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Who could Ike's wife be?

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You do realise that "settling down" doesn't imply anything more itself if you want to go by completely literal interpretations too.

Kent and Farina

Farina stayed in Caelin as a mercenary, hoping to stay close to Kent. When Lyn abdicated Caelin’s rule to Ostia, Kent resigned his commission and served at Farina’s side as a mercenary in Ilia.

Gee whiz, I sure wonder what they got up to!

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It doesn't yeah, but Ike's ending feels like the beginning of a new adventure that can lead him anywhere more so than just "he lived happily ever after as a nomad"

But if that was supposed to be an example of not literally settling down, then lol.

Edited by Radiant head
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It doesn't yeah, but I tend to see Ike's ending as the beginning of a new adventure, not the end.

And that excludes the possibility of relationships developing because...

But if that was supposed to be an example of not literally settling down, then lol.

You're kind of not settling down if you're traveling across the entire continent constantly doing military work like Ilia's knights do. Zealot in FE6 is the commander of them all and he barely ever goes home to see his wife and child because he's out traveling and fighting all the time.

And further than that, nothing in the ending, or supports ever explictly states anything about them being an item and I have never EVER seen anyone ever dispute this pairing as "grasping at straws".

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Yeah because there's no implications anywhere in people just deciding to drop everything, leave everyone they know and go off and go travel with someone and never be seen again.

In purely semantical terms, if it doesn't explictly say it then you can twist the possibilites as much as you want. But the series has more than on one occaison basically heavily implied circumstances (not just romance!) and left the rest up for interpretation. But that still makes you look like an idiot if you cling onto the tiny possibiity that actually Farina and Kent weren't into each other at all and nothing ever happened except fighting and stuff!

Alternatively I can start saying that well despite the fact that this one novel implied in various ways that X was the murderer they never said it so you're grasping at straws! Who knows unless it's like, totally written right there in plain text!

Edited by Irysa
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Legault is also probably bi, given his support with Heath and reaction towards Lloyd in the final chapter.

I saw something different - namely, that Legault is a troll.

Now, back to the topic. . .

I have no clue. . .so I'll just throw some random Valmese chick or something at the question.

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I saw something different - namely, that Legault is a troll.

Now, back to the topic. . .

I have no clue. . .so I'll just throw some random Valmese chick or something at the question.

It's possible he's trolling Heath, but I doubt he's trolling Lloyd's morph. Granted, one can admit another guy is handsome without being attracted to them, but...Fire Emblem dudes do not do this very often.

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It's possible he's trolling Heath, but I doubt he's trolling Lloyd's morph. Granted, one can admit another guy is handsome without being attracted to them, but...Fire Emblem dudes do not do this very often.

Legault has three sides that are important to this:

1. He jokes a lot about affection/love with his male supports (Matthew/Heath).

2. When faced with someone he cares about. . .he's actually pretty awkward (Nino, albeit in a non-romantic sense).

3. His lone support with an adult woman, who he found attractive, showed that he'll take an indirect approach to his interest (Isadora).

Thus, I see his statement about Lloyd's appearance as him mentioning a fact, as opposed to actual interest.


From what I remember about Ike. . .he's extremely direct, so if he did find someone he really liked, my guess is that he'd fall flat on his face because he tried to put those emotions into words (would've put "outright tell the person", but then I remembered how he acted around Aimee. . .and he didn't tell her to die in a hole). Since I don't remember that scenario, I doubt he went with anyone in the Tellius series. I probably forgot a support or four somewhere, but /effort.

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I would say Geoffrey, since Priam still leaves massive leeway for fan theory, but then again some people are convinced he only got married for political reasons.

I like to go with that political/arranged marriage theory given how much I ship Ike x Elincia and the fact that these kinds of marriages were common in medieval times. Heck, FE has already seen this happen or attempt to happen. Astrid was going to be forced to marry Lekain, for example, a case where it wasn't a wanted marriage at all on her side. Not that I think Elincia would ever outright oppose Geoffrey as an option for a husband, I feel that he was her best bet and that if she didn't take a husband soon enough, those uppity advisors of hers would pressure her to so she could produce a legitimate heir and all that. And she certainly doesn't need that after the hell she's been through.

So I can see how Geoffrey x Elincia is the only option if IS really wanted to take the Ike leaves Tellius route and keep Elincia on the Crimean throne. Otherwise, I think both would've been options for her (and I still wish this was the case... ;_; I would say they could've simply added an ending for Ike and Elincia where Ike stays, but that's probably changing things too drastically between endings)

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Why would the queen ever have to be forced to marry the captain of the royal guard though? A political marriage would have her marry a high-ranking noble, most likely from another country to "improve relations". Astrid was a lesser noble being arranged to marry one of the senators, the highest-ranking nobles in Begnion, only below the Prime Minister and the Apostle/Empress. Marrying one of the senators is guaranteed to launch Astrid's family through the ranks, giving them considerably more power and influence.

No one is of a higher rank in Crimea than the Queen. Therefore, she has considerably more control over who she is to marry. However, technically it would not be in her best interests politically to marry Geoffrey. Not only is he of considerably lower rank comparatively, but marrying the man who she was accused of having an affair with already would send the rest of her court in an uproar. Even if it "legitimizes" their relationship, it gives the other nobles reason to question her abilities as queen, because how can they trust her judgement when she's marrying her consort? What other "favors" will she grant?

I get that you really hate the idea of them having legitimate feelings for each other, but saying it could just be a political marriage is nonsensical.

Really I'm glad they never gave a paired ending to IkeXElincia. It would quite frankly be out of character for the both of them, with Elincia putting her feelings for Ike over her duties as queen (something she wouldn't even do for Lucia and Geoffrey) and Ike detesting nobles far too much to stay in any court, even if it is the court of his homeland. There's also the whole "not every leading male and female have to fall in love" thing too, which is something I really appreciate.

Although I can't say that I dislike the localization team for adding in the ship teasing. In some ways it deepened Elincia's character for me, because when I originally played PoR it seemed like she had a crush on Ike (not that I can blame her, what with him getting her kingdom back when she thought she had lost everything), and in Radiant Dawn, especially in her arc, it was like when she decided to do whatever it took to save her country on her without Ike's assistance she finally let go of the childish notions that her hero would always come to save her. It's also another reason I'm generally against the pairing, though I honestly don't hate it.

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I never said anything about that marriage being forced. At least not by the nobles. I said they would be pressuring her, not going "marry this guy now!" And royals have been married to people of lower ranks plenty of times before for political reasons. Kings used to marry duchesses and queens and princesses could marry dukes. In fact, Geoffrey isn't just the leader of the knights, he's also the Duke of Delbray. So he's actually pretty high ranked even compared to Elincia.

I see no reason why the marriage can't be political and that's my opinion.

Also, knight x princess pairings had been done two games in a row already (Kent x Lyn and then Seth x Eirika). A classic hero x princess ending would've felt refreshing.

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Its Soren you tards

thats why Soren and ike are the only paired ending

When peace had settled on the land, Soren packed lightly and set off with the only person she had ever trusted.

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Forced by way of peer pressure. These political marriages occurred more frequently between neighboring countries or regions with the goal of improving relations among the two. It would make sense for, say, the current King of country A to send one of his daughters to country B to marry the current Queen's nephew, who is a Grand Duke. And I never said that they couldn't marry someone of a lower rank, I said that it would not be to Elincia's advantage politically, since she already has the loyalty of house Delbray (all two members). I know full well that nobles didn't always marry those of similar ranks, but they all had some sort of political gain that came with the union. Elincia does not have anything to gain from marrying Geoffrey as purely a political marriage.

The marriage being for political reasons makes no sense. It benefits no one on the political front and has the potential of damaging her reputation among her advisers. These are not opinions.

It would have made my eyes roll so hard they fell out. It takes far more than an overdone archetypal pairing to make things feel "refreshing". Hell, the whole Ike not marrying anyone was refreshing in itself, because literally everyone else married someone else by the end of their games (and yes, I am referring specifically to the lords). Not to mention that nearly every hero up to that point had at least on option to marry a princess, so there wasn't even a need to put one in PoR to make it feel refreshing.

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Actually My theory is that Ike had a child with an unknown villager(might be laguz) and raised his kid lone wolf&cub style

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Its Soren you tards

thats why Soren and ike are the only paired ending

When peace had settled on the land, Soren packed lightly and set off with the only person she had ever trusted.

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Forced by way of peer pressure. These political marriages occurred more frequently between neighboring countries or regions with the goal of improving relations among the two. It would make sense for, say, the current King of country A to send one of his daughters to country B to marry the current Queen's nephew, who is a Grand Duke. And I never said that they couldn't marry someone of a lower rank, I said that it would not be to Elincia's advantage politically, since she already has the loyalty of house Delbray (all two members). I know full well that nobles didn't always marry those of similar ranks, but they all had some sort of political gain that came with the union. Elincia does not have anything to gain from marrying Geoffrey as purely a political marriage.

The marriage being for political reasons makes no sense. It benefits no one on the political front and has the potential of damaging her reputation among her advisers. These are not opinions.

It would have made my eyes roll so hard they fell out. It takes far more than an overdone archetypal pairing to make things feel "refreshing". Hell, the whole Ike not marrying anyone was refreshing in itself, because literally everyone else married someone else by the end of their games (and yes, I am referring specifically to the lords). Not to mention that nearly every hero up to that point had at least on option to marry a princess, so there wasn't even a need to put one in PoR to make it feel refreshing.

Say what you will, I think a political marriage between Elincia and Geoffrey makes a lot of sense and my mind won't be changed.

And if Elincia puts her country above even who she loves romantically, then that just supports this idea even more. She would have married so she can produce a legitimate heir to take the throne when she is gone, which is a political thing. She has nothing to lose by marrying Geoffrey whether she really loves him that way or not. She wouldn't face any pressures to get married and Geoffrey is someone Crimea obviously trusts given what the ending says ("all of Crimea supported their marriage"). They could bring up a proper heir.

Also, if Elincia married Ike because she loves him, that doesn't mean she's putting him or love above Crimea. She's letting someone that makes her happy help her watch over Crimea. Talking about a scenario where Ike returns to her court, of course. And I don't think Ike deciding to return because he loves her is out of character at all. In fact, he is definitely the sort that doesn't choose his friends or people he really cares for based on their background or rank. He makes all sorts of friends. Laguz, beorc, children, adults, girls, boys, men, and women. I think it would be more OOC for him to reject Elincia simply because she's a princess/queen. This is why I wrote my fan A support for them the way I did. Ike and Elincia finally reveal their love for one another, and Ike says he'll return to her court for her. She brings up the fact that he hated being in it, but he simply says that as long he has her by her side and that he can still do mercenary work every now and then with his Greil Mercenaries buddies, he can deal with it.

The nobles would be in absolutely no position to object or do anything about a marriage between the two either, as they'd get in serious trouble with pretty much everyone due to the fact that Crimea owes Ike a lot after he saved it.

And yes, I know that every other lord has been able to marry someone and that having a lord that doesn't marry anybody at the end IS a nice change of pace, but I feel that in this case, an ending for Ike and Elincia where they get together would've done SO much more for the story and their character growth/development. Ike is a commoner and Elincia is royalty. Both have leadership thrust onto their shoulders while they're still really young. They also both lost their parents. They can honestly relate a lot to each other. Ike commands a group of mercenaries and Elincia is the only heir left to Crimea's throne. Imagine how touching a story could come out of this if they grew and developed together as they became strong enough people to overcome the obstacles that were getting in their way of being together. It's like I said before, they remind me a lot of a classic Disney pairing between a common guy and a princess, only with even more depth and development.

Part of me wishes Disney could get permission to make an Ike x Elincia movie. lol But it wouldn't ever happen.

Look, you are allowed to believe what you want to, and I want to believe what I want to. I'll just leave it at that. I'm honestly getting pretty tired of getting into this debate over and over too. >_<

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You don't want that as they'd turn the many FE characters into boy-band members before setting it to east-african musical numbers. It might be memorable, even good, but it won't be the same by a LOOOOONG shot!

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...Huh? Yeah, I never felt Disney was ever like that. I grew up with Disney, and they have plenty of experience with medieval stories (Aladdin, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Tangled, Frozen, etc. Maleficent has done really well too), so I feel they could make a great animated FE movie. Live action could be good too, if not for all the colorful hair colors. xP (it'd be to hard not to make them look like crappy dyed wigs).

But not everybody likes Disney, I understand that. Hell, some people hate Frozen, as popular as it got.

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Studio Ghibi has my vote, but I don't think they do adaptations.

But yeah the fact that the idea of Ike x Elincia is such a Disney cliche is actually part of why I dislike it.

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Cliche doesn't always mean bad though. Imo, hero x princess is a good one. Of course, it's certainly possible to do a bad hero x princess story too.

Also, I bet some people fear that Disney would water things down to make it child friendly or whatever, and FE is for a somewhat more mature audience. However, remember that creepy ass stuff like Pirates of the Caribbean exists. :P And even the kids movies have some pretty violent stuff every now and then, like John Smith and Kocoum getting shot in Pocahontas (and the latter dying from the gunshot). FE never shows blood, and neither does Disney, so that's not a problem.

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Studio Ghibi has my vote, but I don't think they do adaptations.

But yeah the fact that the idea of Ike x Elincia is such a Disney cliche is actually part of why I dislike it.

They do. Dragons of Earthsea was an adaptation (Would have been better but, IIRC, they got hamstrung by contract requirements or the like), the Secret World of Arietty is an adaptiation of The Borrowers, and Ponyo is The Little Mermaid.

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Huh, well, even though Disney would get my vote for an FE movie with Ike x Elincia, I don't mind who would be the one to make it as long as they do a great job on it. ^^

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