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I don't use them in Chapters, due to lack of supports and personality, but I train some of them up when I'm bored, like Eirika and Leif. I found them very useful in Aversa's recruitment mission, however, as I could use them as meatshields while fielding a small elite team of Lucina, Inigo, Chrom and Olivia who were able to focus on their clones first, then easily destroy the weaker copies of the Einjerhar.

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