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Your time in Serenes Forest


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Going to be seven years since i joined this place. I died out in activity after i started University though. It makes me a little sad actually considering how great this place was for the four years i was really active.

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Just hit 3 years a couple days ago. I've liked my experience here, even if I've come and gone a few times, but there are plenty of places where I don't post for one of three reasons. Either my opinion ain't s**t, I can't bring any meaningful contribution to a thread, or I've psyched myself out of posting in a thread after reading its content. So yeah...that eliminates a lot of things I can do here.

Still, a lot of the site (mostly FFtF) can be and has been fun. At times.

Edited by Karaszure
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Been a member since 2013, lurked before then, and have gone back to lurking. So far, I've loved the site. People made me feel welcome from day one, and I've never gotten a circle jerk vibe from this site like many other gaming communities.

Edited by Fox Hunter
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Been a member since October 2014. I was rather immature and annoying back then, but I'm pretty sure I could be considered more mature now

Edited by Voidlord
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Registered for like 48 hours. Less, probably.

Been lurking for a couple o' years though. Every 3 months or so, so like, probably a week in total.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been here on and off since 08 Jan. 2008 apparently... Wow it certainly doesn't seem like I've been here for 7 years. SF is a great site though, I check in with it quite often.

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Been a member since... *checks* Holy shit, 5 June 2013? My two-year anniversary is apparently coming up!

(Legit surprise. I thought for sure I joined in the summer of 2014.)

I remember making an account to post about something I don't remember (probably something stupid) and didn't do anything else until October 2014 to talk about Lucina vs. Marth in Smash 3DS. Even then, I didn't get really into this whole 'forum' dealie until less than a week ago. More than a year of inactivity really makes it feel weird that I've had an account for longer than many of you, since I feel like way more of a noob more often than not.

In any case, I don't regret it for one second! I love Fire Emblem, and Serenes Forest was basically made for me. :)

(Also, why did I make my username "Quan of Leonster"? I don't even remember. I know I was super into FE4 back then, but why Quan? He's not even my favorite character from that game... Ah well. No regrets.)

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Wow, it's been 7 years! I joined the site right before the big FESS migration, so things were pretty crazy back then. My activity tapered off during the wait for FE13 as I took interest in other series and forums. And, you know, I went to college. But I still like checking back here periodically. It was my first home on the internet, so I'll always have a special attachment here.

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Wow, it's been 7 years! I joined the site right before the big FESS migration, so things were pretty crazy back then. My activity tapered off during the wait for FE13 as I took interest in other series and forums. And, you know, I went to college. But I still like checking back here periodically. It was my first home on the internet, so I'll always have a special attachment here.

Man, FESS was a while back now! I remember hanging out around there like a decade ago... :o Superbus occasionally stops by Serenes and says something neat.

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  • 5 months later...

I don't want this thread to die, though I may end up getting it locked because I'm posting in my own thread again after almost a half a year later. I sure hope I don't get banned for it, though

Now I wanna hear about achievements you have made since joining the forum. For me, my own game Power Master is almost done and I started a new YouTube series. That's...it actually. Autism and Tourette's prevent me from doing a lot, so I get bored easily. But, yeah, let's see if I can keep this thread going!

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