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Resetless Lunatic+ Run COMPLETED (Deathless) (With Complete Guide)

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At that point, I don't think KTT will screw up a run, so it's not even an option.

I know that tall build Robin likes to be really strong and fast, but lacks defense and magic. This happened on multiple occasions. I might turn superstitious too.

Didn't he screw up a run then? Or was that chapter 21?

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Didn't he screw up a run then? Or was that chapter 21?

Not sure, there was something like that in the past. I said that he "will not screw it up" which implies that it will be in the future, which implies that he learns from his past mistakes. I know I'm very demanding at times, but this much is to be expected. :P

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Oh? I thought you meant that he will not screw up therefore making him screw up with the full intention of having that happen so it therefore doesn't happen because you can't WILLINGLY change fate; only accidentally.
Apologies for my superstitious nonsense :P

Edited by AnUnculturedLittlePotato
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The first yolo run died to C24 and was pretty much a throw on my part. With Morgan utterly destroying everything in the new strat, that chapter carries virtually no risk now, though.

Also, if we're gonna be superstitious, it's my personal luck we need to be worried about, not that which is tied to a character. :P

Another observation: while Dusky tends to run into weird combat luck (I'd say bad, but there's some oddball good in there too, like the Elthunder Mage getting totally shut down by that dodge, DG, dodge sequence, which was priceless), she never seems to be wanting in terms of stat thresholds

Edited by Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi
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What's strange is that dusky tends to end up OK enough, Stronk!Robin tends to have huge str and speed or magic and speed but poor def res and the other offensive stat. Vanilla!Robin tends to be anything implying her imprintability, Goombella!Robin tends to have AMAZING stats but awful luck and Yololi tens to either have absolutly abysmal stats and amazing luck, or amazing stats and amazing luck and has never died first IIRC.

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(I'll just leave this here for when everyone wakes up)

As of typing this, KTT's current run is on Chapter 17. There have been casualties (started in Chapter 4 due to a crit) but it looks like we may have another successful run on our hands, so now would be the time to check it out. Morgan and Lucina are being used despite lack of a staffbot making their training seem nearly impossible. I know most of y'all won't be up this early on a Saturday, but check it out if you are awake.

Edit: Chapter 25 is happening NOW and Endgame is almost upon us!

ANOTHER EDIT: Run complete. Great work, KTT.

Edited by Cat1803
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That was Wee Hours of the Morning, clipsey-time, sorry!

First, congratulations again! The RNG turned Dusky into the most amazing Def-less avatar, when I last saw it. Glad that everything worked out!

P.S. Sully x Henry?

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Thanks! The really annoying thing about that Fred death is that the game teased me, since it was a non-Luna+ crit that left Fred with something like 3 HP. But nope, Fred decide to face-tank the single-digit damage hit that did him in (I hate you, Fred). This was on top of several other disasters, such as my paranoid anti-Gamble-crit-from-boss support stacking near the river (no Lissa C) having everyone out-of-position when half of the goons decided to break off and chase them. This denied Dusky (Robin) at least two kills. She also did terrible in Def and Res growth, which came back to haunt me in C3 when lazy Chrom decided to never Dual Strike, leaving and Archer with 1 HP that Dusky barely couldn't tank at the same time as a Fighter. Basically, against a wave 2 formation that should have been easy, Chrom's incompetence added 30 minutes of time. Then the game spawned not one, but two Risen on the C2 shop, preventing me from getting Thunder for C4 and Flux for P1. Between Chrom being lazy, yet again, and my makeshift crit-Thunder failing to crit an Aegis+ Barb in P1, half the team got massacred. Dead Fred and Counter positioning prevented me from being able to do anything to save Cordelia in C7. And then I messed up C9, the one with one of the easiest strats ever, because I mispositioned Dusky such that a few of the turn 5 Wyverns survived to kill Libra, Sumia and Lissa. This lost me Anna and the Arms Scroll, as well. Really, the whole start of this run was a total disaster and I'm astonished that it even finished. >.>

Anyway, overall, this new route is a lot less tedious thanks to the higher rate-of-killing of enemies. I'm a bit disappointed that it took as long as the previous run. Although, to be fair, I had to do a bunch of time-expensive yolo-strating (the aforementioned C2 and C3 messes) just barely kept her from taking on a Fighter and Archer at the same time). Anyway, regardless of the amount of yoloing, I've been brainstorming some adjustments to the route, one of which should shave 20-30 mins off of the run.

-Skipping C13. It's basically worthless in the current run, since it shows up before Chrom is a Cavalier and before the kids are around. Robin will already have Galeforce and Chrom will probably be at least Lord 15. More experience will inevitably come in through P12, so neither of them really need to grind out a whole stage for the sole purpose of a couple levels (Chrom is going to start capping T1 stats before Cavalier 10, anyway, so I'm thinking the stats aren't really worth it).

-An extension of the above is not to get Chrom to Lord 20. I spent a bunch of kills in C14 and C15 getting him there and ultimately, it resulted in less efficient Cavalier levels (because earlier caps). I think I'm going to change him to Cavalier as soon as the C14 seal is available, regardless of his level.

-Galeforce will be tentative on Lucina. Basically, if it looks like she can get a bunch of easy kills to push her to Dark Flier 15, I'll do it, otherwise, if it's not looking good by C19, I'm going to change her to Paladin. This will allow her to still contribute significant damage while working on her Lance rank, thanks to forged Beastkiller. It's a nice skill, but even a Def-screwed Morgan gets so stupidly powerful that she never needs to take the lead again.

Also, Sully x Henry? Did I miss something in the chat? >.>

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Looking back at some of the footage, it's a wonder the run survived. The RNG was not kind at all. Even with the C9 whoops, it was a fun yolo run.

All of the above sounds like a good plan.

I think the Sully x Henry thing happened during one of the times I was refreshing in an attempt to actually get consistent video.

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Also, Sully x Henry? Did I miss something in the chat? >.>

During Paralogue 1, when you tried to kill Sully, she refused to die. That's when I made a tasteless joke that Sully should be paired with Henry. :P:

EDIT: Because someone said something about BLOOD!

Edited by eclipse
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Ah, hehe. To be fair, it wasn't so much that she refused to die as the AI deciding the other characters were more murderable. >.>

Does this mean you'll do it in the next run? :P:

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During Paralogue 1, when you tried to kill Sully, she refused to die. That's when I made a tasteless joke that Sully should be paired with Henry. :P:

EDIT: Because someone said something about BLOOD!

Why do I get the urge to laugh despite not knowing what you two are talking about? XD

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Does this mean you'll do it in the next run? :P:

If there were an easy way to fit it in, I'd consider going for it. :P:

just 1 turning it via having robin kill the boss.

Either this or a 2-turn, if I think there's risk of not killing the boss on turn 1 and that the cohorts directly under him merit concern (basically, excessive amounts of Aegis+/Counter units).

Also, figured I might as well post the tentative schedule for the next upcoming sets of broadcasts, since I don't know if too many people check out the end of each VoD:

-May 12, 9PM PST - Days of Ruin (with the possibility of maybe starting half an hour early).

-May 15, 7PM PST - Resetless Lunatic+ Attempts

-May 17, 4PM PST - Resetless Lunatic+ Attempts (this has a somewhat iffier starting point; things may happen to push it back, but I'll do my best to start as early as possible)

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Oooh, timetable, thanks~!

Might make the Days of Ruin one, but can't make the other two on time (it's Vanguard pre-release weekend, and I'm going to be playing a children's card game). Good luck!

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Oooh, timetable, thanks~!

Might make the Days of Ruin one, but can't make the other two on time (it's Vanguard pre-release weekend, and I'm going to be playing a children's card game). Good luck!

Thanks. And likewise, good luck with the cards.

Sweet thanks D: I keep missing these D:

So that's midnight 10 and 7 pm EST respectively? did you ever consider forcing an Olivia S with someone for Inigos Paralogue? Spam dance or something?

I pondered other kids, in general, but none of them are as safely recruitable and trainable as Lucina and Morgan (Cordelia x Gaius was probably the most practical consideration that could have fit into my route). Because of my current EXP distribution, their levels would also be fairly low, unless they were staff users, so the kids' stats would likely be kinda trashy, turning the Paralogue into just more EXP for the other characters, which they don't particularly need.

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