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Who could Ike's wife be?

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I should write an Ike X Mia fanfic sometime. Could probably make it better than 70% of the fanfics on the site too.

Let me know if you ever do this. I'd love to read a good Ike x Mia.

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You know, that reminds me, Lord Taco really liked my fics despite preferring Ike x Mia. I wish I could be like that. I mean, I did like this one fic that had Geoffrey x Elincia, though also had Kieran x Marcia, but I eventually removed it from my ff.net favorites. I'm just too into my absolute favorite pairings and can't help but stay away from the ones I really dislike. ._.

And this one fic I found that practically spat on Ike x Elincia didn't help my opinion of Geoffrey x Elincia and Ike x Mia.

EDIT: Also, it always saddened me that SF seems to lack Ike x Elincia fans. There was an Ike x Elincia vs Geoffrey x Elincia poll awhile back, but the latter was winning by a lot. Very sad... Though a lot of people voted in it, so even Ike x Elincia did have a sizable amount of votes.

Edited by Anacybele
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I should write an Ike X Mia fanfic sometime. Could probably make it better than 70% of the fanfics on the site too.

Let me know if you ever do this. I'd love to read a good Ike x Mia.

I concur. : ]

On another note I think the whole reason IS hasn't gone the whole same-sex route has more to do with the fact that since many of the games have descendants of a certain line or another and in some cases direct kids of main characters. Only way for that to kinda happen is with a male and female (insert birds and bees talk here). I really think its as simple as that. Nothing political or homophobic about it just kinda the way it is.

As far as Ike being romantically involved with anyone the games don't really hint at it. Part of Ike's character is that he's kinda oblivious to the concept of romance he just trains all the time to become stronger to face the next big opponet first it starts with the BK, then Ashnard, then the BK again, and then Ashera (think of him being kinda like a less comedic Goku type character).

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And yet, Goku still got married and had two boys (his wife is Chi Chi and they have two sons, Gohan and Goten). That's a good comparision to Ike as we see him in his games and then Priam showing up in Awakening.

I feel Ike is oblivious and all too, at least for awhile. That's why I wrote him saying to Elincia "Before I met you, I never gave a thought to any of this stuff. Finding a girl I would like to spend my life with. When I met you, it was like whole new worlds opened up to me." He doesn't mean when he LITERALLY met Elincia, it just happened over time. He also mentions how he previously wanted nothing more than to be like his father, a great leader, and a strong warrior. Though, this was how my co-author worded it, he helped polish my work. :P

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And yet, Goku still got married and had two boys (his wife is Chi Chi and they have two sons, Gohan and Goten). That's a good comparision to Ike as we see him in his games and then Priam showing up in Awakening.

Don't want to get too off topic but a running joke is how little Goku actually pays attention to his family hell the way they get married is even sudden (if you think romantic supports are bad in Awakening just look up how Goku got married) to be honest Chi Chi is a bit of an afterthought once the series gets into Z.

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Oh wow, geez. XD

I would think Ike would pay attention to his family though, he's actually quite a family man given how much he values the mercs as family, and even calls his army a family. Hell, he repeats one of his father's family-related quotes at the end of PoR. This is pretty much the reason why I can still see Ike getting married and having kids someday despite his obliviousness.

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Because there are the other Spotpass characters with similarly dubious statuses. There is no way any of them could have survived their original fates, especially not Emmeryn.

Well, Emm could've had what happened to Lewyn and Briggid/Eyvel happen to her. Especially Lewyn.

Or a combination. Brought back to life like how Lewyn was, yet her memories got thrashed like Briggid/Eyvel's did.

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Goku marries Chi Chi without even knowing what marriage actually entails.

Ike is obviously aware of what marriage is. He just doesnt want anything to do with it.

EDIT: Woah, I never considered the Lewyn/Emmeryn parallel. It's an interesting theory, but I find it hard to agree with it given that Gen 2 Lewyn is basically Holsety in Lewyn's body. There's no hint at Emmeryn being possesed by a god in her Spotpass map.

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EDIT: Woah, I never considered the Lewyn/Emmeryn parallel. It's an interesting theory, but I find it hard to agree with it given that Gen 2 Lewyn is basically Holsety in Lewyn's body. There's no hint at Emmeryn being possesed by a god in her Spotpass map.

That's why I said it was more of a merging of Lewyn's situation and Briggid's. Briggid lost her memory (along with her Ulir branding if the conversation she has with Finn at the end of 24x makes sense).

Then again, unlike FE4's opening demos, Emm's never shown being revived by Forseti Naga, so...yeah.

Interesting parallel when one thinks about it.

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I think the important distinction is that Ike isn't oblivious, he just isn't interested. Ike legit calls out Titania for loving Greil in their A support.

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The bigger question here is: How the hell is this thread 41 freaking pages?

I stand by Ranulf being Ike's wife.

I had a perfect image to respond to this with but I can't find it.

As for the Emm/Lewyn thing, keep in mind Emm is recruited after we meet Naga. Perhaps Naga possessed her, but decided to feign obliviousness.

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That weird thread, though..

Said it before, Ike gets ALL the ladies.

He's recreating the beorc race from ground up so only his clone-Ikes, both male and female, may roam the world of Tellius and roam it for good, sympathizing any living human-oid and finally bringing eternal peace to the world!

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The bigger question here is: How the hell is this thread 41 freaking pages?

Yep. This topic appeared to be much more popular then I thought it would. emot-psyduck.gif

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Yeah, and M-rated stuff is allowed here anyway. My Frederick x Avatar fics are here, as is my fic FE: Dawn of Darkness, and they're all M-rated. The former because of a couple non-explicit sex scenes and the latter because of some rather bloody scenes.

You're just not allowed to go all out and be really explicit with this stuff.

This thread is entirely irrelevant.

Ike doesn't even know, what a lady is.


I just see Ike being uncomfortable with Aimee's chasing him and not understanding what drunkenness is. lol And what always got to me in that part with Shinon is that Ike doesn't actually deny being in love with Elincia when Shinon says he is! Heh heh, always giggled at that, and it actually gave me a little Ike x Elincia vibe. XD But this probably wasn't in the Japanese script, sadly.

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The title is more than likely to attract a lot of people because Ike and heterosexuality is a volatile combination.

This thread is entirely irrelevant.

Ike doesn't even know, what a lady is.


I'm sure you're being humorous, but I'll chime in.

Aimee is a crazy lady. Ike has been demonstrated to understand what love is in his A support with Titania. Ike may very well be uncomfortable with Aimee's immediate, plentiful, and unconditional display of rabid affection when he has done nothing to deserve it. Perhaps he feels her affection is superficial and wants nothing to do with it. A newly appointed General wouldn't really have the time to deal with a crazy fangirl, would he?

In his conversation with Shinon, he is used to getting berated by Shinon so it isn't surprising that he handwaves Shinon's little tirade in its entirety. If I felt like grasping, notice how he never denies Ike falling for a pretty wittle princess.

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