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Henry is an Est character


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I don't know if you guys noticed, but Henry, seems pretty Est-like. He arrives at about midgame, with rather incompetent stats, but has pretty beast growths. He can potentially have pretty good (55% Spd on a unit with 50% Def, 60% Skill AND 50% Mag...). Couple that with the fact he's of the Dark Magician's branch, and you've got yourself a potentially ridonculous unit, without taking into account excessive grinding, which, would eventually lead to virtually anyone being considered such (virtue of FE13, my people!).

I hereby claim Henry to be an EST character.

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what's the big deal about saying "HEH, I FIGURED OUT THAT X UNIT IS Y ARCHETYPE" again?

I personally find the Henry = Est assumption false too, but otoh, what's the big deal about disproving it? since discussing pointless archetypes is pointless

Edited by Gradivus.
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I disagree

Those growths are really normal for awakening standards

threads like this exist in reality, thanks fire emblem awakening

Soul was making this kind of thread before Intelligent systems even thought about awakening lol

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how do you people keep track of users after they change thier names?

crap if i knew that was soul i wouldn't have been suprised

There's a little thing called display name history! I always check it when I see a UN I don't recognize unless it's a theme person and it's obvious.

Aren't the listed growths incorrect?

Oh and Donny is the Est.

He joins a bit too early for that, imo.

Tbh, FE13's main game doesn't really have an Est. The closest thing would be DLC!Est herself, due to the difficulty of her stage but coming as a level 5 peg with Aptitude (while Palla and Catria are Level 20 promoted). And even then... does she completely count?

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I don't really think availability determines what is an Est. All about the growths, which Donny has.

Except it does?

Mid to Late jointime has always been a trait of the archetype (hence a joke thread about Henry).

Sophia, Nino, Ewan, FE1/11!Est, FE9!Elincia, etc. are Ests. They all join late. Donny... doesn't. Chapter 6 at the earliest is not late.

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Discussion on Archetypes has always interested me, sure, it's kind of pointless to some people, but it's a nice little detail about the FE series to see that they're something you see in just about every entry.

Now then, off to the topic at hand. Personally, stat wise, Henry can hold his own pretty well in the chapter that he's introduced, so I don't think he's an Est. If anything, all of the children characters are Ests, minus Lucina, Yarne, and Nah.

EDIT: Another option would be that Awakening simply doesn't have an Est unit.

Edited by Nexas
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He joins at about the same level as the previous unpromoted unit (Cherche), who was recruited only like 3 or so chapters before.

And by that logic, all the children in the game would be Ests

Awakening also technically has a Navarre/Nabarl (Lon'qu), who doesn't really count because he isn't a recruitable enemy

Edited by The Dark Armorknight
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He joins at about the same level as the previous unpromoted unit (Cherche), who was recruited only like 3 or so chapters before.

And by that logic, all the children in the game would be Ests

Awakening also technically has a Navarre/Nabarl (Lon'qu), who doesn't really count because he isn't a recruitable enemy

Libra and his Killer Axe are the REAL Navarres!

Well, Lon'qu was originally Basilio's champ. Meaning Chrom and co. fought him in the original timeline.

...Where was I going with that?

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Chapter 6 at the earliest is not late.

Donnel's Paralogue opens after clearing Cht.3.

I don't particularly know or care about archetypes, but... Wouldn't having the unit's stats be further behind than average compared to the rest of your team as far as new recruits go be more important than simply joining late? As I see it joining late with medium stats when the rest of your team has high stats is exactly the same as joining early with low stats when the rest of your team has medium stats.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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since discussing pointless archetypes is pointless

You know what's pointless? Pointing out the pointless. It doesn't make any sense, it doesn't contribute to absolutely anything.

From the forums where waifu discussion is "a thing".

crap if i knew that was soul i wouldn't have been suprised

I hate it when dipshits like you, who are barely even fucking around talk like that. You have no fucking right to say "oh if i knew it was him i wouldnt be surprised". Do yourself a favor and start posting more, otherwise you sound like a pussy lurker who's afraid to post his opinion. At least I have the guts (granted, it doesn't even take THAT much) to post my opinion anytime I feel like it. If I disagree with something, wether it be some idiot shit-poster, at least say something instead of jumping into a senseless bandwagon that have no clue they're even "hating" on.

Edited by The Alice
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actually, you pointed out the pointless too just by writing that post. also, I did answer to the OP by saying that I disagree on Henry belonging into the Est archetype. and you didn't answer my question about what the big deal in pointing out archetype things is.

and I don't care much at all about waifu discussion, but idk if that part was addressing me.

Edited by Gradivus.
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Donnel's Paralogue opens after clearing Cht.3.

I don't particularly know or care about archetypes, but... Wouldn't having the unit's stats be further behind than average compared to the rest of your team as far as new recruits go be more important than simply joining late? As I see it joining late with medium stats when the rest of your team has high stats is exactly the same as joining early with low stats when the rest of your team has medium stats.

Really? It's been a while, so I guess I didn't remember. But that just pushes his not-Estness further, in terms of the general point of the archetype.
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FE12!Est has to be drill grounds grinded excessively and is likely to turn out well afterwards.

FE11!Est has to be fed many on-map kills and is likely to turn out well afterwards.

Donnel has to be fed many on-map kills and is likely to turn out well eventually.

to make archetype rules less weird you could be judging from how units work instead of when they do that.

Edited by Gradivus.
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psa thread don't respond more to soul he's suspended now

use that as an amazing indicator of what not to post and continue with your dumb archetypes thread

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The second gen guys could be the Ests. Henry is no Est. What is this? Henry is awesome and usable right out of the box, because Nosferatu tanking is gr9, and so is Ruin. He joins at level 12. Hes fine.

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continue with your dumb archetypes thread

I'm no mod, but what's so dumb about discussing something some people like to discuss? If that was a joke response, feel free to disregard this, if not, though, I am genuinly curious.

EDIT: Just re-read Integrity's post and fully understand what was stated, deleted half of this post. Misread part of it, basically, my mistake.

Edited by Nexas
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