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Public Opinion needed for Fire Emblem Fan Game.


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The something other than rout enemy/kill boss maps would be good. Maybe bring back defend and escape. Or weather.

Bring back light magic!!! Please. That was one of the things I missed most in Awakening.

Nice story. Would be an interesting idea. If there are two mains that end up on opposite sides, please put in some seriously emotional dialogue, either for a Talk sequence or at the beginning of their battle sequence.

Having Pair Up and Rescue both be usable could work, but I think that most people would just go for the Pair Up option and ignore rescue in most cases. Still... can't know until you try it, I suppose.

And supports. RD's way of being able to support with anyone was cool, but I didn't like how they were just a couple of lines from each character. In the GBA games, there was a limited number of supports per character per run, but the supports were interesting and revealed things about the characters. If you do specialty endings based on A/S rank support levels, try to have different ones for every combo, rather than just one or two that work. Like Ike, he only had 3 possible endings in RD. Even if they had just changed the names, or only done it for the Greil Mercenaries that would be better.

Also, Manaketes, if they fit in your story.

Capable and potent. I want the Magic Triangle to matter, and actually, some 'Gish' classes. Like Dread Fighter, or similar.

Ooh, and make a Dancer/Bard that's worth a damn. Let them defend themselves, with spell or sword. Let their songs be useful.

The Trinity of Magic (including light magic) will Definitely be coming back. Dancers/Bards will be more useful (see previous posts for some information). I'm thinking both Dancers and Bards will allow all adjacent allies an extra turn and slightly heal them and themselves. Dancers would use Swords, and Bards will use Anima Tomes. The main character that is playable will be a Manakete, Supports, as I said in earlier posts, will be a minor part in the series, but in terms of how they will be executed is still unclear. Almost all the classes from the Fire Emblem Series will be obtainable through reclassing/free and paid DLC maps. If I haven't said it in an earlier post, Soldiers are included as well. Thank you for your time everyone.

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DO NOT BRING DANCER AND BARD INTO A SAME CHAPTER, there is a reason why IS only give you a dancer or a bard for each game. They can just dance/sing each other for infinite exp.

If anything, you should make a route choice with a dancer on one, or bard on another.

Also, you shouldn't be trying for dlc, that's just poor marketing for your game.

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DO NOT BRING DANCER AND BARD INTO A SAME CHAPTER, there is a reason why IS only give you a dancer or a bard for each game. They can just dance/sing each other for infinite exp.

If anything, you should make a route choice with a dancer on one, or bard on another.

Also, you shouldn't be trying for dlc, that's just poor marketing for your game.

Nah. Just make them unable to effect one another, since it should be possible. Or something like a character can't be targeted twice.

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i think you should tone down the benefits of pair up and marriage and stuff like that so they're not such almost-mandatory things. it's just an annoyance for people who want a straightforward tactical war game experience.

They can just dance/sing each other for infinite exp.

in fe2 you could just do monster maps over and over for infinite exp but you know why it's not broken? because it takes way too long.

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DO NOT BRING DANCER AND BARD INTO A SAME CHAPTER, there is a reason why IS only give you a dancer or a bard for each game. They can just dance/sing each other for infinite exp.

If anything, you should make a route choice with a dancer on one, or bard on another.

Also, you shouldn't be trying for dlc, that's just poor marketing for your game.

You can only be able to use either a dancer or bard in one particular match, not both. Also, what I mean by DLC is what the bonus box did. You're right that paid DLC might not be the best way to go, so I'll just make the maps free.

i think you should tone down the benefits of pair up and marriage and stuff like that so they're not such almost-mandatory things. it's just an annoyance for people who want a straightforward tactical war game experience.

in fe2 you could just do monster maps over and over for infinite exp but you know why it's not broken? because it takes way too long.

I definitely think that Pair up/Rescue is kind of overpowered because the enemy team can't do it as well. If I were able to create the AI so it can detect if it needs to pair up/Rescue, then that would be good. Marriage is only going to be a minor thing and not very plot crucial. There will be a world map (like in Awakening) where occasionally bands of Brigands will pop up and you can defeat them. Thanks for the input so far.

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If you want I can write dialogue/story, but I would obviously need details and the like.

As for the armor-knight thing... The problem with armor-knights is that even with the +1 movement they are underpowered due to being too slow and the ability to 1RKO being very common in the games. As a result, despite being statistical power-houses, when they encounter foes they will rarely, if ever, double for a kill (making their strength pointless) and most units are durable enough to make their extra durability redundant leaving them without a place to do, well, anything. They can't kill reliably, are slow, and the extra DEF isn't needed. Hence the +1 movement to at least alleviate some of the issues. While realism is important some things really just need to take a back-seat to it for game balance.

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Please bring 3rd tier classes from RD back.Also definitely soldier as a class and not just as an enemy or NPC.Are you adding skills?

Another question,I know you are using an engine but are you making everything from scratch or are you taking things from previous GBA games like a ROM hack?

I probarbly sound really stupid,I don't know anything about making ROM hacks or making a game.

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- more unique Lords. A bow Lord or magic Lord would be interesting to see, since we already have a manakete Lord.

- for the manakete Lord, I'd say he/she(I prefer he since most manaketes are girls) should be able to wield weapons too. The story will have they only wield weapons at first, then after some point, they're able to use dragonstones. They'll have above average stats(since they should be able to fend off enemies with weapons), but will only get 1-2 dragonstones on the game due to stat boosts.

- crossbows, but instead of using FE10 mechanics, they use the similar formula as other weapons. For stats, think of them as stronger but less accurate bows.

- Light Magic, as said above. To make them equals, I'd say keep Nosferatu as Dark Magic despite it's formerly Light Magic(since I don't really think it fits design-wise) and change Luna into Light Magic instead.

- Griffon Riders, since FE13 executed them poorly despite being a great idea. They should wield swords at first, then gain axes at promotion. Stat-wise, think of them as flying Mercenaries/Heroes.

- I'd like to see more classes with unique weapon combinations.

I'm on the fence about status staves and admittedly I didn't like 3rd tiers much, so whether adding it or not it's up to you. as for DLCs, I'm unsure how it's going to be implemented. I'd rather have unlockables instead.

Edited by singularity
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I really liked pair up so if that's easy to program, bring it back but please make enemies pair up able too, since it's a broken mechanic.

It's not, actually. The exp formula is what's broken and when pairing up is where it shows the most- strong pairups are a symptom and not the cause.

That said, please rework the exp formula to be much harsher to high-leveled units and much nicer to low-leveled units.

I already chose a simple engine to use. It's called Game Maker. Some may laugh at me trying to make a good game with that engine, but it actually works, so please don't judge.

I'd be a little more concerned with optimization and stuff than what people think of your engine. I've tried to work with those kinds of engines before and lag can be a serious issue when doing anything AI-related. If you want to proceed with GameMaker, you should definitely make a basic AI as soon as possible so you know whether or not it'll shoot you in the foot before you do all your polishing and whatnot. Other technical questions for you: what will you be doing for graphics, and how much experience programming big, complex things like RPGs do you have?

Anyway, I'd like to see Battering Rams. Low Mov, fixed piercing damage, effective on units in Forts, and count as vehicles so you can put a unit in them (like Ballistae).

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I would love a female main lord that isn't typically feminine.

I agree, but still stay away from the opposite end of the stereotype spectrum, the tomboy stereotype. I, personally, would want a character that exhibits some qualities that are traditionally "masculine", as well as some that are traditionally "feminine". Basically, OP, I'd want a protagonist that's a human character (for want of a better word. I'd be a-okay with the lead character being a Manakete, Laguz, Taguel, space alien, whatever) above all else.
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  • 2 weeks later...

There should be a tomboy girl character like Sully. She was my very first waifu and I want to see her return in spirit.

Don't make all the characters young. We need some characters in their 30s or 40s, make sure they're waifu or husbando material too, by that I mean good looking, a couple ugly ones like Garcia and Jeigan are ok too. Good looking 30-40 year old characters and some more teens like Celica, Lyn, Lilina, Roy and Rebecca. Add a fat character too, as much as I don't like that type. Give someone a physical handicap like a loss of a limb, he can be the Jeigan. The villian should be someone you can relate to like other end bosses. Mediuth was angry about the way humans mistreated dragons, Lyon was taken over by the demon king monster man in an attempt to cure the sick and his father, and whatever happened with Tellius's end boss. Don't make it a cliche, "I want to destroy the world for the hell of it" like Validar and Grima, and probably Doma. Oh I forgot about Zephiel.

It's okay to add some useless characters stat wise. Without useless or less reliable characters, the good ones won't stand out as much. Just make sure there is some incentive in using them, they need to be unique in a way you don't just ignore them, maybe a special skill only they can obtain. This is a common problem in FE because it leaves around half the cast to be left to rot, this was very apapparent when I played FE1 and at the final battle half my units on the map were basically people I ignored.

To make certain players take advantage of every character, have more units required to be put on maps. Don't make them feel forced, a good idea would be to add a teaching or sparring mechanic in between battles that builds support and trains units. One higher leveled unit can train with lower leveled to make them stronger, higher leveled units may be able to teach special skills of their own to other lower leveled units im exchange for exp, but you should limit the passing of skills depending on its affect. An Astra skill may only be tought to 1-2 units, but a outdoor fighter or indoor fighter may be tought to 2-3 units. Tought skills cannot be tought to other units. Have Unique skils (only one unit has this), tought (learned from another unit), and standard skills (basic skills everyone in that class can learn).

Definitely bring back the trinity of magic along with elemental magic. Light beats Dark, Dark beats Anima and Anima beats Light. Elements weaknesses should be easy to remember like in Pokemon. A triangle of fire, thunder, and wind isn't very easy to remember and not many people can relate to that like Starter Pokemon. A good way to be original is to make it a elemental square instead of triangle. So some elements can be neutral against others and neither elemental user has a distinct advantage over the other, a very different situation that a triangle system cannot have. Some could have 1 weakness and neutrality against other elements and others will be neutral against all elements with one advantage. 2 weaknesses and 2 advantages could make things more interesting, especially if there is one advantage and 3 weaknesses. Although that one unit has a very situational type of magic, his ability could be very vital in taking out a sturdy boss enemy class that requires such a magic.

Add a new stat other than movement, magic, strength, resistance, skill, speed, luck, and hit points, and defense. Visibility would be a nice touch. Thieves could have a lower visibility stat and armor knights, Lords, and important people will have higher ones. Marth or Minerva being a lord or traitor would be an example. Depending on the location of the map the visibility stat would rise or lower, local ruffians would go after everyone equally while the King of Bern would try and destroy Roy or Milady first specifically. It could give a temporary rise in visibility due to the smoke or thunder that comes out, louder or more visual magics could give a higher rise in visibility. If there is only one unit within range the enemy will not move without attacking. However, the enemies line of sight should be somewhat different for each character.

A reliability stat that increases nearby units stats by a low number would also be great.

I don't know the full capabilities of the engine you're using, but I saw some examples of this engine on YouTube.

The point of my giant block of test is to be unique and add to the formula instead of just using it with no changes.

I know you probably won't put in most of my ideas of new changes, but I just wanted to say what I thought could be great. I hope to develop my own games one day when I grow older, but until that day.

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I wouldn't focus too much on the story if I were you, unless you had multiple people helping you out with it.

Most of my focus would be put into the gameplay mechanics and ensuring it was as Fire Emblemesque as possible.

If I were to create my own Fire Emblem Fan Game what I would indefinitely do is create some form of territory mechanic. Think of it like GTA San Andreas meets Total War and implemented in a Fire Emblem game. It would be possible to handle things through diplomacy or take to the battlefield and become an oppressive conqueror. As I said before, I wouldn't focus too much on the story and instead make it more based around the player themselves creating their own story. I would give the AI their own unique way of handling things / personality, so one would be more violent and the other would be more diplomatic. I would probably also give each playable unit their own background journal that would unlock text as I discovered more of their story, found certain items, and met other units.

What I described would be my own take on Fire Emblem, so I am not entirely positive if it was what you were particularly looking for, but I hoped I gave you some new ideas to work around with.

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actually muscular women

preferably with big axes but really they could be a mage and jacked and I'll be happy

really gameplaywise I'm not particularly picky as long as it's fun, some mechanics I really enjoyed though:

I like capture a lot but it doesn't necessarily go well everywhere so depends on if it fits or not

rescuedropping is something I enjoy doing as well, I can achieve similar effects with pairup at least with what I do so if you're doing that I don't really have a strong preference one over the other, as long as it isn't like pre-fe5/dsremake where neither are present

Skip enemy phase is pretty great, I prefer to be doing things when I play a game instead of watching things getting done, so an option that lets the player have the constant flow of action would be pretty cool

I'm even less picky about story as long as it's somewhat coherent; I care a lot more about characters than plot tbh but I wouldn't say no to a good plot

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