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What was a Flaw in thracias capture system again

Preety direct and head on the only bullshit in thracia is the bullshit moments and Escape maps

Also, and note that the bullshit isnt limited to the following:

- no 0% or 100% hitrates; only 1% to 99%

- PCC and all of that weirdness

- chapter 4

- pitch black fog of war

- enemies later on with rewarp as a skill

- status staffs of the worst kind

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Also, and note that the bullshit isnt limited to the following:

- no 0% or 100% hitrates; only 1% to 99%

- PCC and all of that weirdness

- chapter 4

- pitch black fog of war

- enemies later on with rewarp as a skill

- status staffs of the worst kind

- Pegasus Knights snatching your healers in Fog

- Staves possibly missing.

PCC is more beneficial to the player then hampering though :P

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Also, and note that the bullshit isnt limited to the following:- no 0% or 100% hitrates; only 1% to 99%- PCC and all of that weirdness- chapter 4- pitch black fog of war- enemies later on with rewarp as a skill- status staffs of the worst kind

Isn't limited too, Well I hope Leif enjoys prison food

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Also, and note that the bullshit isnt limited to the following:

- no 0% or 100% hitrates; only 1% to 99%

- PCC and all of that weirdness

- chapter 4

Most manster chapters

- pitch black fog of war

- enemies later on with rewarp as a skill

- status staffs of the worst kind

That time when you are in chapter 22 and you have no warp stuff



Edited by TTPK_Tal
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Manster isn't actually all that bad, after the initial shock lol.

FE5 Ch.4 is epic. You're all whack!

I normally love Jail escape levels in any game, but this one is REALLY trying to become the exception.

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I normally love Jail escape levels in any game, but this one is REALLY trying to become the exception.

There are quite a few frustrating random factors yeah. The reinforcements.. Dashin etc.

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It's a shame too that all the units you had been training up to this point bar leif and lifiswho is completely useless due to lara existing are taken away with you. at least let us chose one unit to bring along and NOT get stuck with 2 theives. One of which has to have 2 locks picked FOR HIM in order to be usable in this chapter for lockpicking. use thieves for combat, You mad bro

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It's a shame too that all the units you had been training up to this point bar leif and lifiswho is completely useless due to lara existing are taken away with you. at least let us chose one unit to bring along and NOT get stuck with 2 theives. One of which has to have 2 locks picked FOR HIM in order to be usable in this chapter for lockpicking. use thieves for combat, You mad bro

Lifis can get really good Bld! Lana is going to become a dancer anyways. :P, she doesn't have the bld to really do what thieves can do, aka steal.

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It's a shame too that all the units you had been training up to this point bar leif and lifiswho is completely useless due to lara existing are taken away with you. at least let us chose one unit to bring along and NOT get stuck with 2 theives. One of which has to have 2 locks picked FOR HIM in order to be usable in this chapter for lockpicking. use thieves for combat, You mad bro

Why do you consider Lara better than Lifis? All she can steal is books.

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Use Lara as a Dancer, and Lifis as your thief. Just have her recruit that one guy whose name escapes me in chapter 12x(?) and she'll change into the Dancer class. She's your only dancer in the game.

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So...you know the game isn't really conductive to being played blind and is rough to first timers, and upon hearing that decide to do it anyway, and then start finding fault with the game because of your experience?

I really don't know what you were expecting.

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My logic was that if some Japanese kid in the nineties could handle it blind, so could I. I always go into games blind anyway. Heck I didn't even relize till post game that characters other than Chrom could be shipped in Awakening due to me haveing spotpass Lyn, Ike, Roy, and Marth roflstomp everything Now that I think about it, Me going in blind into FE games has led to many many weird decisions and poor judgements in game on my part.

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I find the Jugdral games when I did play them mostly blind were some of my most hilarious and fun times with blind FE personally, because it made me go "they did what" among other various things.

I cannot wait for IF because I love playing through FE's totally blind and I've already played all 13 games lol

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I find the Jugdral games when I did play them mostly blind were some of my most hilarious and fun times with blind FE personally, because it made me go "they did what" among other various things.

I cannot wait for IF because I love playing through FE's totally blind and I've already played all 13 games lol

I really can't say anything other than I'm in complete agreement with you here. Even tho the Jugdral games are both presently getting on my nerves, its fun when the games throw those FU moments at at you.

or it angers you so much you ragequit whichever comes first

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Well thats your personal playthrough lex'es average stats is what really matters (I got a blessed Tiltyu who capped mag before promotion she still sucks as a unit because she comes underleveled too late with meh growths) Here are Lex's Average Stats at 20 post promo great def and str and hp and those are Just lvl20 he gets to 30 so fast it doesnt mater

Of course I talk about personal experience only. I'm at chapter 6 of my first playthrough and said what happened in my game, so no big expert. Besides how do you even calculate average stats when the growth rate is so low. And to make average stats the only thing that matters is silly. The chance that stats will be just like the average is quite low don't you think?

I wish I had that kind of Lex, but mine just never got more than hp +1 unfortunately. Despite paragon he never was leading in exp, probably because he had such hard times living and killing other units. I also stopped caring for him at some point.

You know what Lvl 20 fin has over sigurd in any stat 0.2 more speed 2.5 more luck sigurd has better stats in every single other thing Lances arent very good compared to swords in FE4

While sword seem to be at their strongest point in fe history, Sigurd at the same level had it hard keeping up with an unpormoted Finn. I already said what I think about average stats so there's that.

e would use silver sword 90% of the times better stats the finn who is dyuma btw this isnt gaiden (insert duma refrence here)

Nah I didn't mean Duma. Dyuma is a dark mage/shaman/whatever, dark magic user you fight in the arena of chapter 2 or 3, not sure anymore. Killing him proved impossible to nearly every character, as huge hit rate, huge magical damage and huge defense made him the arena-end of almost all characters.

Swordmaster are overpowered cap wise in FE4 she has low move so she is worse then 2 of the characters you just named

Still move isn't always the most important thing, depending on the situation. When you are already fighting, extra movement doesn't help. You can't ignore how broken astra is in this game and with astra activated she outclasses Sigurd.

Meh Until promotion where she becomes god passable

I still wonder why her promotion was the only one which gave so many stats in almost every area. It's quite scary.

Better then Fin with the pursuit ring Better then Fin in everything gets gae bolg for half of a chapter where he is god in that half of a chapter BTW he has stronger stats the fin in lvl 20 in so many diffrent aspects and he has good chances to proc continue after like 10~ lvls

Bringing in rings can make every character better than any other(almost). Cuan had only high str, hp and def, but in everything else Finn outclassed him by far. By the time Cuan gets Gae Bolg you don't even have to face any strong enemies anymore. Actually, Briggid could have soloed the remaining enemies(and she did to 50%). That made the Gae Bolg fairly wasted. He never attacked more than once in my game, literally never. And he attacked enemies often too. He did help weaker characters level though, so call him a mentor.

Great Stats but no Enemy phase and not Mounted

Keeps her safe from Slayers at least and you got enough units to do the work during the enemy phase.

He has Luna She has Astra He has better growths and makes the best father for patty and there combat is about the same if they get to see it was much as the mounts

Again, they had the same growths for me, with him slightly going over with str and def, while she slightly went over with speed and skill(and I guess this was supposed to be, as he's a hero and she a swordmaster). Indeed mounts see the most combat, but when a full wyvern squad with slayers arive you will be seeing him. And astra never leaves someone alive, luna does.

The Low magic really matters when Post chapter 4(unless you are stupid and didnt get holsety) He has a 30 might prf that gives him invincibility but then again 6 move

Actually the low magic doesn't matter after promotion(I wish he got a horse like Azel did). At the point of writing that he was unpromoted and I just started chapter 4 so there's that.

Jamka Is unpromoted Briggid without the yeweffle and better average stats

Yeah, in theory his stats are good, in reality not so much. No killer bow = weak.

Sylvia is an amazing utility Unit

I agree she's good at utility, but not when you need to wall against enemies or other dangerous situations.

Ethlin is the best healer

Well she is, she can certainly reach everyone and be away from danger while healing. But by the time you get physic anyone can be the best healer.

Furys bases are great Some healing utility post promo

She's fast and can fly, but that's all. Good to kill mages efficiently, especially 10-range mages on hard to reach positions. Low strenght makes it unwise to attack anything which can hit her.

Beo is preety good too with farely balanced growths

Yeah but being equally good everywhere means you're not special anywhere. Doesn't double as often as some others, doesn't have high str like Cuan, doesn't have high def/hp like some others. Although definitely a good member of the overused cavalry.

I dont bitch about low growths gaiden made me respect 25% HP

I have actually seen less "no stats" level ups in gaiden than fe4 so I concluded the stat growths are similar of both games...With gaiden being better and worse than fe4 at the same time.

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Of course I talk about personal experience only. I'm at chapter 6 of my first playthrough and said what happened in my game, so no big expert. Besides how do you even calculate average stats when the growth rate is so low. And to make average stats the only thing that matters is silly.

Unless you have some kind of definition of Average that's foreign to me, then Average stats are the best way to compare characters because it's what their stats are expected to me. Low growth rates won't effect the very basic formula used to calculate average stats. Of course one person might get blessed or another might get cursed, but it's hard to argue against the overall quality of a character in the game as a whole based on their average stats. It sounds like your Finn is super amazing when he's always been quite lack luster for me.

BTW. I also played Jugdral (and the rest of the series) blind. Best way to play it really. You can have all the fun of predicting and organizing on you second playthrough but you can't have a blind experience twice...Barring some type of horrible memory loss.

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Average stats are used to make as objective a judgment on a unit as possible. Relying on personal experience isn't the best, you may have gotten lucky/unlucky with their growths, and the next time you play they will probably turn out differently.

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Unless you have some kind of definition of Average that's foreign to me, then Average stats are the best way to compare characters because it's what their stats are expected to me. Low growth rates won't effect the very basic formula used to calculate average stats. Of course one person might get blessed or another might get cursed, but it's hard to argue against the overall quality of a character in the game as a whole based on their average stats. It sounds like your Finn is super amazing when he's always been quite lack luster for me.

BTW. I also played Jugdral (and the rest of the series) blind. Best way to play it really. You can have all the fun of predicting and organizing on you second playthrough but you can't have a blind experience twice...Barring some type of horrible memory loss.

I like what you say about playing blind, but....a game so long and drawn out as this one really shouldn't be redone because you failed in things like pairing, at least I wouldn't want that.

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I like what you say about playing blind, but....a game so long and drawn out as this one really shouldn't be redone because you failed in things like pairing, at least I wouldn't want that.

Oh yeah. Well you shouldn't feel like you have to replay these games because you didn't get the full experience the first time round. But I honestly replay these games for fun. The only time playing bind has actually soured my experience was when I failed to get all the legendary weapons in Sword of Seals and the game suddenly came to an end. Though even then I can't fault the game too much as whenever your about to miss a gaiden, the game does give you some kind of dialogue or reference to suggest something was missed.

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