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Welcome to the memories thread.

Here, you memories you are fond of/will not forget, probably for the rest of your life.

I'll go first.


Age 11, possibly 12, in our Science/Biology class. We were being taught about things that happen to our bodies when we die.

Pupils had to raise their hands and give an answer, e.g. "stop breathing," "decompose," etc., with the teacher saying if they were right or wrong.

It was silent for a few seconds; the class seemed dry of suggestions.

Without even raising my hand (ooh you rebel, Raven), I piped up. I was expecting the teacher to grill me for my answer, but I knew I could get some laughs out of it since it seemed like such a jokey answer and we were all 11/12 years old.

"Excrete!" I exclaimed. The room erupted in laughter, just as I'd expected. I kept eye contact and broke a smile. I thought I was fucked, now. Friends sitting nearby questioned my suggestion through their laughter. The class knew the definition of the word because we'd only learned about the digestive system a week ago in the previous class.

The teacher gave us a second to collect ourselves. She was looking around at the class, and I was expecting to be removed from the class for giving, what I thought at the time anyway, such an inappropriate answer. She didn't intend for us to learn this dirty little detail so early in our innocent little lives. But what could she do now? She was put on the spot, backed into a corner. "Uh yes, actually." Just as quickly as the room had begun laughing, sounds of disgust broke out, "Eww!" "What?" "Aaagh!" Heads buried in hands, faces being pulled in disgust, everyone looking at their friends, trying to share the burden with each other of learning such information.

She went on, "When you die, your body and muscles lose all control, and everything that was being held in, goes out. Good answer, Shaun."

That day was probably my first taste of morbid reality.


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Well...I don't think one actually exists. There's a game called "A Force More Powerful" but that's basically a civil disobedience simulator. And there's liberal crime squad, but that's in the USA and I'm not sure the libs lean towards communism.

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Last Friday. Let me give you a little context. Our ELA teacher puts on music when we have nothing else to do. Me, being the dumbass I am/was, danced whenever he did. So, we had a basketball game last Friday. My teacher wanted me to dance during it. So, I went out to the middle of the court, and fucking danced. My favorite thing about this experience was the music. It was the song from the end of Napoleon fuckin' Dynamite.

Needless to say, no one will ever forget it. Especially since the science teacher recorded it.

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