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I just...don't get it


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I was just taking a look at the new Terminator movie's trailer, on Youtube. For some reason, I expected a barrage of hate on the comments down below. What did I get? A barrage of hate on the comments down below...as usual. I do well on mind my own opinion, but I think it's gotten to a point where I sincerely feel that people are PURPOSELY LOOKING FOR A REASON TO DISLIKE stuff, to sound smart, or creative...or something along those lines. I really think it's that way. Can't be the only person that looks at most things, like a simple trailer (and not even 1/16th of a movie), "hm, this looks decent".

Maybe I don't have a vast enough vocabulary on thoughts based on something I've seen little of that I decide to jump to such a large expanded conclusion like that? Iseriouslydon'tgetit

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I don't think it's just Youtube. I see movies being criticized for silly things that aren't about the actual movie (the plot, characters, etc.), instead, critics go on things like the colors being wrong, or the camera being "off"...

Thank you, anyway.

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In the specific case of the Terminator, it's because the story ends with the second iteration, so people hate on it regardless of how decent a new film looks. Basically every Terminator after T2 is fanfiction. I wanted to say bad fanfiction but that's kind of redundant (yeah yeah I know there's good out there, etc.).

I think it's justified in this one case, at least.

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Really what amazes me is just how long Youtube has been the home of, well, Youtube commenters. You'd think that culture would fade out eventually, but somehow it just grows and grows.

Youtube commenters: where all the worst parts of the internet meet to converse
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@The Alice To be fair, we live in a world where ORAS is criticized by 'journalist' for having too much water, so I expect things to only get worse, because commenters don't have a reputation/face on the internet (so to speak) to uphold.

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Youtube commenters are terrible and I tend to avoid reading comments on there. Some of the worst comments I have seen are on the Black Veil Brides videos, I mean it is like the devil himself is commenting on those videos and I would not be surprised if a few people have committed suicide because of the hate in those comments. They leave H.I.M. fans alone for some reason though.

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I don't think it's just Youtube. I see movies being criticized for silly things that aren't about the actual movie (the plot, characters, etc.), instead, critics go on things like the colors being wrong, or the camera being "off"...

Thank you, anyway.

Well, camera work is probably much more important than you'd think, bad cinematography can ruin the feeling or intended focus of a shot. In most movies nowadays, however, it's not often you see camera work that is obviously bad and casual viewers won't consciously notice it.

YouTube commenters should not be taken seriously at all, unless someone can conjure up some valid reason or evidence, a hate comment holds no water.

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@The Alice To be fair, we live in a world where ORAS is criticized by 'journalist' for having too much water, so I expect things to only get worse, because commenters don't have a reputation/face on the internet (so to speak) to uphold.

What is ORAS?

Youtube commenters are terrible and I tend to avoid reading comments on there. Some of the worst comments I have seen are on the Black Veil Brides videos, I mean it is like the devil himself is commenting on those videos and I would not be surprised if a few people have committed suicide because of the hate in those comments. They leave H.I.M. fans alone for some reason though.

Found this whole thing hilarious, lol. Didn't know they were seriously THAAAT bad...good to know.

Well, camera work is probably much more important than you'd think, bad cinematography can ruin the feeling or intended focus of a shot. In most movies nowadays, however, it's not often you see camera work that is obviously bad and casual viewers won't consciously notice it.

Yeah, I guess it is...was trying to give an example of something exaggerated & irrelevant.

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