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FE4 Gen1+Gen2 Tier Lists

Moishe Oofnik

Best Gen 2 Unit?  

73 members have voted

  1. 1. Best Gen 2 unit?

    • Leif
    • Aless
    • Celice
    • Shanan
    • Levin!Sety
    • Levin!Arthur
    • Leen/Laylea
    • Roddlebad

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The reason Azel is ranked so low is because of the effort it takes him to promote. He uses the worst kind of magic as a specialty, and is a 5 mov unit.

Leaf doesn't have pursuit before he promotes, and getting him a pursuit ring is expensive to Ethlin. Celice gains almost full access to all the important rings. Remember, we're talking 220-245 turns here.

I understand Azel, although maybe it's possible to promote him and have him viable by the last chapter if you have a lot of rng blessing in stats or in the arena, but overall the way the game favors the 11 movement(9+2) horse units is just quite cruel to the slow walkers. I also don't understand why fire tomes are so terrible, who thought it was balanced to have the strongest wind tome with 2 weight, while thunder and fire tomes are much heavier?

Well in Crossing the Desert, by the time Seliph and his crew makes it to Alster(sand.....why???) you can get quite a lot of exp on Leif due to the endlessly returning knights, so he should be capable enough of fighting in the next arenas for easy experience. And while the pursuit ring is expensive for Ethlin, the Elite ring is quite free if she can lasthit the boss in chapter 2. Fast leveling Leif = rich Leif from arenas and selling elite for anyone who could buy it = quick powerful Master Knight who roflstomps the rest of the game. It's possible, although Seliph is probably easier but not as rewarding(I once had a Leaf with 16+ magic for some weird rng reason, turns out giving him the Tornado tome made him into a killing machine as well)

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On 220-245 turn counts, the elite ring goes to Celice so that he can promote by the start of chapter 7, meaning Leaf doesn't level fast. He can't take hits at all until he gets a few in him, meaning you want to kill the General asap to stop the reinforcements(this doesn't apply with a strong Fin, of course.) The elite ring in chapter 2 is going to Lachesis so that she can be a unit of use. Also, Celice likely has a 50 kill weapon by then, so he is a better fighter and bosskiller.

Edited by momogeek2141
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On 220-245 turn counts, the elite ring goes to Celice so that he can promote by the start of chapter 7, meaning Leaf doesn't level fast. He can't take hits at all until he gets a few in him, meaning you want to kill the General asap to stop the reinforcements(this doesn't apply with a strong Fin, of course.) The elite ring in chapter 2 is going to Lachesis so that she can be a unit of use. Also, Celice likely has a 50 kill weapon by then, so he is a better fighter and bosskiller.

leifs main utility is rescue he can also clear the arena solidly etc. etc.

I understand Azel, although maybe it's possible to promote him and have him viable by the last chapter if you have a lot of rng blessing in stats or in the arena, but overall the way the game favors the 11 movement(9+2) horse units is just quite cruel to the slow walkers. I also don't understand why fire tomes are so terrible, who thought it was balanced to have the strongest wind tome with 2 weight, while thunder and fire tomes are much heavier?

Well in Crossing the Desert, by the time Seliph and his crew makes it to Alster(sand.....why???) you can get quite a lot of exp on Leif due to the endlessly returning knights, so he should be capable enough of fighting in the next arenas for easy experience. And while the pursuit ring is expensive for Ethlin, the Elite ring is quite free if she can lasthit the boss in chapter 2. Fast leveling Leif = rich Leif from arenas and selling elite for anyone who could buy it = quick powerful Master Knight who roflstomps the rest of the game. It's possible, although Seliph is probably easier but not as rewarding(I once had a Leaf with 16+ magic for some weird rng reason, turns out giving him the Tornado tome made him into a killing machine as well)


also Roads give +1 move so its 9+1(I dont even remember anymore I just woke up)

Leif needs the light sword to do what you claim without dying which is arguebly going to celice

Leifs utility in short for you RESCUE leifs job isnt to be a combat god celice has high kill swords in that point and aless has better combat then them anyway

Your Personal Experience MEANS NOTHING

That elite ring is going to celice in that turn range the faster he goes to mount the more turns you save

If I remember at that point if you got azel!lana or claud!lana they can rescue him right after sieze in chapter 7

and Leif isnt the only one who wants that experience you got nanna and probably fee there if you really want too and because we are aiming effeciency


Edited by TTPK_Tal
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Leif's a perfectly serviceable combat unit if need be man.

Think of the cost of giving the elite ring to leif. Celice wants it, but Leif would be the only other unit to want said ring tbh.

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Please stay cool, yelling with caps lock at other people isn't fun. BTW, I'm pretty sure roads multiply your move by some number to get the new one, I think. Also, only Claud!Lana can rescue Celice, Azel!Lana only has B staves.

But GrySun, TTPK Tal is right. You cannot include the phrase "RNG Blessed" anywhere in fire emblem debating. You cannot use luck as a factor at all. You are simply trying to find reliable strategy to clearing the game semi fast. I understand that rarely units are at average, but averages are a way of comparing how a unit generally does. If we include RNG blessed we could say things like Vyland for top tier.

Edited by momogeek2141
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Please stay cool, yelling with caps lock at other people isn't fun. BTW, I'm pretty sure roads multiply your move by some number to get the new one, I think. Also, only Claud!Lana can rescue Celice, Azel!Lana only has B staves.

my mistake

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Also, I think Faval should go above Amid in upper mid, because Ichival OP. And Altenna should either chill at top of UM, or near Hawk in High. Maybe higher.

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Also, I think Faval should go above Amid in upper mid, because Ichival OP.

I can't really see any situation where Faval isn't better than Amid, considering Amid is always a footy too and Ichival always pounds damage.

And too GrySun, I always feel the same way about about Azel, especially since we always consider Azel!Arthur too at least be above average, but so many people who know Fire Emblem better than myself say he sucks. And obviously I like Azel so I'm a little biased. And rng-blessed is like potty talk in these parts, but for Azel, I do the same thing, especially in the arena, so I know how you feel.

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pretty sure the only thing Azel!Artur has going for him is the possibility of Pursuit+Wind/Thunder tome inheritance.

Azel can have a thunder tomb in chapter 2, the only thing giving him trouble before that is the arena. And he already has pursuit.

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Sounds like you have:


I'd say Claude-Fury, but it will slow you down, but we have her kids rated separately, so it probably need to be done.

And Briggid, who care, I think Beowulf is probably best for the skills and growths, but it doesn't really matter. No matter the pairing, it will slow you down, minus Midir.

LexSylvia only makes sense for ranked runs, to get her kids to level 30. Otherwise it's a waste of Lex as a daddy

And won't Claud!Fee reduce her to a flying staffbot support role?

If you care about getting Patty promoted thru combating, Briggid pairs best with Holyn or Lex

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LexSylvia only makes sense for ranked runs, to get her kids to level 30. Otherwise it's a waste of Lex as a daddy

And won't Claud!Fee reduce her to a flying staffbot support role?

If you care about getting Patty promoted thru combating, Briggid pairs best with Holyn or Lex

Eh, someone mentioned Lex-Sylvia, probably to gauge how much it slows you down. And Claud!Fee has incredible staff utility, yes, but she is also quiet deadly with magic swords and it allows her to transverse the blasted barrage of sleep staff users.

And I'm not convinced that Holyn is her best daddy, Lex is gone; he's always the best to promote Patty. But in terms of Holyn, I just don't see how b-sword rank is better than pursuit, especially when the only good b-sword is brave and I don't envision her getting her hands on either one of those, early game has way too many sword locked characters that need great swords.

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I think we were still debating how useful Holyn Patty is, but other than that those look good.

I honestly haven't done the pairing before, but i'll do it this time. What stuff does one usually pass down to Holyn!Patty? Just the normal stuff like rings? Giving her the hero sword via inheritance seems a bit overkill.

Someone mentioned something about Altenna being in high, sure, she's a pretty good combat unit but the Gae Bolg really isn't very good since it's so heavy and she joins at a point where your team is full of capable combat units and at the end of the day, that's all she is as well. Fliers really aren't that good in FE4 either.

Does an effecient run care about levelling up crappy units like Ardan? I might pair him with Ayra anyway but...

Edited by General Horace
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I honestly haven't done the pairing before, but i'll do it this time. What stuff does one usually pass down to Holyn!Patty? Just the normal stuff like rings? Giving her the hero sword via inheritance seems a bit overkill.

Someone mentioned something about Altenna being in high, sure, she's a pretty good combat unit but the Gae Bolg really isn't very good since it's so heavy and she joins at a point where your team is full of capable combat units and at the end of the day, that's all she is as well. Fliers really aren't that good in FE4 either.

Does an effecient run care about levelling up crappy units like Ardan? I might pair him with Ayra anyway but...

No it doesnt if he cant contribute anything hence why he is in the tier


basicly do this

Take Lex take his hero axe out change his move to 5 and make his growths worse and no holy blood

you got arden

take paragon to

Edited by TTPK_Tal
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It is technically possible for him to find ways to contribute, it's pretty easy to promote ardan by chapter 4, he's just worse at it than others, like i'm sure literally everybody knows.

I was just making sure I didn't have to bother actually using units like Alec that aren't fathering anything longterm.

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Altenna costs turns to recruit and once Arion appears in F she's spending too much time traveling back to the main battle scene.

Azel!Lana is the best COMBAT Lana, and she's amazing with staves too. But Claude!Lana Rescues from the crib. That one just depends on preference.

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I honestly haven't done the pairing before, but i'll do it this time. What stuff does one usually pass down to Holyn!Patty? Just the normal stuff like rings? Giving her the hero sword via inheritance seems a bit overkill.

Someone mentioned something about Altenna being in high, sure, she's a pretty good combat unit but the Gae Bolg really isn't very good since it's so heavy and she joins at a point where your team is full of capable combat units and at the end of the day, that's all she is as well. Fliers really aren't that good in FE4 either.

Does an effecient run care about levelling up crappy units like Ardan? I might pair him with Ayra anyway but...

I usually favorite her and pass down the Hero Sword and a Strength ring but that's just me. You could always try to break the Prayer Sword, and give it to Holyn via that glitch and let him pass it down.

Altenna also has shit resistance and comes at a time where about 70% of enemies you have to watch out for are going to be mages.

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Why is nonfather the only Fin listed and why would there have to be a distinction? The only time his inheritance matters is Ch7. After that, he can buy anything he needs, and he doesn't even need much.

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Why is nonfather the only Fin listed and why would there have to be a distinction? The only time his inheritance matters is Ch7. After that, he can buy anything he needs, and he doesn't even need much.

Im gonna list father Fin we dont settle a spot for him Im settling for mid high

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Fliers usually aren't that great in FE4, but they actually have a lot of utility in the final chapter what with being able to bait the barons out to let Celice skate past and doing crap over the Barhara castle ridge. But yeah, the very low end of high or the top of UM is where she belongs.

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@TTPK_Tal: You do know it's people like you that give LTCers their bad reputation, don't you?

Please stay cool, yelling with caps lock at other people isn't fun. BTW, I'm pretty sure roads multiply your move by some number to get the new one, I think. Also, only Claud!Lana can rescue Celice, Azel!Lana only has B staves.

But GrySun, TTPK Tal is right. You cannot include the phrase "RNG Blessed" anywhere in fire emblem debating. You cannot use luck as a factor at all. You are simply trying to find reliable strategy to clearing the game semi fast. I understand that rarely units are at average, but averages are a way of comparing how a unit generally does. If we include RNG blessed we could say things like Vyland for top tier.

I see, so you are trying to be...consistent with your playthroughs? I thought the point was to be as fast as possible and seriously, with so many rng possibilities there is no limit and there is no lowest turn count, as some guy could have endless luck and have much better units and finish in much less turns than the average guy. If you want to remain average and consistent, sure, but it bugs me how some people claim definite "laws" and guidelines how to do things when it can be theoretically surpassed especially when new things are tried or made possible due to rng, which plays a huge part in the game. Oh well.

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I usually favorite her and pass down the Hero Sword and a Strength ring but that's just me. You could always try to break the Prayer Sword, and give it to Holyn via that glitch and let him pass it down.

Altenna also has shit resistance and comes at a time where about 70% of enemies you have to watch out for are going to be mages.

I'll try giving her the hero sword she gives Celice, she should be able to afford it if I load her with Steel swords or something, giving Celice the first hero sword just makes chapter 6 so much easier. I think she can get the strength ring.

That's another good point on Altenna I missed too.

Gae Bolg Criticals are scary yes, but if she doesn't crit, she's likely not doubling. It's almost better to give her a silver sword or something.

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I'll try giving her the hero sword she gives Celice, she should be able to afford it if I load her with Steel swords or something, giving Celice the first hero sword just makes chapter 6 so much easier. I think she can get the strength ring.

That's another good point on Altenna I missed too.

Gae Bolg Criticals are scary yes, but if she doesn't crit, she's likely not doubling. It's almost better to give her a silver sword or something.

Yeah that's what I'd recommend

You do have to be careful she doesn't fall for Shannan but that shouldn't be a problem if we go fast

Edited by Psych
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