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Can someone recommend me some video games with good OST?


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I'm surprised that Baten Kaitos hasn't been mentioned. I've only listened to a little bit of the soundtrack and I already like it.

Actually, anything whose soundtrack was arranged by Motoi Sakuraba is something I can recommend.

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Persona 4, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Castlevania: Rondo of Blood (older game, but man is its soundtrack great), Metroid Prime, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, Earthbound, Shadow of the Colossus.

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My favorite video game OSTs come from the Lunar series (Silver Star Story and Eternal Blue, though EB I think has the better music of the two), and Chrono Trigger/Cross (I prefer Trigger's music, but they're both great). They're also great games, too.

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Guilty Gear, a thousand times Guilty Gear. BlazBlue too if you're into that, but the main one is Guilty Gear for me.

Holy Orders III is just too fucking phenomenal of a track.

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Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance has a great soundtrack. I'd vouch for that any day.

Also, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. I sometimes enter the alert phase on purpose just for fun and the music. I'm definitely able to play through the game stealthily, honest. Don't look at me like that.

Obligatory "any sonic game" - Specifically Generations with its remixed versions of songs from many older Sonic games.

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I like a lot of the Sonic music, but I'm honestly not sure how much of that is nostalgia. Mostly this is because I've heard "this music sounds like it could be from a Sonic game" used as an insult on multiple occasions.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I myself really adore The Last Story's soundtrack. There's lots of tracks I find myself humming at different points of time in the day. It just really gets stuck in my head. (The game itself isn't too bad either.)


I'm also a fan of Dark Cloud. For the PS2 era, I say it was one of my favorite lesser known games. Sure there were bugs and glitches, sure the game felt a little short, sure there were probably many other flaws I just glossed over, but the music was pretty good.


Xenoblade, as mentioned before.


And that's all I can think of off the top of my head.

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Guilty Gear, a thousand times Guilty Gear. BlazBlue too if you're into that, but the main one is Guilty Gear for me.

Holy Orders III is just too fucking phenomenal of a track.

I second this into infinity. Daisuke Ishiwatari is a beautiful man who makes fucking glorious music and all should listen.

The Bayonetta games have fun and catchy soundtracks if you're looking for some upbeat stuff, though it doesn't have too many standout tracks.

Monster Hunter Tri/3U also had a great soundtrack IMO- not the best, but certainly worth a listen. One of the best OSTs I've ever heard is NieR's OST; I think it's been mentioned before, but I have to second it. It's just too good and gels perfectly with the game itself.

Also Drakengard 3, especially since the people who did NieR's soundtrack returned. The "true" final boss's theme is absolutely gorgeous.

Edited by The Legendary Falchion
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I second the Golden Sun games. They had some of the best music despite running on the GBA. Some have recommended the persona side series but the main Shin Megami Tensei series has good music especially Nocturne. As for games you might want to just find the music for, there's Last Ranker by Yoko Shimomura, the same person behind Kingdom Hearts.

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I don't expect many here to know the game, but "Outcast", that 1999 game, has a really nice soundtrack.

Game's on Steam now, by the way, and I would recommend it to anyone who likes open world action games.

Edited by FierceRagnar
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I humbly disagree and implore the OP to check this out before listening to this. Ys series has been notorious to me for having speed metal soundtracks whose purpose was just speed and absolutely nothing with respect to atmosphere. It makes all tracks blend together to me and just doesn't make it enjoyable to listen to. It could just be a huge lack of atmosphere from the Ys Series itself beyond the fun as hell gameplay but it's not really the best set of OSTs to listen to. Though as you're about to see on this list, I really don't like 95% of all Motoi Sakuraba OSTs which most people on this forum seem to love, and Sakuraba has a very similar style to whoever did some of those Falcom games.

Falcom tracks are solid. I'm not sure why you think they don't fit their atmosphere. From what little of Ys I've seen and played, there were rarely inappropriate metal soundtracks and the Trails in the Sky soundtrack is far from speed metal. Especially the Arranged Falcom tracks. Those are in various musical styles.

Same for Sakuraba. His more recent soundtracks are boring as fuck all. There is no more inspiration in his OSTs because the dude's been run dry by the Tales team. But his old school work on the series was fucking legendary. Destiny, Symphonia, Phantasia, Eternia, Destiny 2, Abyss, and Rebirth are full of memorable tunes. But Graces onwards each game literally had the same soundtrack it is so gross. Vesperia's OST was pretty bland too but Fury Sparks makes up for almost all of it. His Electronic Organ style was a really good fit with the Star Ocean series. That being said Go Shiina and his work on Legendia shits all over Sakuraba's work.

Speaking of Go Shiina, God Eater and Tales of Legendia have some of the most fantastic soundtracks like, ever.

Hnnnggggg. The man is a genius I tell ya.

And no mention of Professor Layton? For shame, SF. Professor Layton has to have the best main themes of like anything ever.

For example

I'm a rather large fan of Hitoshi Sakimoto and his grand military-esque soundtracks. His work on Final Fantasy XII was hella underrated, to be honest. Valkyria Chronicles also has a ton of good tunes.

Obligatory Chrono Trigger. Obligatory mentioning Chrono Trigger's Corridors of Time.

Edited by Ownagepuffs
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Shiina also did quite a few tracks on Zestiria - check them out, they're golden. His style is very ethereal.

My favorite track on Legendia was Battle Artist.


I fucking hated the battle system, but at least this played whenever I entered a battle.

Edited by Lord Raven
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Truth be told I haven't paid much attention to Zestiria but I'm glad to know Shiina had a hand in it. What's the song name? I love the made up language he uses in his songs.

Battle Artist is vhriisahvbsial amazing. It's simply ridiculous how far away and beyond Legendia's OST was relative to the rest of the series. Despite the issues with Legendia, not a single person can deny that soundtrack. You ever played Radiant Mythology 2/3? He did some songs in them as well.

Oh yeah, Chikayo Fukuda's work on the .Hack//G.U. series was also bomb. 3 words: Hulle Granz Cathedral

Even cooler is how that's actually German.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What's the song name?

Sorry I am late bro. Ask and I shall deliver.





The titles are a clusterfuck, but the music is great. It's too similar to Legendia at times, though. I can see this getting old over multiple Tales games.

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F-Zero series

Falcom games in general

Valkyria Chronicles

Bayonetta 1 and 2

Guilty Gear series

Most King of Fighter games

Touhou Project

Cloud Built

Castlevania series

Mighty Switch Force 1 and 2

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