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What do you think is the most underrated Fire Emblem?


Which Fire Emblem game do you think is the most underrated?  

107 members have voted

  1. 1. Which of the main 13 games do you think is the most underrated?

    • Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light
    • Gaiden
    • Mystery of the Emblem
    • Genealogy of the Holy War
    • Thracia 776
    • Binding Blade
    • Fire Emblem
    • Sacred Stones
    • Path of Radiance
    • Radiant Dawn
    • Shadow Dragon
    • New Mystery of the Emblem
    • Awakening

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I'd say Gaiden by far.

Keep in mind by underrated I mean underrated among the FE fanbase, since the FE series in general is rather underrated.

Edited by Matthewtheman
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I dislike 'underrated' as a term, but I'd say Shadow Dragon has been the victim of unwarranted animosity to the greatest extent.

I think you may have accidentally voted Radiant Dawn(which is definitely not underrated). Just sayin'.

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Pretty much any FE not named Awakening or FE7, imo. Of the ones I've played, that is. I can't give an opinion on the others due to not having played them. And those mainly include the Japan-only titles.

But if you ask me, Tellius and Sacred Stones are pretty underrated while Awakening and FE7 are overrated. Awakening being extremely overrated.

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I'm shocked to see two votes for Shadow Dragon, as I wouldn't define underrated as "good game, but relatively bad", like that.

Thracia is my vote because I know plenty of FE fans who haven't played it. Sure, the game's hard, but it's almost as advanced as Radiant Dawn in terms of game system, and the scenarios for each map are excellently designed. Shame we can't say the same for the translation.

I can also concievably see someone going Gaiden, in hindsight, the changes from FE1 to Gaiden were incredible, and that seems to be FE game that gets the least attention overall.

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Pretty much any FE not named Awakening or FE7, imo. Of the ones I've played, that is. I can't give an opinion on the others due to not having played them. And those mainly include the Japan-only titles.

But if you ask me, Tellius and Sacred Stones are pretty underrated while Awakening and FE7 are overrated. Awakening being extremely overrated.

I strongly disagree with Tellius, given how much this forum seems to love them.

I'll admit, I even considered leaving them(or at least RD), FE3/12, FE4, FE7, and FE13 off the poll, because anyone voting for them clearly either has no idea what underrated means, or have no idea how popular that game is among the FE fanbase.

Edited by Matthewtheman
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I strongly disagree with Tellius, given how much this forum seems to love them.

I'll admit, I even considered leaving them(or at least RD), FE3/12, FE4, FE7, and FE13 off the poll, because anyone voting for them clearly either has no idea what underrated means, or have no idea how popular that game is among the FE fanbase.

If you're talking about Path of Radiance, maybe.

If you think Radiant Dawn is just purely loved, you don't know what you're talking about. RD gets loads of criticism.

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If you're talking about Path of Radiance, maybe.

If you think Radiant Dawn is just purely loved, you don't know what you're talking about. RD gets loads of criticism.

I've heard literally nothing but praise for it on this site.

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That's just it, only this forum seems to love the Tellius games. People outside of this forum say their favorite FE game is Awakening or they haven't played FE at all. And Awakening fans likely hate Ike because he's in Smash while their precious Chromypoo isn't. Roy fans seem to hate him as well because of Smash-related stuff. Many Awakening fans also said Chrom and Lucina should replace Marth and Ike in Smash. Really, seeing as a majority of the FE fanbase now is made up of Awakening fanboys and fangirls, much of the FE fanbase doesn't care a lot about the older titles anymore.

Heck, by this logic, FE7 might be underrated too now that I think about it. And I didn't even enjoy that one a lot. It isn't crap or anything, but it's still an okay game.

EDIT: Radiant Head, RD was rated about 77/100 in reviews. A pretty decent score. But I still think it's better than that. Like a 90/100 (I used to say 10/10, but I got smarter. xP).

Edited by Anacybele
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RD is underrated. In fact, both Tellius games were. IMO, these two games were the peak of English FE gameplay, maybe the entire series. (I haven't played 1-5, so I wouldn't know. Looking for a way to get my hands on those.) RD deserves it's praise, and some of it's criticism as well, but overall it was a very good game.

That said, I voted for SS, because I've found a lot of people dislike it.

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I originaly voted SD for how much undeserved shit it gets but then I thought about it and I voted thracia

I'm shocked to see two votes for Shadow Dragon, as I wouldn't define underrated as "good game, but relatively bad", like that.

Thracia is my vote because I know plenty of FE fans who haven't played it. Sure, the game's hard, but it's almost as advanced as Radiant Dawn in terms of game system, and the scenarios for each map are excellently designed. Shame we can't say the same for the translation.

I can also concievably see someone going Gaiden, in hindsight, the changes from FE1 to Gaiden were incredible, and that seems to be FE game that gets the least attention overall.

original fe1 is trash SD is less trash

Edited by TTPK_Tal
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My opinion stands with Thracia 776 because some people either don't play or dislike it because of the shitty translation also the difficulty scares tons away so yeah definitely FE 5 im sure if more people gave it a good chance it be very popular.

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voted for shadow dragon, it simply gets bashed such a ton with personal preference (wrt writing or "simplistic" map design) or excuses such as warpskip being the main reasons.

Edited by Gradivus.
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FE6, although patially for bias, a lot of people are scared of difficulty (NM isn't bad outside CH16), dislike ripping off FE1/3 an awful lot (unique story isn't the game's strong point, but it does pull off the plot better than 1 where it's "Marth goes here. Now Marth goes here." Same for 8/9. I don't like it, but it's not the worst), and removing a lot of FE5 mechanics.

At the same time, they ignore that FE6 Normal is one of the best middle ground difficulties to date, the then new introduction of supports, a nice backstory (albeit without a fun chapter to accompany it), and what's probably one of the best villains in a series full of good baddies.

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Voted for FE6

In my opinion, FE4, 5 and 6 are some of the best games in the series. 4 isn't underrated at all and people love this game so I can't vote for it. Seeing so many people say that FE5 is underrated has me thinking that it isn't actually underrated so I'm not voting for it. That leaves FE6 though looking at the poll, I'm wondering how underrated it is considering it has 5 votes.

Most overrated is FE7 imho.

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Out of the ones ive played, Sacred Stones needs more love. While there are fans out there, i feel like its the most underrated out of the Western FEs. Ike got exposure because of Smash. The Elibe games, most people know about and like them. Shadow Dragon isnt that great. Awakening is an explosion. So it leaves ol' FE8 kinda like this awkward sibling in the middle.

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Binding Blade and Shadow Dragon get a lot of undeserved hate and are both excellent games. Binding Blade slightly less so so I voted Shadow Dragon.

Shadow Dragon is a faithful remake, but it's objectively the worst game in the series.


Edited by Irysa
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