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Code Geass Mafia - Game Over


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  • that's part of what i meant; mitsuki was throwing things out all over the place and by the time it looked like her kirsche vote wasn't gonna stick, it ended up being the lynch. it doesn't prove you right, so it's not worth throwing out the window and ignoring
  • well ok something something logic for end-phase behavior being more of a refactor to you than her play which you still don't seem to find that scummy from what i can gather, but you've since gone from "wow eury isn't posting how weird" to "eury's obviously telling the truth regardless of alignment" which doesn't read as a statement backing up a read nullification
  • gg i'll just stick to snes streaming with you then
  • finally i did a reaction test that brought my thoughts and efforts some fruit to share with the masses
  • junko's trying to assume responsibility for something that went wrong; it's like the two people who fight to hold open the door at a store in Disney, it's not something you say/do unless you have positive intentions. it just isn't. ok that's a bad analogy but that's my point more or less. why would junko want to take the heat off of mitsuki and bring it on to himself as scum. no one else brought it up and people were evidently posting
  • proto's bad for like 12 reasons and those are valid
  • I COULD HAVE flat out claimed hooker but i one i'm not claiming it and two my dodginess of the topic did serve its purpose with garnering said reaction
  • marth explaining his eury read would have made him scummier, kind of like how GP is scummier for this huge proto case that she has. it doesn't fit with the playstyle and gameplay and current foundation of scumreads. it's like, you've been looking at somebody through tinted lenses, and suddenly this massive case out of nowhere just happened to fall on your lap regarding X. it just wouldn't make sense
  • i didn't expect any CC because this is a large game and there's no reason why there can't be two hooking roles in a game (hook/jail i guess). if someone had cc'd me i'd have been absolutely stunned. this isn't an open setup; so i'd have to be cc'd by a full time blocking role and a jack with a hook before things would've gone south, and that would mean that both of those roles need to exist and be townsided for there to be any benefit in cc'ing to begin with. The likelyhood of me dragging out two claims with mine seemed really unlikely (this is my standout point so i want you and anyone else with doubts on me to understand the validity behind this, even if you're just skimming my post)
  • semantics matter though; it's how people interpret "x is doing dumb things" and "x is doing bad things" as scumread. hell that kind of statement interpretation right there is why people are so hit/miss on the eury debacle right now. i'm not going to ignore vocabulary choice when there's always a reason why people phrase things in the ways that they do; especially if they're acting quickly to spit out a post
  • you'd been called out on having a buncha jokas null reads already, but i'll bite on this. i get the feeling from reading your posts in both ISO and context that you've got more null leaning town reads, so you just don't have many places that you feel are worth throwing down a vote. you have this which is a reads post I guess but what stuck out to me was this earlier post, which it took a long time for you to advance your reads beyond "Eury and eh maybe marth and kirsche i guess". both of these posts, which are probably your more concise and read-inclusive posts have kirsche casing which you don't really even seem interested in, and eury casing which like idk. the first half of your ISO features struggles wrt kirsche, and eury casing and the second half is eury + elie for me just playing weird. the next most concise read you have is what looks like a sheep on RD. either you have a bunch of townreads you're not restating since the middle of D1 or you're just really confused which for the amount of posting you've done i just don't see that
  • by parallel i mean like yours and mine are r- i meant perpendicular, but i don't know if that's actually a phrase?
  • i dunno what to tell you bruh
  • you opened the day with a vote on me, unvoted, and then revoted for me for not explaining my reaction test so i don't know how you want me to answer this last point other than yea you did
  • no i'm saying blitz is confident, which is a town thing. i think you either misunderstood me or you're blatantly misrepping me eclipse quick ban this guy for allowing me to use the word misrep towards him
  • k?

1) OK, but my point was that my read didn't depend on Eurykins' alignment.

2) I thought her play was pretty scummy because for her huge read post, she mostly had null reads and I thought most of her scum reads were bad. It's just her end of day actions were more...obviously telling to me.

3) No Banjo Kazooie, huh?

4) You can die happy

5) Oh fuck, that's actually pretty legit. My thoughts were that he might have done it if he was scumbuddies with Mitsuki, but in retrospect that doesn't make sense because it'd link them for like not much benefit?

6) Eighteen in Canada.

7) Yeah, but obviously I wouldn't have understood that at the time.

8) Oh, right. I dunno, town can confirmation bias just as much as scum can (well, obviously with scum it's a ruse but yeah). I mean, just look at my play in uh...all of my town games lol.

9) Uh, I'm too lazy to read my original post at this point so I'm confused as to what you're replying to. Even if you were fakeclaiming, a CC wouldn't be bad because a Town Hooker would've CC'd at that point anyways just to say "hey, I got scum, fuck aren't I awesome also Elieson is either scum and/or Elieson".

10) That's fine, but it's not something I'm going to argue at any rate.

11) Null, leaning town? Like, I have weaker townreads for sure, but I'd prefer not to use "null leaning town" because it implies that I can easily change my read. I don't like to restate townreads, it's a waste of space. You should just assume that any townreads I stated earlier still hold unless I say otherwise. I'll admit like, other people would be more confident in their reads at that point in time, but....*shrugs*. This is how I play.

12) Perpendicular?

13) "You're the hero that town deserves and needs".

14) I don't think you get what I'm trying to say here.

15) Oh OK. Confidence is townie (although I'd say arrogance is scummy, but whatever not really related I guess).

16) Thnx.

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Uh, that was my point. That Proto had less votes than I did. Anyways, get hype.

Proto had 1 vote on him

You had 1 vote on you (mine)

Few seem interested in lynching you, and others including myself are interested in a proto lynch (hell I even voted Proto in Megawall before switching to you).

@Elie: my point is that Marth is not doing anything with regards to scumreads. He's not pushing for gutreads/tunneling nor pushing for bad cases.

So what's he doing that's scummy? he's bringing up gutreads and tunnelling, which is about the most demotivated town tends to do. IMO marth would be scum if he pushed these at the level of post effort and accuracy he's making right now. He'd have to really do a 180 on performance to make pushes that didn't come across as scummy

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Tunneling is when you keep your vote on someone while you keep adding pressure to them for a decent amount of time. It also involves posting a lot about your scumread.

If you're talking about Marth's Eury vote, he is coasting on it. It's a prodvote and he's not trying to pressure her.

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To put it simply, your case bothers me. The problem is I'm scumreading Proto as well, so I'm not sure how to reconcile the two thoughts. Probably should get about doing that ISO instead of faffing about here. Surely him having just townreads and barely any scumreads that he's pushed to be more worhty of a scumread than nitpicking his earlier content, though?

. . .and the first thing that I don't like about Refa. Scum is perfectly capable of bussing each other, so whether or not a scumread of yours is scumreading someone else shouldn't be that much of a factor. Do you think this is a bus?

For example, my vote is on Marth ATM, who Proto is also voting. However, my issue with Proto is that his content is pretty weak for this stage of the game, while his early game stuff consisted of flavorspec (which won't catch scum). Thus, I don't have an issue with having both of them as vote-worthy candidates. Marth's sub request makes me slightly less inclined to lynch him, as it tells me that he hasn't been paying as much attention to the game as he should be, which would explain things like the lack of a proper response to Eury's walls.

"Surely him having just townreads and barely any scumreads that he's pushed to be more worhty of a scumread than nitpicking his earlier content, though?"

actually this is true

I feel like I would've said something about this earlier actually. maybe it's because I just cased RD for the exact same reason (has a townread but no scumreads) and had talked about that general concept, that I glossed over the same issue with Proto.

This sorta-applies to me, as well. The reason why I'm giving Radiant Dragon somewhat of a pass is because it looks like he hasn't been keeping up with the game. Proto looks like he has.

@mod: could the hammer rules be changed from "majority" to "player with the most votes at the end of the phase gets lynched"? Requesting this because 2 players are inactive/need subs and 2 others are potentially unable to post (Marth and Boron/Eclipse).

I woke up early enough, but I need to leave soon, so I can't really stick around.

  • i didn't expect any CC because this is a large game and there's no reason why there can't be two hooking roles in a game (hook/jail i guess). if someone had cc'd me i'd have been absolutely stunned. this isn't an open setup; so i'd have to be cc'd by a full time blocking role and a jack with a hook before things would've gone south, and that would mean that both of those roles need to exist and be townsided for there to be any benefit in cc'ing to begin with. The likelyhood of me dragging out two claims with mine seemed really unlikely (this is my standout point so i want you and anyone else with doubts on me to understand the validity behind this, even if you're just skimming my post)

What the. . .did I miss something here?



Have the really short version.

- Eury: Takes too many words to say things, but I'm leaning town on her after her D2 content (as she's explaining her thought process as well as her reads, which she can be held to at a later stage of the game). She's dedicating way too much time to Blitz, though.

- Elie: Leaning town on him too, because even if his reaction test was badly executed, he made it useful.

- RD: His posts read like someone who fell behind. Null right now, but I do appreciate the effort.

- Proto: He'd fall under the same boat as RD, except that he took note of all the times flavor was mentioned and commented on it, which tells me he's more current than RD. As I felt that his reads were pretty weak when he finally got around to giving them, he's now a scumread.

- Marth: Scummy for his Eury vote, which relied on action, while not voting Junko/GP despite having content reasons to do so. However, his sub request tells me that he's not reading because he can't keep up, and Eury walls are intimidating, so instead of being the scummiest of the bunch, he's now tied with Proto.

I like how the number of guests seeing this thread keeps rising

They took my suggestion. I'm sorry.

Anyway, I'm running late for work, so since it looks like I'd have to fight Elie/Refa to get Marth lynched, and because Marth just requested a sub. . .


##Vote: Proto

That should be enough for a deadline lynch (including Refa's mayor).

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. . .and the first thing that I don't like about Refa. Scum is perfectly capable of bussing each other, so whether or not a scumread of yours is scumreading someone else shouldn't be that much of a factor. Do you think this is a bus?


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Also eclipse, my issue is moreso not that I was scumreading both of them at the time (actually, my Mitsuki/GP read is purely associative, which is why I've spent like zero efforts pushing them), but that I was scumreading Proto and then a townread comes out and makes a super detailed case that I don't like at all. It would be a lot easier to sift through if I was scumreading both of them at the time.

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@Eclipse: Marth hasn't requested a sub, he just said that he may need one.


##vote: Proto (L-2)

I don't think Marth is getting lynched today.

@Proto: You should probably claim, or at least respond to the cases on you.

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I should really stop falling asleep in hot showers- they feel so good (especially when you're under the weather and tired) but blargh. I think I half-drowned/steamed myself alive in there. o_e;;

Lookin' at Elie, RD, Proto, and Bluedoom:

> Elie: For one, his content like, exploded in D2, so in sheer quantity-wise of content, he's done a lot better than in D1 I feel. Quality wise, I also feel as though he's picked up the pace, and is matching well with the amount of content/posting he's done (And his spoilers/wall postings amuse me mildly). While I found his ED2 gameplay a bit wonky (dat reaction test op), nothing seemed scummish and his logic/tone seemed much more consistent than before. Would not lynch today.

> RD: The timing of the subbing out seemed extremely poor, and there was no posting/indication of "Yo, running out of time/unable to post for X amount of time- I'm gonna need a sub" or anything of the sort prior. Just inactivity. Gauging by the prior notions I've already mentioned against RD about the shallow reads, questionable amount of content, etc., I would've put this slot on high priority lynch for today. However, (despite feeling that the subbing is more as a result of him wanting to be inactive/otherwise avoid answering the cases against him) it seems distasteful to aim at an awaiting subbing slot. Will lynch if none of the others today make it to the lynch.

> Proto: So, I had no issue with D1 content from him and around ED2 (which has been noted on multiple posts). However, since then, there's been much less in terms of quality of content, as 90%+ of his D2 posts seem to revolve around the role/Elie's reaction testing shinanegans, and his only real chunk of thoughts on someone is here, which mostly involves Bluedoom. In addition, the rest of his reads/notion seem to incorporate "I need to re-read them" or otherwise seems to remain on the wall with most of his reads. (And there doesn't seem to be any follow-up/posts thereafter with any reads/thoughts after re-reading them, so it seems like opting for 'empty promises' being made.) Not really pleased with this slot, as it seems to have declined as the game has progressed (which feels like lurking tactics here), so I'm fine with this slot as a lynch candidate today.

> Bluedoom: Phone posting sucks- that much I know. This was mainly the post that I feel he's said/done the most in terms of D2 contributions. While some of his points remain fair (IE. Wrt Proto), he makes it clear that his vote on me was for prodding/pressure, which in itself is kinda meh. I'm half-wondering why his vote's still on me though, unless he has further notions/viable reasons for doing so that he hasn't stated. RIP modem as well- I can see that as a semi-viable means of asking to sub out (if it's legitimately affecting his content/posting), but I won't deny getting negative vibes from this slot in terms of D2 posting/content. And clearly he's scum for taking shots at my wallposts! Would be willing to consolidate this slot to the lynch, but I would not put him at the highest of priorities.

> Blitz: Y'all know I still want him dead. But given that he doesn't seem to be a viable candidate today, below is my priority amongst those above:

Proto > Bluedoom = RD >>>>> Elie

*I see by Mitsuki's post that Proto's already at L-2? If that is the case, I will hold back on voting, as I'd rather not put him at L-1 currently. I will be here for end-phase as well.

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Votals 2.4

There are 6 hours and 58 minutes left in the phase.

Kay sent me something that might've been a sub request but I'm not really sure? If I don't get confirmation on what she's doing I'll probably modkill the slot at the start of Day 3 or 24 hours after a sub request if I can't find one and it's later than that.

By this clock there's like what 4 hours left in the day. If we're gonna do anything else, we should hop to it.

also who have you prodded at this point?

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Also anon scum get out from hiding

@eclipse I don't think you missed anything other than my thought process there? not sure i follow you

@Mits i need to re-evaluate marth i for whatever reason thought he was voting for eury when he was voting for you/gp.

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I guess I could support a Proto lynch upon reading his iso

I understand why people think Marth is scummy but I just... don't really agree? It occurs that I might be biased because I always think Marth is town

I wouldn't support an Elieson lynch, people who think he is scum do not understand how scum Elieson works

I don't understand how RD is even a lynch option, to me it's just "signed up a game then got busy" which isn't exactly scummy

I'm still super uncomfortable with Eury although she's gotten better

Something like

Eury >= Proto > Marth >>>>> RD >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Elieson

I have like zero confidence in my scumreads reads right now

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Votals 2.5

Proto (6): Elieson, Polydeuces, Refa, Boron/eclipse, Green Poet/Mitsuki (L-1!)

Eurykins (3): Baldrick/Paperblade, Bluedoom, Blitz

Bluedoom (1): Proto

Blitz (2): Eurykins, Junko

Not Voting (2): Radiant Dragon, Kay

With 13 alive, it takes 7 votes to hammer and 4 to lynch at deadline. There are 3 hours and 45 minutes left in the phase.

Proto has been prodded.

Edited by SB.
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... I counted votes at least 3 times before voting myself. Wow

@SB: GP and I are voting twice

Uh, I think he counted Refa's vote, as his is a mayor one?

So Elie (1), Poly (1), Boron Slot (1), and your slot (1) + Refa (2)?

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That was just so that there wouldn't be any quickhammers, but...what do you guys think about Proto needing to be prodded? I think it's only regarding his thread activity (so if he was scum, it wouldn't make a difference), but I'd like to be sure about this.

Paper, do you think Eury would play the same as scum as she'd play as an SK? Like...explain why you're super uncomfortable with her.

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-Ugh, don't actually see her saying this ("Either way, I'm tiring with our slapfights nonetheless and constantly having to disprove false notions against me is also causing me a minor headache. :/") as scum though. Mafia sucks.

Also do you think she said this as scum? One more thing...if she was scum, then yesterday's wagon on kirsche was a counter wagon. By that logic, the people who started that wagon would have to be scum. However, I'm not seeing Elieson as scum currently and GP/Mitsuki don't make sense as their scumbuddy, as GP voted Eurykins at the offset of this phase.

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GP that's the most convoluted and specific consolidation vote i've seen in a long time. Why did you go through that much effort for a consolidation vote? It seems a bit way over-justified

I didn't vote Proto, though...?

Like I said, I still would rather lynch Marth or RD over him. The case was to say that I would be ok with a Proto consolidation lynch and that you'll hear no complaints from me if Mitsuki votes him at deadline because I'm unable to.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the people who seem lynch candidates are Eury, Marth, Proto and maybe Elie.

Let's all make a small summary of our reads on each of them.

Eury - town-ish

Marth - scum

Proto - scum-ish

Elie - town-ish

RD - scum

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**EDIT: I don't think he miscounted yours + GP's, is what I mean.

He edited votals. We were voting both Proto and Marth.

To be honest I'm getting a terrible feeling about the Proto wagon, but I'm not sure why.

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I didn't vote Proto, though...?

i meant like the process behind it. the reads and casing just like, came out of the woodwork.

Why does it matter?

@Mits i need to re-evaluate marth i for whatever reason thought he was voting for eury when he was voting for you/gp.

because one i guess it's worth re-examining him and two i messed up on who i thought he was voting

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