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Code Geass Mafia - Game Over


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SUP GAIZ. SO I HEARD PEOPLE LIKED GETTING GOODIE BAGS (though apparently my first gift didn't do much, boo). ;)

Anyways, just got home, but yeah. Gonna be re-reading over the thread, but since claiming shizz is happening, my full claim: Lloyd Asplund, Town inventor. I act during the day, as opposed to night actions.

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...Roofa pls. I know you and your bretheren roofies tend to have amnesia/memory as a side effect, but my claim is right there. You couldn't have forgotten it THAT fast...

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Shut up, my internet is lagging like crazy again. It's the literal worst. How am I even supposed to post when my fucking textfield is lagging.

Anyways, just got home, but yeah. Gonna be re-reading over the thread, but since claiming shizz is happening, my full claim: Lloyd Asplund, Town inventor. I act during the day, as opposed to night actions.

Guessing you gave Boron/eclipse a hook since if GP/Mitsuki hooked scum, they'd be voting them over me. Also character claims are not really necessary, I just asked Poly for his because he was crumbing it hard anyways.

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I may be good at not reading, but I've still got a lot to learn!

Eury, you're always giving people stuff, you're so generous! I presume you targetted GP last night? Do you know what you give people?

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@Refa: You are right in assuming one thing: I did give Boron/Eclipse an item (as they openly thanked someone for in one of their posts) on D1. However, it was not a hook. (Odd that you guessed/seemed to think it was one though- what makes you guess that I'd given her a hook of all things?)

@Baldrick: Why thank you! ;) And yes, I do.

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Well, there was a no kill on N2, and the doctor got redirected by flipped scum today (unless some townie wants to claim that lol). I figured it was a hook since there's already a doctor.

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Because if she hooked someone on N1, she would've claimed it. Also going bowling, don't expect any more answers for like, forever.

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@Baldrick: Give a gift to a friend, and it opens the door for many possibilities. ;)

@GP/Mitsuki: Sharing is caring, amirite? Gotta spread the love~

@Boron/Clipsey: Monkey see, monkey do. Never hurts to be curious, creative, and otherwise intuitive to those around you.

*crumbles a bunch of cookie crumbs and drops it around the thread*

Though aside from that shizz, I'm trying to compile together lists of claims/NA's so may take a short bit (shoulda made a chart earlier, but I was too lazy to, rip me). Will be around though.

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Question: Idk if I'm just missing something in his posts, but did Refa claim yet? (rummaging through ISO's n' shit but can't seem to find it. >_>)

beginning of the game lol, mayor

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**Anyways, unless I'm missing claims/notions, I think I have most of them? Though missing information/notions wrt Boron/Clipsey, Blitz, and Kay/Weapons player slots.

Gj to Elie on the shot last night phase as well.

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Uhhhhhhhhhhhh...... he shouldn't know what items I can make....? Only people who should know what I've given out are the recipients of said gifts and/or anyone else they may have told. (I thought he was only guessing earlier that Boron/Clipsey slot got a hook or something?)

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Hello, I just got back home after being out all day. Extremely tired, but I at least see that we're massclaiming.

I'm vanilla town, the worst role ever (although my other half would disagree). We also got a 1-shot track on N1. Any questions you may have for eclipse and her actions should be redirected to eclipse (and not me).

I also need to read through the thread and get updated opinions. (Busy person+busy person does not a good hydra make. This sounded a lot better in theory but in practice just leads to both of us being too busy.)

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