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If you could create a game using any of Nintendo's characters, what would be in it?

Misses Elise-chan!

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Here's two off the top of my head

1. Another F-zero game seriously. Maybe even have Captain Falcon beat people up like what was mentioned before when not racing. But I'd be content just with a GX sequel with online.

2. A Hyrule Warriors type game but with Fire Emblem characters. Imagine playing as your favorite characters buying skills forging weapons etc

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I wouldn't create a game at all because I would suck at doing it. But if I could magically have a good game made under these conditions, I'd either want...maybe a Zelda Dark Souls like game, or an Etrian Odyssey game with the classes being characters on the smash roster.

EDIT-Probably not all of the smash roster though, since EO doesn't usually have that many classes.

Edited by Severlan
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I'd do one of four things:

- Make my main fics into games (I've got one for FE, one for Zelda, and one for Mario. Well, technically Luigi. lol)

- Make a Zelda/FE crossover

- Make an FE Warriors game

- Make an FE fighting game

Oh, such a hard choice!

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I wouldn't create a game at all because I would suck at doing it. But if I could magically have a good game made under these conditions, I'd either want...maybe a Zelda Dark Souls like game, or an Etrian Odyssey game with the classes being characters on the smash roster.

EDIT-Probably not all of the smash roster though, since EO doesn't usually have that many classes.

So a good 3D Zelda game? Sounds good. Kappa

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A new Mother game that takes place in between EarthBound and Mother 3.

A game where Waluigi actually has a significant role. Preferably in another Wario Land or WarioWare.

A new Fire Emblem game that connects Jugdral with Archanea and Valm. The world beyond the Dragons Gate revealed to be Archanea.

Remakes for all unreleased Mother and Fire Emblem games.

Pokemon MMO.

A game starring Waluigi.

Fire Emblem Online.

3D Four Swords Zelda game.

A Nintendo Land that doesn't suck.

Super Mario Galaxy 3 with a story focused on Rosalinas origins.

A game with Daisy in it other than Mario Party and Mario Kart.

Another Waluigi game.

Metroid x Star Fox

Animal Crossing on Wii U with increased focus on online. 8 player animal crossing. Bigger town and less loading in between areas like the city or island.

I think I took all the ideas. Someone please top my list.

Edited by Rabbattack
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3D Four Swords Zelda game.

Super Mario Galaxy 3 with a story focused on Rosalinas origins.

A game with Daisy in it other than Mario Party and Mario Kart.

FINALLY, someone besides me that wants a 3D Four Sword Zelda game and a non-Party/Kart/Sport game with Daisy (that's considered canon, unlike Super Mario Land)! I would also dig that SMG3 idea. ^^

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I would totally make a hilarious, traditional 2D turn-based JRPG starring the Phoenix Wright cast of characters. Or the same thing FE style (though more serious and less humourous, in that instance).

I'd also be greatly amused by a game that was made with FE gameplay and mechanics but with Pokémon as the characters. They could even have a PMD-like quiz in the beginning to decide which Pokémon your main Lord would be.

Legend of Link game starring Zelda.

Survival Horror Zelda game.

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Rage intensifies.

Why is it a bad idea? I didn't say use touch screen controls.

I really want to see this timeline expanded upon, my first Zelda game (excluding Ocarina of Time) was Phantom Hourglass. That game sucked, but I enjoyed it. Spirit Tracks is my favorite Zelda game due to the interactions between Zelda and Link, something new at the time. The overworld theme was amazing to me along with the final boss theme. I also love Linebecks character.

The controls were crap though. World sucked too, especially using the train and boat to navigate the overworld.

I want Wind Waker on land. The train could be used as a quick method of transportation.

I also want another game with Linebeck in it.

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