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Resetless Lunatic+ Run COMPLETED (Deathless) (With Complete Guide)

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So fun practice discovery: if Sumia is decoying the middle DM and it spawns with Anathema, it'll have 5% listed crit against her. And we all know how 5% crits go for me. :P:

Anyway, the new strat is still developing somewhat nicely. It's vulnerable to a lot of bad skill combos, though (not that the turtle wasn't either). Hopefully, I'll at least get to try to use it tonight. Speaking of which... http://www.twitch.tv/kuroitsubasatenshi

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Hehe, if you mean in terms of me getting through it despite some of that late game Counter spam, it was because I was generally careful not to throw anything (especially with Morgan refusing to pick up Def for a long time) and the RNG generally not being murderous in other aspects.

If you mean in terms of time, a lot of Counter tends to slow things down a ton—namely because while I've gotten pretty fast at targeting and killing on PP, nothing can compare to the speed of enemies getting themselves murdered on EP. This deathless run was still nicer to me than my first in that respect, as evidenced by the roughly 40-minute time save. Granted, a few minutes of that should probably be credited to the adapted version of the new C5 strat. It worked absolutely beautifully (even moreso than the average case, thanks to RNG deciding Robin should be untouchable for the first three turns). I'm going to have to toy around with it a bit more, but once I push it as far as I can and get some screenshots together, maybe I'll finally feel confident enough in these notes to post them.

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I'm not sure if there was any like that, but there were long stretches of early-mid maps where she didn't take any.

It's tough to tell, since my sample size is so small, but so far, it's looking like it's kind of the normal for deathless (of course, with a 40 minute time save on only the second run and without it being an actual speedrun, who knows). The runs with deaths are a few hours faster, which probably owes to me not having to be as concerned about as much stuff. I'm still trying to figure out how that first almost successful run got to C24 in 6 hours, though, especially when it had to do stuff like kiting strats for C19.

Oh and proof the game enjoys trolling me far too much: Friday's C9 features a Libra who attempts to commit suicide on me by meleeing a Counter Dark Mage.

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Attempting? So he missed?

Nah, he just didn't do enough damage. If he'd crit, however, the DM would've lived with 1 HP and Libra would've died on the counterattack.

....There's a stream now?

You can generally expect one to be going by 9PM PST on Tues, Fri and Sun (7PM for resetless attempts). For this week, it's:

-Tues 9PM - Ecclesia

-Fri 9PM - XCOM/Awakening Male Robin Lunatic Story Run (still deciding)

-Sun 9PM - Awakening Male Robin Lunatic Story Run

Summary of last night's shenigans:

-Cordelia is now a Dark Flier

-Sumia is now a (bit of a powerhouse of a) Knight

-Lucina is now a (really squishy) Myrmidon

-Morgan still needs to choose a reclass option, but is already monstrously strong, as per usual

-Even on vanilla Lunatic, I am haunted by Counter enemies with bad positioning that make things go way longer than they should >.>

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Not Lunatic+, but funny chat stuff nonetheless (regarding a trolly Sorc in Nah's Paralogue, Yeswi run):

  • Czar_Yoshi: I think he needs a name
  • Czar_Yoshi: I want to call him RUfus
  • cat1803: needs to be based off of Invisisorc but not as cool
  • cat1803: or RUfus
  • Czar_Yoshi: no Rufus
  • Czar_Yoshi: no capital U
  • Czar_Yoshi: that was a typo
  • cat1803: i made the same typo -.-
  • cat1803: derp
  • Czar_Yoshi: derp

His name is now actually RUfus.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Super happy fun times from the stram

Miriabelle is now Batman
Nah is a troubadour
Yeswi is now a Bow Knight
Sumia is now, as one would expect, a General.
Brady's Paralogue was harder than Nah's (Nah's was mostly luck but was more annoying and slugish. We wiped on brady's. A lot.)
Lucina is now an Assassin
Kuroi forgot to check if cord would get doubled and she went splat.
Nah as a troubadour is tanky.
Mirabelle has double digit defense due to being a Dark Knight, and thus Batman.
I am an expert strawpoll maker.
Think that's about it.

Not the lunatic + run but it's shenanigans know no bounds.

Edit: And Kuroi's capture card is acting up. Keeps disconnecting and reconnecting for no reason.

Edited by AnUnculturedLittlePotato
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Super happy fun times from the stram

Miriabelle is now Batman

Nah is a troubadour

Yeswi is now a Bow Knight

Sumia is now, as one would expect, a General.

Brady's Paralogue was harder than Nah's (Nah's was mostly luck but was more annoying and slugish. We wiped on brady's. A lot.)

Lucina is now an Assassin

Kuroi forgot to check if cord would get doubled and she went splat.

Nah as a troubadour is tanky.

Mirabelle has double digit defense due to being a Dark Knight, and thus Batman.

I am an expert strawpoll maker.

Think that's about it.

Not the lunatic + run but it's shenanigans know no bounds.

Edit: And Kuroi's capture card is acting up. Keeps disconnecting and reconnecting for no reason.

Nah, Nah's chapter is actually quite a bit harder. The enemies there may be slower, but they have really hard-hitting single attacks, are very beefy and have good Hit. If it wasn't for my being able to do magic damage with the Bolt Axe, I would have been in serious trouble. The reason it seemed easier than Brady's was because I went in knowing a winning strategy that works for almost any setup. Brady's requires much different thinking when I don't have Robin and Morgan Galeforce to deal with the Longbow Snipers. It's worth noting that that was also only the second time I've ever played Brady's chapter, whereas I've done Nah's enough times to have developed that strat. Still, one slip-up can cause things to fail, as you saw when I threw that first attempt to Counter (a fail on par with missing Cordelia being 1 Spd short). Nowi certainly wouldn't have been able to run roughshod over half of Nah's paralogue, that's for sure.

I didn't get to see any capture card issues, hopefully it's the usb cable and not the card itself.

I suspect the cord might be jiggling itself loose. Might be confirmation bias, but the final time it did it last night (out of only two), I noticed it happened when I briefly tilted the 3DS down. I've done some testing and even with the 3DS in sleep mode, the capture card registers as a device to Windows and it's never randomly disconnected and reconnected while I've had the 3DS sitting off to the side in sleep mode. It's also never done it when I've had the 3DS sitting around open because I forgot I had it open when I was doing offline testing (I will very easily get involved writing notes for 20 minutes when I'm toying with new strats and I'm not feeling like I need to hurry like when I'm on stream).

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I suspect the cord might be jiggling itself loose. Might be confirmation bias, but the final time it did it last night (out of only two), I noticed it happened when I briefly tilted the 3DS down. I've done some testing and even with the 3DS in sleep mode, the capture card registers as a device to Windows and it's never randomly disconnected and reconnected while I've had the 3DS sitting off to the side in sleep mode. It's also never done it when I've had the 3DS sitting around open because I forgot I had it open when I was doing offline testing (I will very easily get involved writing notes for 20 minutes when I'm toying with new strats and I'm not feeling like I need to hurry like when I'm on stream).

Can capture cards break/overheat or w/e? It might just be all "yoo dawg can we like not?" or something and just being weird cause it's getting brokenish.

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Electronics can do weird things when they break, but a problem solved by wiggling wires and stuff is more likely to be something loose than something overheating (handhelds should never have a problem with heat in the first place since they use so little power).

Then again I didn't see what was happening so I can't be very sure.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Nope, looks like the throws are real. I manged to drop it in the final stages of C14, one of the easiest chapters by forgetting to unequipped while shuffling healing items around. Granted, I wouldn't have had to do this if Robin wasn't Def-screwed (was something like average -6 by that point), but I still should've known better. I think I need to just convoy all weapons when I do face-tanking like that. Overall, the run probably would have eventually caught up to me with either Hawkeye or Luna+ spam, though. The entire family was Def-screwed (Lucina and Morgan both gained maybe 2 points each from level ups in their T1 classes).

Anyway, on a positive note, I've found that if the skill sets of C5 align to let Robin kill that initial left side, I don't need to rely on that complex set of steps that can get screwed over by Wyv movement RNG. I can hybridize it with the strat that pushes up the centre and falls back to lure the closest incoming Wyv. Of course, this still runs into the issue of being risky or even not doable if the Barb in the second set of guys who tries to come down the middle has Counter. However, the strat is also simultaneously safer than the one that tries to go up the middle, even in that scenario, because in this version, the entire left side of enemies is dead and not flanking me. This gives me leeway to possibly just face tank the Counter Barb if I feel I need the positional advantage. With the left side dead I can also shuffle back and forth from left to right to kite the ground forces and lure Wyvs into attacking from bad positions. I'm fairly confident that this latter part should work reliably with a decent Robin since the last half of the ground forces in that last run were very Counter-heavy (as in ~75% of them) and Counter is irrelevant on the Wyvs unless they have Aegis+.

I think I need to do more testing, but if I can get this to work out as consistently as I theorize, I think I'll finally be ready to put together that C5 post. It'll be insanely long, but at least it'll have a long enough list of strats that I think most skill combinations should be covered (some really niche situations, like all the mages spawning with Hawkeye and Robin having poor stats are still going to be trouble, but I think that's just a point where it becomes RNG, since she's too wimpy to reliably fight head-on and Fred's too squishy against magic to turtle against triple Hawkeye mages).

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