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Resetless Lunatic+ Run COMPLETED (Deathless) (With Complete Guide)

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So seeing as how you have ran it successfully 6 times, I have a few questions... if you wouldn't mind answering them:

1. Do you think that every Lunatic+ run is possible? (with regards with RNG on skills and level ups only, and not BS misses in combat. e.g. When a unit is killed in L+, is it because a mistake is made?)

Perhaps more clearly; are there some instances of level up/skill combos that are absolutely impossible to do?

2. Would you ever consider doing a MaMU run after you think you have a solid handle on the FeMU route?

2b. Given that you are a MaMU, do you think it is worth it to go into barbarian for despoil so you can use more forge weapons? Or is it more efficient to go for armsthrift?

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I'm not Kuroi, but I'm probably qualified to answer those:

1. Not really. The best instance is a combination in the Prologue consisting of a really lot of Vantage and Luna that can kill Fred and force you into riskier backup strats that are iffy already and are now up against lots of Luna. Now, depending on how much the ban on bad combat RNG covers, you might be able to slip out, but not really. Later in the game, more depends on how you build your team than anything else- and it's very hard to define what "should" happen with the likes of ~50% dodges you'll need to win. And, of course, it levels are on the table it's always possible you'll get nothing but Skl and Lck and croak the moment you need to meet a threshold.

2. Time is the main factor, and it says no. Male Robin is very powerful, but his strats require a lot more improvisation and doing things on the fly, which both leaves more time to be sniped by overlooked circumstances or bad RNG, and makes the run humanly impossible. The concept definitely isn't without interest, however, and there are several people (myself included) who frequent the stream and work on routing Lunatic+ highman with a male Robin.

2b. Nope. Not worth it. I'd stick to Merc; E Axes is nothing but bad news and you need Robin at his strongest to get the Pegs going. There's also the issue of what to promote to; Berserker and Warrior aren't nearly as appealing as Hero and BK for first promoted classes (Warrior is great as a final class, though). More importantly, in a male Robin run Robin won't actually spend enough time up front for Despoil to pay itself off- you'll earn practically nothing from it.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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The run assumes and plans around average stats, so no, not every run is possible because it's still possible to be RNG-screwed (the RNG can also decide to be nice and let me win maps I really shouldn't be, but that's fairly rare), though mostly statwise. There's some skill combos that make things tons harder, but usually it's possible to handle them. Usually. There's a reason that C5 is known as the run killer—and if C5 doesn't do it, C6 and C7 can often swoop in and pick off the limping run. Runs that clear C7 have a very good chance of success, though. If it does die after that, chances are that I threw.

I don't know if I'd really want to do a male Robin run, although his early game would probably be really similar to female Robin's. He has a tougher time protecting team mates, though, thanks to no Galeforce. Further, there wouldn't be a usable Lucina or Morgan to help, making it even tougher. This would largely come into play with Basilio and Flavia when doing C23, although Henry might get into trouble in C13 too. Training more units could make it more reliable, but then this runs into the issues Yoshi outlined.

As for using Barb in the class route, probably not. When I did a casual (not the mode) male Robin run, I was experimenting with a crit build (it's actually surprising how survivable it is when coupled with Sol, but takes way too much effort to complete—especially since Killer weaponry isn't buyable until mid-late game) that involved taking Gamble, then Wrath. Despoil was not especially helpful because of the EP-heavy combat (even moreso than female Robin because no Galeforce) and the E-Axes stage was definitely pretty awful. Hell, I even got to D pretty early and there was still a problem: the first Hand Axe drop comes mid-C5. I ended up getting frustrated enough trying to work around the RNG that I just nabbed the Orsin's (of course, using same rules, that would actually be available to him in this setting).

I think what I'd rather route, if I did do another run, would be something shorter, such as this, but with the Bonus Box armoury open, just to show how much of a difference it would make. And actually, under those conditions, male Robin would probably be a viable (if sub-optimal) choice.

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I have an issue with chapter 5 - after clearing the bottom, i move MU up to attack the wyverns. But it seems like a lot of the time, I get rekt by an aegis+/counter one. (sometimes two pop up also). What is the best way to deal with this?

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We're talking about pulling Orton and his cronies, right? Pulling the right from the very edge of the closest Wyv lets Robin fight only that one. After that, you can move onto the Fort and still only have to engage the second one and Orton. Orton is ranged, so if you've the misfortune to get Counter/Aegis+ on both the right side enemies, then you'll probably also have to heal when you go to the Fort. A Vulnerary should suffice, but an Elixir use may be necessary if the skills look really bad. Alternatively, you could position to get staff heals, but that could be risky. If the last two Wyvs are the ones with Aegis+/Counter, then if Robin's injured, unequip and wait it out a few turns to get regen from the Fort. With the Avoid boost, neither should hit Robin much, if at all. Once at full HP, kill one off at range and tank the Counter damage from the second. If the Aegis+/Counter is split between the two crony waves, you can just tank the one from the first wave, then snipe the single one on the final wave. This is all assuming you have 15 Mag and the forged +5Mt Wind, BTW. If you're short on Mag, you can try trading in Miriel as a partner, but Robin's defenses are going to drop a fair bit.

Otherwise, you can unequip pull with Fred on the left Fort. This should let Ricken, Virion and Fred dog-pile (at range) the one that attacks Fred while Robin offs the second crony. This will keep everyone else out of range of Orton, who will be forced to suicide on Robin. This leaves the final wave of Wyvs where Robin can then snipe one of her/his choosing, then have it out with the other on EP.

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That strat makes sense - albeit a little convoluted in the worst case scenario. It's not like the first half is a walk the in the park either, lol.

I have a follow-up question for my post a few days ago:

What are the minimal resources (renown, extra braves, gold, ect.) required to beat L+ with great confidence in a 0 reset run? (85+%)

(of course, after Chpt. 3. The best strat for Ch2 involving the double (~75% hit) + Chrom dualstrike(at~ 45%) is a bit disconcerting, since the success rate for that is below 50%.)

Edited by Kotovii
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Yeah, sometimes surviving bad situations in Lunatic+ involves doing some weird things.

Hmmm, for great confidence, I'd say probably just adding in the Bonus Box armoury. Book of Naga and Mjolnir would do a lot to compensate for low Mag. They'd also save a ton of money on the expensive forges I usually get, allowing for maybe arming Fred with a hefty forge to keep him relevant a bit longer. Could possibly add in sparkly tiles to tip C2 and C3 a little more in the player's favour. Also, I think the C2 strat I came up with in my guide is a bit (not as much as I'd like, because random movement) more reliable than Interceptor's. His spends a lot less dead time screwing around in a run that allows resets, though, since it's easy to know early on if the attempt has a chance.

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To be honest, I've been trying to follow along with your strats referencing things from here and the stream, but with great difficulty because of the variations in skills. I've taken to allowing myself sparkle tiles and renown up to an early celica's gale (which really puts chapter 5 at only mindnumbingly difficult as opposed to borderline psychotic.)

And even then, sometimes that's not enough to prevent frustration from building up. I've shamefully clicked myself into the renown tear and emblem more than a few times when I've had to reset for hours.

Maybe I just suck at this mode >.>

P.S. How did you manage to stay sane after sticking with it for so long?

P.P.S What does "Highman Run" mean and where did it originate?

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Well, to be fair, if you're going off the successful runs, those are fairly uncommon. During attempts, I still tend to die a fair bit, as much from throws as from RNG. Even when allowing for resets, the mode demands constant adaptation and heavily punishes mistakes, making it easy to throw. I have a lot of experience under my belt, which helps with recognizing some of those situations, but I started out having to reset quite a bit too. Don't beat yourself up over it.

How did I stay sane? I didn't. Not that the mode drove me insane, mind. I wasn't sane going into it. :P:

"Highman" generally means using a full team or as near to it as possible. I can't be certain, but I think it just originated as an opposite term to "Lowman" (what this run does for 95% of its duration).

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P.S. How did you manage to stay sane after sticking with it for so long?

He's always been this way, look at some of the other stuff he streams.

Highman: Lunatic(+) work so that the fewer units you use, the easier things get, thanks to a combination of low exp gain decay (high-leveled units grow relatively quickly for their power) and an aggressive AI that always targets the weakest link (you're only as strong as your weakest member). They're at their easiest with 2-4 units, typically.

The idea of highman is essentially born from that, and runs twofold: the player needs to use as many units as possible (up to the deployment cap), and they need to all pull their weight- if they don't contribute meaningfully to your success and are just there to fill up slots, they don't count. Basically you have to play under unfavorable conditions, and then use them to your advantage by doing things that would never be possible in a standard lowman run.

The reason male Robin is preferred for this is because he can get you two children for the price of one. F can only do this with Chrom, but Chrom can do the same thing with any other wife.

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There's not really a ton of opportunity to make use of more charges, anyway. I use 2 in P4 (one for Anna and another to cover the distance to reach an Arms Scroll I technically don't need anymore, but it a convenient resource trade), which leaves 1 as a last ditch back-up for C11 (as using it can cause positioning issues later in the chapter). Otherwise, I'm just not deploying staff users for the rest of the maps. Even then, Rescue staffers only see brief deployment in C15, C17 and C22 (and technically, Endgame, but they're not really needed there).

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Chapter 9

-Pre-Chapter Shopping: Bronze Axe, Bronze Bow, Bronze Lance x2 (as necessary to have that many in the convoy), Flux forging for +3 Mt.

-Tonics: Robin (Mag, Def), Lissa (Mag)


-44 Attack Robin can one-shot any non-Aegis+ mook on the map (so long as it’s not on a Fort); just 42 is enough to neutralize any possible Counter melee.

-Libra will attack Dark Mage if at full HP.

-Level 10 Lissa can expect 10 Mag. With Tonic and Ricken, Rescue range can be 8. This is usually enough to save Libra.


-Sumia in SW-most starting spot

-Robin in SE-most starting spot

-The rest can go wherever


Turn 1

-Pair Chrom to Robin. Move 4 tiles down. Kill Soldier from 2 tiles away with the forged Flux (unless none of the melee have Counter, then use Thunder).

-Pair Lissa to Sumia.

-Pair Ricken to Cordelia and move her to right above Sumia.

Turn 2 (Soldier Goes Up)

-Move Robin 4 tiles left, and drop Chrom to her right.

-Move Cordelia 1 tile below Chrom, then possibly 1 tile to the right of that (depending on Dark Mage movement) and wait.

-Move Sumia below or left of Cordelia (depending on Dark Mage movement), swap to Lissa and take Ricken. Rescue Libra.

-AP: Libra recruits himself on Chrom.

Turn 2 (Soldier Goes Right)

-Move Robin below Soldier, swap to Chrom. Wait.

-Move Cordelia to Chrom’s left, swap to Ricken, transfer to get Robin. Swap and have Robin kill the Soldier.

-Sumia goes below Robin and swaps to Lissa. Take Ricken and Rescue Libra (requires 10 Mag on Lissa plus a Mag Tonic)

-AP: Libra recruits himself on Chrom.

Turn 3+

-Pair Chrom back to Robin and clean up the goons chasing Libra.

-Reinforcements are six Wyvs (3 melee, 3 ranged) on turn 5. Move a forged Wind/Flux-equipped Robin be above the top 2x2 set of Bones to get them all in one turn. Note that all other characters should be 2 or more tiles below that same set of Bones.


Paralogue 4

-Tonics: Robin (Mag, Def), Libra (Mag)


-Libra is required to save Anna unless Lissa is doing exceptionally well (16 Mag). It’s still generally preferable to bring him for his higher durability and weapon ranks, though.

-42 Attack Robin can one-shot any mook on the map if they’re on Plains. If forged Flux isn’t strong enough, Vengeance + Nos can still let Robin take on the first and third parts of the first wave.


-Give Rescue to Libra

-From middle-most Myrm, Robin in starting spot closest to his left. Fred in spot 2 tiles right of Chrom. Libra 1 tile up and 1 tile right of Fred. Tharja in any spot that can reach Libra.


Turn 1

-Pair Tharja (she gives 4 Mag and 4 Def) to Libra

-Libra to the right of Chrom and Rescue Anna

-Chrom talks to Anna, then pairs to Robin

-Robin goes into melee with central Myrm and blows him up with forged Flux

-Pair Fred to Anna. Move Anna to unreachable tile below Robin. This is to try to make as much of the enemy random movement favour coming down the middle as possible.

-EP has two variations: The right side Myrm will approach and either bring a Mage or a Barb.



Turn 2

-Robin goes against the wall with the door and kills the Myrm. This will provoke 2-rangers during EP.

-Libra and Anna can try to dispatch the Barb/Mage if it looks safe. Otherwise, can unequip tank and heal through. Or perhaps just have Anna DPS while Libra heals, since Anna’s high Avoid will keep her as a lower priority.


Turn 3

-Send Robin to kill the rest of the goons.

-Position Anna within reach of the mid-right door and pick it next turn.

-Position Libra so he can go beside Anna, but still Rescue Robin.

Turn 4

-Anna picks door.

-Libra Rescues Robin.

-Robin moves above Anna and nukes the Archer.



Turn 5

-Robin kills Barb. Make sure it’s forged Flux if the Mage has Counter, as it’ll attack in melee.

-Anna and Libra move out of range of the Mage and kite the Archer.


Turn 6+

-Keep advancing Robin as far north as possible to kill Thief after it gets the Arms Scroll. Thief without Pass will fight if his escape path is blocked. If he has Pass, he’ll just give up and sit beside Robin (assuming she is standing on the spot 4 tiles down from the NE border of the map).

-Have Anna and Libra kite the Archer toward Robin.

-Clean up the left side treasures, then have Robin pull Boss and gang from NW treasure room while Anna hides well out of range (but within movement of the chest) on the right.


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Chapter 10

-Renown Rewards Available: Beast Killer.

-Pre-Chapter Shopping: Wind x3, Thunder, forged Thunder for +3 Mt.

-Tonics: Robin (Mag, Def)


-Forge a Thunder +3mt

-New Iron Sword for Chrom

-Tonics: Robin (Mag, Def)



-Can immediately kill MS Thief from forward-most starting positions (attack from 1 tile up and 1 tile right from Thief). May have to use +Mt Thunder here, as there will likely be Counter melee. The Attack threshold to hit here is 44 for non-Aegis+ Soldiers and 45 for Aegis+. Anything else has less durability.

-Robe Thief doesn’t move on turn 1 EP. Robin can snag him right off of the position for sniping the MS Thief.

-After that, head up toward Mustafa by flying over the Bones tiles. It should be possible to catch both Thieves as they pass by the top of it. The forged Mt Thunder may be required when taking them out because of high chance of exposure to enemy Counter.

-Once all the Thieves are down, just hang out over the Bones tiles until all the Wyverns and 2-range are dead.

-With only the ground melee left, this is a good opportunity to get Lance WEXP. Pick each enemy off one-by-one during EP by luring them in, even if they have Counter. Robin should be in no danger of dying from a single Counter. Use the Bones Forts to heal any lost HP.






-Turn 5: Wyvs from west high ground Forts.

-Turn 6: Wyvs from east high ground and low ground Forts.

-Turn 7: Turns 5 and 6 spawns together, plus Soldier from North Fort and Barb from South Fort.

Chapter 11

-Pre-Chapter Shopping: Javelin x3, forged Elthunder for +5 Mt.

-Tonics: Robin (Mag, Def)


-Bring Sumia, Cordelia, Fred, Libra, Anna

-Promote Cordelia

-Robin in SE-most deploy spot

-Chrom Killing Edge from P4


Turn 1

-Robin 2 tiles down and wait

-Olivia pair to Cordelia, move Cordelia to Robin, swap to Olivia and Dance.

-Robin move down and kill Sage. Watch out for lowest Mage having Counter because it’ll attack in melee.


Turn 2

-Move (3 tiles left) within range of two right Wyvs but also so Hero can be hit next turn. Use Spirit Dust.


Turn 3

-If 54+ Attack and near full HP, forged Elthunder Hero from 1 tile up and 1 tile right. Else, hang out outside Hero’s range in top Fighter’s range.


Turn 4

-Sweep right to get the Mages. Position group to handle a pit stop to divert Robin toward the NW reinforcements next turn.

Turn 5

-Move back up toward the group for heals and Olivia bounce. Hit the new Hero spawn from 1 tile down, 1 tile right.


Turn 6

-Pit stop, then get in range of Wyvs and Forts (1 tile right, 1 tile down from middle isolated woods) or kill Hero (if he wasn’t ganked on T3). Equip forged Elthunder.


Turn 7

-Pit stop and snag a kill at the same time if possible. Olivia bounces Robin down toward Thief while remaining in Mage range (don’t get in Gangrel’s Merc’s range).


Turn 8

-Snipe Thief from 2 tiles above. Retreat others so Mages will target Robin (make sure to have 45 Attack, as the Mages will go into melee because of Woods).

-Move the rest of the team right to get out of enemy range, but make sure to be at least 1 tile above the clump of Woods near the Forts. Otherwise, those Mages will come up and either kill or wound someone.


Turn 9+

-Clean up remaining goons before pulling Gangrel.

Boss Pull

-From Fort in range of Mages and Gangrel. Kite the rest to allow Anna to get the chest.



-Turn 3: Fighter, Merc, Fighter, 2 Mages (middle Forts in that order)

-Turn 4: Fighter, Merc, Hero (top-left Forts)

-Turn 5: 2 Wyvs (bottom Forts)

-Turn 6: Fighter, Merc, Fighter, 2 Mages (middle Forts in that order)

-Turn 7: Merc, Fighter, Mage (top-left Forts), 2 Wyvs (bottom Forts)

-Turn 8: Fighter, Merc, Fighter, 2 Mages (middle Forts in that order)

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Chapter 12

-Pre-Chapter Shopping: Def Tonic x30, Str Tonic x10, Mag Tonic x10, Spd Tonic x4, Skl Tonic x4, Luk Tonic x14

-Tonics: Robin (Def, Mag)


-Start Robin at top-left spot

-Start Cordelia at the far right spot

-Bring Bronze Lance for Robin

Turn 1

-Robin moves 2 tiles below the Beast Killer Knight and kill him. If the two closest Cavs have Counter, push for 47 Attack (48 if either has Aegis+).

-Cordelia moves 1 tile up, 1 tile right

-Cherche pairs to Cordelia


Turn 2

-Robin 4 tiles up, 3 tiles left, then unequip. Heal with Elixir, if necessary.

-Cordelia 5 tiles up, 3 tiles right.


Turn 3

-Robin 7 tiles up, 1 tile right. Heal as necessary to get near full HP.

-Cordelia up 8 tiles.

-EP: A bunch of weenies body block everyone else in attacking Robin so long as her HP isn’t too low.


Turn 4+

-A Short Spear Knight may body block the right bridge. Don’t panic. Just wait a turn. The weenies will still body block everyone else.

-Once the right bridge is clear, head all the way right. Heal as necessary.

-Take out all the 2-range. Retreat right to heal as necessary.

-Unequip lure enemies up to the gangplanks, then back up and kill them until Galeforce. Once acquired, can kite or slowly pick enemies off one at a time without needing to lure.


Chapter 13

-Pre-Chapter Shopping: Rescue Staff x2, Hand Axe x7, Javelin x3

-Inheritence: Robin with Galeforce at the bottom


-Slingshot Robin off of one of the enemies directly to the North. Move above the Boss and attack from there. Even if the first round doesn’t kill him (Aegis+), he should die on EP.

-Reinforcements are mostly irrelevant, but I’m listing them below in case you want to farm for some reason. In this case, bring Cordelia to move Henry around with and bounce back and forth across the rightside cliff to rope-a-dope the enemy. The length of the cliff basically means it’s going to take most enemies 3-4 turns to make their way around. If any Archers or Snipers get isolated, jump on them and blow them up.


-Turn 3: Myrm, Fighter, Myrm, from bottom Forts

-Turn 4: Fighter from mid-left Fort, Myrm from mid-right Fort

-Turn 5: 3 War from bottom Forts, 2 Snipers w/ Longbows from mid Forts

-Turn 6: Fighter from mid-right, Myrm from mid-left, Myrm, Fighter, Myrm from bottom Forts

-Turn 7: 3 War from bottom, 2 Fighter from left, 2 Myrm from right Forts

Edited by Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi
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Paralogue 12

-Stat Boosters: Chrom (Secret Book), Morgan (Goddess Icon x2)

-Pre-Chapter Shopping: Elwind x2, Elthunder, Elwind forged for +5 Mt, Elwind forged for +1 Mt

-Inheritence: Robin with Galeforce at the bottom

-Tonics: Robin (Mag, Def), Lucina (Str, Def)


-Deploy Anna, Libra, Henry, Tharja, Olivia and Cordelia

-Bring on Olivia: Second Seal, Goddess Icon x2, Def Tonic, Levin Sword

-Bring on Henry: Elwind, Luk Tonic, Bronze Axe, Master Seal, Speedwing

-Bring on Tharja: Elwind (+1 mt)

-Bring Rescues for each of Anna and Libra.


Turn 1

-Anna moves 1 tile up and right from Chrom and Rescues Morgan

-Chrom to talk to Morgan, then pair to Robin

-Robin kills Myrm, then swings 1 tile down, 1 tile right of the Mage who was to the right of the Myrm and kills him.

-EP: Mage gets lured in to attack Anna.


Turn 2

-Robin kills Bullion Thief, then unequip lure the two incoming rightside Wyvs close to Morgan/Lucina.

-Position Lucina on top-middle tile of the lowest-left platform. Have Olivia Dance her so she can move into the water. If the Wyv has Counter, unequip her.



Turn 3

-If Lucina hasn’t killed her Wyv yet. Finish is off, either by punching through the Pavise+ with another attack or by having Henry weaken it first to bypass the Counter. If Lucina needs health and is facing Vantage+, heal with Anna.

-Snag whatever EXP for Morgan and Lucina that they can get. Depending on how that first Wyv went, Robin may need to kill something (most likely the Myrm).

-Use unequipped Robin to learn the other incoming Wyv.


Turn 4

-Kill the Wyv with Morgan. Use both Goddess Icons with his spare action and Olivia’s help.

-If the nearest Swordmaster has Luna+, kill him with Robin.

Turn 5

-Along the main pathway from where the rest of the team is hanging out, there’s a large pillar. If unequipped Robin positions up against it, with her left side reachable by melee from the path, this will attract almost all reinforcements, allowing Morgan and Lucina to peel them off as they see fit.

Turn 6

-Position Levin Sword Morgan 9 tiles left and 1 tile down from the SE stairs. This will lure the Griffon into combat and should allow for a kill on T7 PP.

Turn 7+

-Robin should just eat items and keep the enemy busy. If there’s a Hawkeye-Luna+ combo or a Luna+ Swordmaster lurking, she may want to kill them, but she should refrain from taking too many kills.

-Once the enemies are bunched up and the fliers lured and killed, Morgan can aggressively hunt ground units. If he gets into trouble, he can be Rescued out by Anna or Libra.



-If Lucina has 40 displayed attack with Parallel Falchion, she can one-shot non-Pavise+ Wyvs.

-Henry (regular Elwind) and Tharja (Elwind +1 mt or pair-up with +3 Mag) can weaken Wyvs just enough for 21 Str Lucina with Morgan to still get a one-shot through Pavise+. This also allows Morgan’s Levin Swording to get through Pavise+ without Lucina assistance.

-Top-left and middle fliers, as well as the Sage’s group by the Fortify Staff all don’t have a turn aggro timer. However, the groups are tied together and aggroing one will aggro both. The bottom-right Sages and Swordmaster also don’t have a timer, but will aggro individually.


-Turn 2: Mage from SE stairs

-Turn 4: SM, Myrm from north stairs, Mage from middle stairs

-Turn 5: 2 Wyv from north stairs, GR (Silver Axe) from middle stairs

-Turn 6: GR (Tomahawk) from middle stairs, GR (Tomahawk) from SE stairs

Chapter 14

-Stat Boosters: Morgan (Goddess Icon, Naga’s Tear)

-Pre-Chapter Shopping: Elixir x3

-Tonics: Robin (Def), Morgan (Luk)


-Robin and Cordelia both on far south of the boat

-Chrom and Anna within reach of Robin and Cordelia

-P4 Arms Scroll is no longer mandatory, but still helpful, since Lucina can use Galeforce to Bronze Lance any enemy (even with Counter), then double back for healing.



-The group can turtle near the bottom of the right-most ship. There’s a small spot against the border where there is a long stretch of boat behind it that no one can stop on. The order from top to bottom should be Cordelia, Lucina, then an unequipped Robin.

-When moving toward the turtling spot, be careful of the top-right Peg Knight group. One is a melee who can reach just below the boat. If she has Counter, she can cause problems in tandem with the one closest to the bottom of the boat.

-Once the Peg Knights are down and out, have Lucina judiciously clear out the 2-range (in particular, beware Luna+ Arcwind Mages) until there’s no more. Once that’s done, there is a spot on the right boat where Morgan can tuck in and do the same thing with Robin body blocking in from of him and Pass enemies can’t do anything about it.






-Turn 3: 3 Pegs (2 Silver Lance, 1 Spear) from the SW

-Turn 4: 3 Pegs (2 Silver Lance, 1 Spear) from the East

-Turn 5: 3 Pegs (2 Silver Lance, 1 Spear) from the NW

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Okay, finished putting together the videos for last Friday's successful run. This marks the seventh deathless and ninth overall successful run. Wonder if I can hit ten this Friday before my month-long break to do XCOM 2 and Fates.

Anyway, this was probably one of the diciest runs I've done (despite looking relatively smooth) for two notable reasons: C2 got immediately blocked by Risen, meaning I didn't have a forged Flux for P1 onward, nor a forged Wind for C5 onward. I had to bring a Fire to C4 and a crit Thunder to C5 onward. Usually I can measure how dire the situation is for a run by how many crit Thunder uses I have left. That's the second notable thing: I used the entire tome before the end of C6.

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Chapter 15

-Pre-Chapter Shopping: Bronze Lance forging for +5 Mt

-Tonics: Anna (Mag), Lucina (Mag), Morgan (Luk, Def), Robin (Def)


-Deploy Anna, Henry and Cordelia, Sumia and Cherche


Turn 1

-Anna + Henry can get 11 range on a Rescue staff, making it easy to snag Say’ri down to the beach.

-Pair Chrom to Robin. Move her over, swap to talk to Say’ri, then swap back.

-Position 2 other fliers next to Anna/Henry.

-Pair Say’ri to third flier.



Turn 2+

-Transfer and pair Anna and Henry to any of the other fliers, then move the fliers to safety.

-Morgan and Lucina clear the beach. Robin helps if needed. Try to get Chrom a couple kills on either Knights or Cavaliers who don’t have Counter (ideal targets are the two Iron Lance Knights).

-Fliers get out to Sea and hide. The left side has more safe space.



Chapter 16

-Renown Rewards Available: Spirit Dust

-Stat Boosters: Lucina (Mag)

-Pre-Chapter Shopping: Hand Axe x3

-Tonics: Robin (Def), Morgan (Def), Lucina (Mag)

Turns 1-3

-Robin kills Bullion Thief, then kill SE-most Fighter. Beware if attacking him in melee because a melee Hero is barely in range. Then send Robin up the right side.

-Morgan and Lucina start picking apart the left side. Depending on Counter density, this may be a slow process with weak EPs.

-Over the first three turns, try to kill as much stuff as possible. Thanks to the number of possible Counter permutations and the enemy formation, this is going to have to be mostly YOLO. The more open space available, the more room to kite the reinforcements.

Turn 4

-Get back toward the center of the map.

-1 tile up, 2 tiles right from lowest sparkly tile can lure a Warrior reinforcement into fighting at 2 range

Turn 5

-If getting really pressed for space, leaving the party open to attack from the far right Falcos is generally safe because both of the reinforcements spawn with 2-range weapons.


-43 total Def is basically invincible against most enemies who don’t have Luna+ or Counter.

-The very top group of ground units by Cervantes is not on an aggro timer (note that the two fliers will aggro on their own, though), so it is generally safe to ignore them until the end. Just don’t get in attack range of any of its units.


-Turn 4: 2 Fighters, 2 Heroes, 2 Snipers (Longbows), 2 Warriors from the south

-Turn 5: 6 Falcos (3 Spears, 3 Silver Lances) from the NW (2), NE (2), SW (1) and SE (1), coming in partway up the east or west borders

-Turn 6: 6 BKs from the south

Chapter 17

-Pre-Chapter Shopping: HP Tonic x23, Second Seal x4, Bronze Bow forging for +5 Mt

-Tonics: Robin (HP, Def), Morgan (HP, Def)


-Robin and Morgan on left side (Olivia will need to boost Chrom to get him to Robin). They should be able to eliminate most, if not all, of this side of the hallway.

-Also deploy Anna, Libra, Olivia


Turn 1

-Robin, Morgan and Lucina should be able to kill the left-side group. If not, at least the enemies should be wounded enough to take Counter out as a factor.

Turn 2+

-Have Robin work her way up, killing what she can until about T6. Then she should head back toward the lower left to avoid getting swarmed by Counter reinforcements on T9 (T8’s all appear on the right side).

-Morgan and Lucina should be able to pick off the enemies coming in from the lower-right. If they get into trouble (bad Dual Strike luck or facing too much PavGis+), Anna can Rescue for quick heals and repositioning via Libra and Olivia.

-This is all going to be pretty YOLO, but remember that there’s plenty of space to kite and Rescue available if something goes wrong with a Dual Strike.


-Turn 8: 2Hero, Sniper, War Cleric from right stairs

-Turn 9: War Cleric and Hero from middle stairs, Hero and Sniper from left stairs

-Turn 10: War Cleric and Hero from middle stairs

-Turn 11: Hero and Valk from left stairs, Hero and Sniper from right stairs

-Turn 12: Hero, War Cleric, 2Valk from right stairs

-Turn 13: Valk, Hero from left stairs, Valk and War Cleric (2 range) from middle stairs, Sniper and Valk from right stairs

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Chapter 18

-Stat Boosters: Robin (Boots)

-Pre-Chapter Shopping: Arcfire x2

-Tonics: Robin (HP, Def), Morgan (HP, Def)


-Silver gear for Chrom. Primarily use Silver Sword. Any remaining Killing Edge is also a good substitute.

-Bring a couple tomes for Lucina, including the forged Elwind. She can use lances, but the GRs will have Lancebreaker, so she’ll primarily want to use tomes for at least the first half of the map.

-There is a thin 1x2 strip on the right side that limits enemy facings. It’s just a bit down and left from the top-right Griffon group. Robin will face at most 1 melee and 3 ranged. It’s safest to let non-Hawkeye Sages get into some of those spots so that they can bodyblock other 2-range and fail to hit against Tomebreaker. Same thing with the melee: find a one that aren’t particularly threatening and let them swing away at Robin and Morgan while they pick off the other units at 2-range.

-Be wary of the left-side Griffons. The top-left group can reach the turtling spot from where they start.

-Most enemies still have pretty weak Attack, so primary objective is avoiding eating Counter and Luna+ damage.



Chapter 19

-Pre-Chapter Shopping: Beast Killer forged for +1 Mt and +10 Hit; x2, Armorslayer forged for +1 Mt and +10 Hit; x2

-Tonics: Robin(Str, HP, Def), Chrom (Str), Morgan (HP, Def, Luk)


-Enemy has a unit cap of 50, which stops reinforcements from spawning.

-Camp both pairs on some Forts and then Morgan shoots stuff with his bow. If Robin is still a Hero, try to kill two enemies per turn with Hand Axes, having Morgan trade-convoy them afterward. Try to save non-Counter Generals for Chrom to take down if he isn’t a Paladin yet and it looks like he won’t reach Cavalier 10 from Dual Striking. Also, beware who Robin kills. There are Silver Axe and Sword drops, so make sure to trade-convoy those too.

-Like with C18, try to let the melee who get in range be those who don’t have Hawkeye (especially if they also have Luna+). This is important because 2-rangers may come in with Hawkeye-Luna+ and it only takes a couple of them to cause a scary situation. The rest shouldn’t even have a serious hit chance and Counter is negated by unequipping/trading away weapons and bows.

-For Walhart, equip Chrom with a Silver Lance, then have Robin pick off the two Paladins. The Generals have ranged weapons, so Counter shouldn’t be an issue with them. Walhart is one of those rare cases of melee Counter being mostly ignorable. His high durability, coupled with Pavis+/Aegis+ means that he won’t reflect much damage (be careful to not have a crit rate against him, though) and Robin can attack from range during PP. Within a couple turns, Robin, with Chrom’s Dual Strikes, should have him whittled down. Lucina or Morgan can swoop in to kill steal if Robin barely fails to finish him.




-Turn 4: Top 4 left - Pal, DK, Pal, GK; top 4 right - Pal, BK, Pal, GK

-Turn 5: Mid 4 both - Pal, GK, Pal, Gen (2-range)

-Turn 6: Bot 4 both - Pal, Gen (2-range), Wyv, Wyv (2-range)

-Turn 7: Top 2, bot 2 left - Pal, DK, Gen (2-range), Wyv, Wyv (2-range); top 2, bot 2 right - Pal, BK, Gen (2-range), Wyv, Wyv (2-range)

-Turn 8: All Forts spawn the same enemies as they did on previous turns.

Chapter 20

-Tonics: Robin (HP, Mag, Def), Morgan (HP, Def, Luk), Chrom (Str)


Turn 1

-With Robin and Morgan together, it’s easy to eliminate both Heroes and Warriors, leaving only ranged enemies. Morgan needs to watch the Sages, though. If either Sage looks like an easy target, Lucina can also snag that one before Morgan makes his second kill.


Turns 2-3

-Robin will want to move into the right hall and possibly pursue the Thief. Morgan can either follow to assist, or harass the incoming Generals. Skillsets basically make what’s safe to do a YOLO affair.

Turn 4

-Reinforcements: 2 Sages and 2 Generals per side hallway; 2 Sages, 3 Warriors, 3 Heroes and 2 Generals in the middle.

-Excellus’ group will aggro now. Everything can be kited up and down the side and main halls.


-Kill his healers and goons. If he doesn’t have Hawkeye, he can be pretty much ignored until they’re dead, since Axebreaker makes him cry with sad.

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Chapter 21

-Tonics: Robin (HP, Def), Morgan (HP, Def, Luk)


-Robin in lower-left starting spot

-Deploy Morgan and Lucina wherever. They likely won’t be helping Robin finish the map, so they’re just picking up whatever EXP they can get.


Turn 1 (Zerker beneath the quad stairs doesn’t have Counter)

-Kill the Zerker by between the two left-side stairs in the quad set of stairs.

-End turn 1 tile down, 1 tile left from the right corner stairs of the quad; this lures 2 Assassins into attacking at range from the stairs.



Turn 2

-Kill upper Swordmaster near second quad of stairs

-Go 2 tiles below Assassin and either kill him or Elixir (if needed); everyone should be lured into attacking a range during EP.


Turn 3

-Kill Swordmaster who is blocking the right-side gap.

-Equip Bolganone and move 1 tile below non-Mire Sorc. If that Sorc doesn’t have Counter, feel free to kill him. Only the Mire Sorcs will attack before the Boss, so if Robin can kill him first (benchmark: 54 Attack against non-Aegis+), Counter on other enemies won’t matter.



Zerker Under Quad Stairs Has Counter

-This will require some YOLO based on skillsets. Robin may have to wait at the edge of enemy ranges and work her way down the hall. Morgan and Lucina may come into play in eliminating Counter targets to allow Robin to move faster, as dawdling could mean dealing with instant Counter from the quad stairs.

Chapter 22

-Pre-Chapter Shopping: Arcthunder x3, Beast Killer forging for +1 Mt and +10 Hit

-Tonics: Robin (HP, Mag, Def), Morgan (HP, Str, Def), Chrom (Str), Lucina (Str)


-Forged Beast Killer and Armourslayer for Chrom and Lucina

-Robin bring Levin Sword

-Bring Libra, Cordelia, Fred, Olivia, Henry and Anna; give Libra and Anna Rescue Staves


Turn 1

-Kill Equus with Robin (use Rescue->Dance to get a second attack if necessary).

-Galeforce Robin to position on the lower edge of the DK and Warrior’s range.

-If BK has Counter, position Morgan with the Short Axe at the top, just in the BK’s range. Else, just wait to gank in close quarters.


Turn 2

-Double Robin back

-Dance Robin

-Position Robin against middle of 1x3 wall to lure Valk and Sniper. If Valk and Sniper don’t look lethal to Morgan, can position him above Robin too.


Turn 3

-Note that a great deal of stuff is going to be YOLO from here on out, depending on skillsets. When in doubt, kite, but the Rescue staves are there if Rescue bombing becomes a necessity.

-Kill Assassin

-Kill General

-If Dance not needed for either above, Dance Robin and move into Sorc range (use the Levin Sword if no Hawkeye)

Turn 4+

-Move Robin into Sorc range if not there already

-Next get the War Cleric

-Use Rally Speed to double and kill Swordmaster

-Get Sage


-Morgan should be able to one-shot her with Yewfelle (one-round, if she has Aegis+).

Chapter 23

-Stat Boosters: Chrom (Goddess Icon)

-Tonics: Robin (HP, Mag, Luk, Def), Morgan (HP, Str, Luk, Def), Lucina (Str)




-Basilio/Flavia should move left. Morgan moves up, then runs interference to prevent enemies from closing on Basilio. Robin goes right initially to lure enemies that way. After a turn or two, she doubles back left using a Galeforce boost. This should then allow a rate of killing to protect Basilio until T7, when the team can start safely kiting south.

-Morgan and Lucina are relatively safe aggressively clearing out approaching enemies on the left side until T5.

-If Validar doesn’t have Hawkeye, Tomebreaker makes him completely harmless. Otherwise, the fight with him is probably going to involve a lot of defensive play with a Robin/Morgan pair and Morgan using one of the legendary weapons. Between Chrom, Lucina and Basilio, Robin should have a near-capped support level, though. Prepare to burn through Elixirs and Concoctions if he has Vengeance or Luna+ to go with Hawkeye.


-Turn 4: Sorc, General, Hero from right stairs

-Turn 5: Hero, General, Assassin from right stairs; Hero, Zerker, Sorc from left stairs

-Turn 6: Both sets similar to T5.

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Chapter 24

-Renown Rewards Available: Celica’s Gale

-Tonics: Robin (HP, Mag, Spd, Luk, Def), Morgan (HP, Spd, Luk, Def)


-If Robin has high Res (30+), consider swapping Tomebreaker to Slow Burn.



-Best position is turtling the upper-left Fort. With the Woods around it, this allows for a formation with Morgan being the first frontline target (able to kill two enemies per turn with a bow) with Robin on the Woods just north of him. With all the Woods tiles next to these locations, it gives enemy non-Wyv melee a tough time engaging in a timely manner, including likely being short of targeting Robin when approaching. This jam-up also causes 1~2-range enemies to engage Morgan at 2 range, letting him kill them and an opportunity to Sol. Unless the axe enemies have Hawkeye, do not kill them until the rest of the enemies are dead. The idea is to eliminate all incoming Hawkeye axe users and non-axe users until the tanking formation is entirely surrounded by axe users. This will bodyblock the more dangerous enemies from getting hits in. This is important, since between random Luna+ and regular Luna on the GKs, there is a lot of potential RNG for incoming damage.

-The pre-spawned Wyvs are almost all melee, but the reinforcements are largely 1~2 range.

-Beast Killer (+1mt) Lucina should be able to one-shot Woods tile Valks with 45 displayed Attack.



Turns 2-5: Wyv each from both far right Forts (Spear, Tomahawk); Pal from mid-right Fort (Silver Sword)

Turns 3-5: GK from mid-left Fort (Silver Sword)

Turns 4-5: GK from lower-left Fort (Silver Axe)

Turn 5: Pal from upper-left Fort (Silver Lance)

Chapter 25

-Tonics: Robin (HP, Def), Morgan (HP, Def).


Turn 1

-Robin kill lowest Zerker on right. Galeforce where Zerker was and kill Swordmaster.

-Morgan kill Tomahawk Warrior, then position 1 tile left, 1 tile down from Robin.

-EP: Trickster and Warrior die.


Turn 2

-Robin straight up and kill the Trickster, then unequip and wait.

-Morgan kills Sage, then swaps to Lucina and kills Mire Sorc by Robin.


Turn 3

-If the Swordmaster has both Pavise+ and Aegis+, attack him with Morgan first. Then Robin can slingshot off of him. If he dies, then Robin can use either the Berserker or the Sage instead; the important thing is clearing the path for movement.

-Equip Chrom with Beast Killer, then have Robin attack Aversa with Celica’s.




-Pre-Chapter Shopping: Brave Bow, Brave Bow forging for +5 Mt and +9 Crit

-Tonics: Robin (HP, Mag, Skl, Luk, Spd, Def), Morgan (HP, Str, Skl, Luk, Spd, Def), Chrom (Str, Skl, Luk), Lucina (Str, Skl, Luk)


-Robin Skills: Anathema, Hex, Galeforce, Vengeance, Solidarity

-Morgan Skills: Galeforce, Patience, Armsthrift, Sol, Axebreaker

-Deploy Basilio, Olivia, Cordelia, Libra and Anna

-Give Libra a Physic



-The threshold to not die to double Ignis at 85 HP is 48 Def. Dark Knight with 20 Def Paladin Chrom and a Def Tonic can hit this (Grima has 70 base Attack, 90 with Ignis).

-The threshold to double Grima is 50 Spd.

-With a forged Brave Bow for Morgan (+5mt, +9cr), Tonics and Lucina’s stat boosts, Morgan can take down Grima with just his damage, provided Olivia is there to give a second turn and someone to heal him if the second 90 Attack hit would kill him (shout-outs to Czar_Yoshi for coming up with this strat).

Turn 1

-Position Lucina 7 down from Grima’s middle Zerker. Robin goes behind her, Cordelia (with Olivia) to her left. Basilio just has to be able to reach for Rally Str next turn. Libra/Anna should be positioned anywhere close to the main group.


Turn 2

-Rally everyone with Basilio

-Robin kills the middle Berserker (use Celica’s if you have to), then Galeforces to attack Grima at 1 range. This is important to provide both Hex and Anathema. Attack Grima with Celica’s.

-Move Lucina up, swap to Morgan and attack Grima with the forged Brave Bow.

-If Grima still isn’t dead yet and Morgan has less than 43 HP, have Libra Physic him.

-Move Cordelia behind Morgan, swap to Olivia and Dance him. Have Morgan finish off Grima.



And that's that. Unless something major comes up to really change the route, I'll just be making revisions to this guide as optimizations come up. I still consider this more or less a living document, so if anyone notices anything questionable or finds an aforementioned optimization, feel free to bring it up.

Shout-outs to Interceptor for laying the groundwork that inspired this whole thing, as well as Czar_Yoshi and the rest of the community who helped me brainstorm additional strats for problem areas.

One more note before I close things off: I'm going to be taking a break from Resetless runs for a bit, but don't worry, it'll be back come March. For the curious, I'll be running XCOM 2 starting this Friday for two weeks, then hard-shifting to Fates for two weeks once it releases. March 4 is probably going to be when I re-shuffle everything around to fit Resetless in again.

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