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A-level-skills for Soren

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Hi everybody,

I leveled Soren from his first appearance until the end of the game. He is therefore one of my best characters and hardly ever gets injured. I also gave him special abilities when he had reached his highest abilities.

But he still can't use the high A-level skills I got from Heddwyn or other high level mage bosses. (not even the high level wind magic)

Is Soren only able to use high level wind magic or is it possible to let him use high level fire or thunder magic, too?

Best regards,


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I'm pretty sure in FE9 mages can reach a S rank in each magic type.

Soren begins with E and D in thunder (if he's a sage) so it needs some requirement to bring his weapon level to S.

You can get two arm scrolls in this game to increase the weapon level.

In FE10 they can't reach maximum weapon level in each magic element, because mages are divided in classes into their favored elemental magic.

Ilyana is the only character, who can use rexbolt.

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Hi everybody,

I leveled Soren from his first appearance until the end of the game. He is therefore one of my best characters and hardly ever gets injured. I also gave him special abilities when he had reached his highest abilities.

But he still can't use the high A-level skills I got from Heddwyn or other high level mage bosses. (not even the high level wind magic)

Is Soren only able to use high level wind magic or is it possible to let him use high level fire or thunder magic, too?

Best regards,


It's a matter of weapon rank. You CAN get Soren to use Rexbolt or other high rank fire or thunder tomes if you wished... Not that I'd recommend it, because his strength is shit.

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Thanks MisterIceTeaPeach and Levant Caprice! I was talking especially about PoR.

So how do I get Soren to his highest weapon rank?

I don't care about his actual strength. I want him to use Rexcalibur and Tornado, because it looks awesome. :D

It's more a kind of character-thing, I guess. I want him do be really mighty.

In my end-credit-ranking Soren reaches place 1 even before Oscar and Ike. :) So I am really keen on giving him his highest possible weapons.

By the way: What are your Top 5 characters in the end ranking from PoR?

Edited by Sorena
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Thanks MisterIceTeaPeach and Levant Caprice! I was talking especially about PoR.

So how do I get Soren to his highest weapon rank?

I don't care about his actual strength. I want him to use Rexcalibur and Tornado, because it looks awesome. :D

It's more a kind of character-thing, I guess. I want him do be really mighty.

In my end-credit-ranking Soren reaches place 1 even before Oscar and Ike. :) So I am really keen on giving him his highest possible weapons.

By the way: What are your Top 5 characters in the end ranking from PoR?

To increase weapon rank, you have to use that weapon type continuously. Also, Rexcalibur is unavailable in PoR. And even if it was, I honestly wouldn't want Soren and his virtually non-existent Strength stat using it unless you really like weighing yourself down considerably.

Edited by Levant Caprice
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Try giving him higher ranked tomes like Elwind because they raise weapon level faster than the basic tomes. Long range magic is particularly good at raising weapon ranks.

Edited by Zvarri!
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Thanks to all of you!

Soren usually never gets hit. At the beginning I place him behind Titania or Ike (whom I strip of their weapons first), so he can perform his magic from the distance.

Later in the game there is no need of shielding him at all, because he avoids every attack.

Concerning the weapons I am kind of a "purist". I usually try to use the simplest and cheapest weapons available. Apart from Aitihir for Ike I don't even give any abilities to my units or scrolls and whatsoever. Maybe that's also my problem. :D But it's a kind of character trait to act kind of economical.

Although I am never sure how much giving abilities, scrolls etc. or training characters in the base, spoils the benefit I get from fighting "for real".

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Try giving him higher ranked tomes like Elwind because they raise weapon level faster than the basic tomes. Long range magic is particularly good at raising weapon ranks.

Sorta, generally Fire/Thunder/Wind give one and everything else gives 2. There's also no kill WEXP, so WEXP is actually relatively slow in this game. Edited by Lord Raven
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Thanks to all of you!

Soren usually never gets hit. At the beginning I place him behind Titania or Ike (whom I strip of their weapons first), so he can perform his magic from the distance.

Later in the game there is no need of shielding him at all, because he avoids every attack.

Concerning the weapons I am kind of a "purist". I usually try to use the simplest and cheapest weapons available. Apart from Aitihir for Ike I don't even give any abilities to my units or scrolls and whatsoever. Maybe that's also my problem. :D But it's a kind of character trait to act kind of economical.

Although I am never sure how much giving abilities, scrolls etc. or training characters in the base, spoils the benefit I get from fighting "for real".

If you're supporting him with Ike, that would explain it. Also, you might be disappointed in how he turns out in Radiant Dawn.

You'll need Aether if you want to win the Black Knight fight (beating him is optional).

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@Radiant head: Yes, I know. I already played the game in easy, medium and difficult mode, and found out that the black knight can only be beaten by using aether. This was mainly a bit of luck (in difficult mode) and the use of a purgative by Mist.

But generally I'm not so keen on using Ike, since you could win a big part of the game by only using him (which is boring).

Since I've won the game about ten times I tried to use only "weaker" units which was kind of fun. Most of them developed well in the end. A great surprise were Rolf, Nephenee or Astrid. I seldom use Laguz, because they simply run everything down, except Reyson who turns out to be really helpful.

Edited by Sorena
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By the way: What are your Top 5 characters in the end ranking from PoR?

No one else seemed to answer this. I will.

My top 5 at the end of PoR was

1) Jill

2) Oscar

3) Marcia

4) Tanith

5) Astrid

Jill is :wub:

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You'll need Aether if you want to win the Black Knight fight (beating him is optional).

It's theoretical possible to beat him without any skills, if Ike has maxed strength and always hits.

Other good skill combos instead of aether are: nihl + wrath or nihil + adept

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Thx Ownagepuffs! ;)

Mine were:

1) Soren

2) Rolf

3) Oscar

4) Nephenee

5) Mia

How did you actually get two pegasus-riders so far to the top? Jill was really good with me, too. And I also managed to level Marcia to a quite solid level. But the pegasus-riders are wounded so quickly and die on the spot :D You can't leave them standing alone anywhere.

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It's theoretical possible to beat him without any skills, if Ike has maxed strength and always hits.

Other good skill combos instead of aether are: nihl + wrath or nihil + adept

Both of which suffer from the same pitfall - needing Ike to have maxed strength, or at least close to it, to have any realistic chance of winning.

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Mine was so mainstream:

Endgame Ike rank:


Best overall Titania Rank:


Best overall Top 5 Rank:



3)Makalov(Yea srs capped str skill speed def 50 hp)


5)Tanith/Boyd(My Boyd was great)

Ok mage Rank:




Mist(Mage MVP)




Lucia (I dont need more non stefan SMs zihark is the only one coming close to the best SM out of them)

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Thx Ownagepuffs! ;)

Mine were:

1) Soren

2) Rolf

3) Oscar

4) Nephenee

5) Mia

How did you actually get two pegasus-riders so far to the top? Jill was really good with me, too. And I also managed to level Marcia to a quite solid level. But the pegasus-riders are wounded so quickly and die on the spot :D You can't leave them standing alone anywhere.

The game is pretty generous with BEXP. If you spam BEXP on Marcia she kind of just rolls over the game. Tanith is actually very solid with her base stats alone. Give her an energy drop and a steel lance forge and she is ready to go. Also, reinforce spam!

I had other superstars too. Tormod was way up there towards endgame. Stefan still kicked ass with just his ridiculous base stats alone (I never used a single use of the Vague Katti). Kieran and Titania were still gods. My listed top 5 is just my favorites of my endgame team.

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Hm, Kieran was always kind of lame for me. I didn't level him as much as Oscar or Stella, though.

I don't ever use Titania. That is I do. But only to block enemies from weaker units. Therefore I strip her of all weapons. During the later game she is of no use for me.

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You'll need Aether if you want to win the Black Knight fight (beating him is optional).

ohhh my god, stop with the misinformation. there are more ways to win the BK fight than with aether.

more on-topic, there is approximately zero need to raise tome weapon ranks in FE9. a max MT forged thunder has 1 less MT than thoron and the same MT as bolganone. you can also forge +5 hit to tie accuracy with tornado, -2 WT to reduce its WT to minimum (for chumps like soren), and throw in +9 crit for the shits and giggles.

a +5/+25/0/-2 thunder forge costs 3.65x as much as a thoron tome, and not only is it simply way better, but it also has twice as many uses (so the cost per use is only 1.82x).

Edited by dondon151
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but dondon what about siege tomes

I only really thought about this because of the way you mentioned how forges are better in every way, and was like "hey, it'd be totally broken to forge +range on weapons"

I don't actually know how useful FE9 siege tomes are.

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but dondon what about siege tomes

I only really thought about this because of the way you mentioned how forges are better in every way, and was like "hey, it'd be totally broken to forge +range on weapons"

I don't actually know how useful FE9 siege tomes are.

Siege tomes are pretty rad in FE9. Especially if you double with them.
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