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Still questing for a main in Smash 4


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Now in 64, Melee, Brawl and Project M I have a small set of mains, despite being versed in most of the casts.

Smash 4 however, I cannot decide who I like as my MAIN main. There are 10 particular characters, that stand out, both for me being good with them, having fun with them BUT also they have constantly been praised in my hands, be it online or irl. They are

Mario, Sonic, Ike, Shulk, Link, Metaknight, Zelda, Lucario, Pit and Peach. Lol

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Write all of your mains' names on a piece of paper, put the pieces of paper in a hat, and pick one at random.

Alternatively, just choose who you like the best as a character, if you like the way they handle significantly more than the others.

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What kind of playstyle do you enjoy the most? What are you good and bad at? Which character's tools do you think you'll be able to use the most?

Why worry? If you feel equally good with all of them, let it be at that. As you continue, if one of them is meant for you, it will naturally happen.

maining 10 characters is probably not a good idea since you as a player will be forced to learn how to overcome stuff as a player instead of being able to switch your character or something like that. It also doesn't help if you spread time out among that many characters, because you're definitely not going to progress near the rate you would if you do that.

Co-maining imo is more okay but i still don't like it. Counterpicks are fine if your character has a really bad matchup (like how sheik wrecks falcon).

I use falcon since i really like his combos and speed. I'm also pretty bad at using projectile users like Link so that pretty much eliminates them for me. I'm also decent at tech chases, so I mess around with Ganon (though he's too slow for me). I also mess with Falco since he has decent pokes with jab/down tilt. Lasers are still decent to dictate the match or get some extra damage.

Edited by ID Thanatos
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Ike or Shulk, because as far as I've seen they're relatively rarely used. Link for similar reasons, although I see him getting mentioned as promising much more often.

Alternatively, SANIC, to show people you can be aggressive and relentless and succeed. Hopefully.

Also this should be a (public) poll :V

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Mario and Sonic are by far my most aggressive characters

Ike and Shulk seem to be my more mechanically solid characters.

Lucario, Link, Meta and Peach seem to be middle ground.

My Zelda and Pit seem to be more defensive.

Also yes I am aware of Links jab combo, and Shulk is getting more notability, by those such as Ally and ZeRo.

Whomever I have most fun with is still in the air x.x

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What About your Marth?

I can't use Marth in a competitive level in this game. He lacks his old flowing combos, his grabs are now crap. Like I can space right, but I can't do what I can with in Melee, PMand Brawl anymore. II'm quite honestly Crap with Marth in this game
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maining 10 characters is probably not a good idea since you as a player will be forced to learn how to overcome stuff as a player instead of being able to switch your character or something like that. It also doesn't help if you spread time out among that many characters, because you're definitely not going to progress near the rate you would if you do that.damage.

It really depends on how much you play and how well you can switch between movesets. I main 7 characters (Rosalina & Luma, Zelda, Zero Suit Samus, Ike, Robin, R.O.B., Lucina) and I don't feel like having that many has hindered my progress with any of them. If anything, it think it can help, because it allows me to play slower or faster, heavier or lighter, etc. characters and helps me to get a handle on different playstyles, which can give me new ideas for other characters and better allows me to get a handle on opponents.

There is such a thing as too many mains, and 10 might be pushing it, but if someone feels comfortable with all 10, I say use all 10, especially if you aren't planning on going pro or something. Even then, having multiple mains can be a good thing; it makes it harder for opponents to learn your style and get reads on you.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Shulk is the best character anyway.

I've been considering it :P, But I think I've finally narrowed down my options. Mario, Sonic and I need a third which will probably be Shulk, Meta or Lucario

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