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Looking for love in all the wrong places... and manners...


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Or get an umbrella and walk in the rain.

Exercise is just something you need to keep doing, or you won't get anything.

I'd recommend a gym, but this may not be within Snowybear's disposal at the moment... 2-3 times a week may suffice, even. Although cardio and endurance excercises, those you can do pretty much any day.
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If you can't get a gym membership, push ups and crunches are perfect and don't require equipment. If you can, I would get a pull-up bar. Weights would be ideal, but otherwise, push-ups, crunches, and pull-ups will target the muscles that most need it.

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And watch the diet. Go for a diet rich with greens, and take Fish over meat if you can, though I think you can treat yourself to meat once a week. Also stay hydrated while you exercise. Water is cheaper and gets the job done better over Gatorade. I personally find the latter useful to alleviate hangovers. To restore the electrolytes you lost while exercising, go eat afterwards.

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And watch the diet. Go for a diet rich with greens, and take Fish over meat if you can, though I think you can treat yourself to meat once a week. Also stay hydrated while you exercise. Water is cheaper and gets the job done better over Gatorade. I personally find the latter useful to alleviate hangovers. To restore the electrolytes you lost while exercising, go eat afterwards.

Firstly, I hate fish. Like, seriously, I can't stomach the stuff at all. I mean, sure, no violent reaction, but no way at all I will eat the stuff. Secondly, I really can't give up the meat. Doing so increases the chance of my epilepsy striking again. My family has sat down and paid attention and we've noticed that the following three things seem to affect it.

1) Sleep. The less sleep the more likely.

2) Moon Phases. This one I'm not so sure is true, or if it is, is less actually affected by the moon and more of coincidental timing. Still, it's not impossible and I'd rather keep an eye on the moon than end up quivering on the ground in the middle of a movie theater (and yes, that has happened. Cowboys vs. Aliens.)

3) Amount of meat I've eaten. Seriously. If I don't have a good serving it makes me light-headed and such. Mom will actually delay going to meetings to ensure I get something beforehand if things work out badly (like a series of lengthy meetings starting early).

Oddly things like flashing lights and the like have 0 effect on me.

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If you're looking for a diet that's good for both epilepsy and weight loss, try a ketogenic diet paired with a high-intensity exercise regimen. You'll get the best specific advice by visiting with a doctor or dietician, but a general ketogenic diet involves getting the majority of your calories from fats and proteins, your fibers and vitamins from lots of green leafy vegetables, and cutting out the majority of carbohydrate intake (like sugars).

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Yeah, sure, go take advice from the guy with a L'Arachel avatar!

On a serious note, why not meat? It's one of the best and most complete sources of protons. And the only way it's 'unhealthy' is by eating it in excesss...like most things in life. Want an easy diet? Have your daily protons (don't know how much you weigh, but assume 0.6 * your BW in lbs) and accompany them with vegetables.

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Figures, the day I figured out how to make holiday spice pepsi and the day I was going to the temp agency is also the day I get sick and get such a bad night of rest I'm still drained.

I suspect that, above all else, the most important thing for me right now is to get a new mattress that isn't spring-bare so I can get some good rest.

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Yeah, sure, go take advice from the guy with a L'Arachel avatar!

On a serious note, why not meat? It's one of the best and most complete sources of protons. And the only way it's 'unhealthy' is by eating it in excesss...like most things in life. Want an easy diet? Have your daily protons (don't know how much you weigh, but assume 0.6 * your BW in lbs) and accompany them with vegetables.


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Red Queen means proteins, it was a simple typo.

Okay. Sorry, Snowy, that's my limit, can't help you.

Edited by Rapier
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Posted · Hidden by Integrity, April 11, 2015 - fuck off soul
Hidden by Integrity, April 11, 2015 - fuck off soul

Yeah, "typo".


I'm sorry, did I hurt your autism?

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Figures, the day I figured out how to make holiday spice pepsi and the day I was going to the temp agency is also the day I get sick and get such a bad night of rest I'm still drained.

I suspect that, above all else, the most important thing for me right now is to get a new mattress that isn't spring-bare so I can get some good rest.

I'm with Rapier on this one. I'm done trying to help. You don't get it.
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To be put nicely, Snowy, unless you're willing to go outside of your comfort zone and make changes in your life, very little's going to change! Nobody's forcing you, but we're not exactly going to employ you and find you a woman to marry!

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I did not mean it as "you're beyond salvation, I'm done with you", but as "I have no knowledge that may help you, sorry". Yet Shin's right, and I reiterate: You don't need to try to perform perfectly as soon as you start. For example, even if you don't jog at the start, walking is a lot of proggress compared to not exercising at all. After walking becomes less tiring to you, you may jog. It is a common mistake to expect sedentary people to pick the same pace as those who are doing such practice regularly (that applies to studies also).

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I have been exercising. A few days ago my family and I went for a lengthy walk around a nearby park for example and Thursday I spent an hour literally pushing around some large and heavy bins in the basement and, assuming it doesn't rain, I'm going to be moving multiple bags of concrete and asphalt Saturday and Sunday to repave the driveway/fix the sidewalk. That's in addition to walking (well, except the first one).

Heck, on Wednesday I even had a short conversation with a girl in line at the post office about her favorite sports team. I HAVE been trying. Today just got messed up.

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To be put nicely, Snowy, unless you're willing to go outside of your comfort zone and make changes in your life, very little's going to change! Nobody's forcing you, but we're not exactly going to employ you and find you a woman to marry!

^ this

(note to the new members, posting only the line above is spam, don't do it outside of Far from the Forest. Elaboration below.)

You don't seem particularly happy. Therefore, your current routine needs to change. If you're already unhappy, what's the worst that can happen if you try something completely and totally different? After all, you know that "here" isn't where you want to be!

EDIT: AND GIVE IT TIME! These things won't happen overnight!

Edited by eclipse
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As someone who has a tendency to make excuses not to do what I need to do because it's uncomfortable and scary, I can safely say everyone here is right. You really need to conquer that fear, at least in small steps, if you really want to get any where. Not only to get a girlfriend.

I got my first job five years ago (it's a part-time cashier job, nothing big, but it's convenient for me). Now I'm working on completing school. Hopefully I'll get a better job and enough money to move out after that and finally get started on acquiring a family, but that comes later.

A girlfriend will come later. And spoiler alert: she won't be Megan Fox and chances are it won't be as idyllic as you want it to be, since she'll be a human with her own flaws. It might not work out with the first girl, or the second, or the third. It's a good goal, I suppose, but it shouldn't be the driving goal towards just improving yourself and your life in general. You should want to do that for yourself.

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I have been exercising. A few days ago my family and I went for a lengthy walk around a nearby park for example and Thursday I spent an hour literally pushing around some large and heavy bins in the basement and, assuming it doesn't rain, I'm going to be moving multiple bags of concrete and asphalt Saturday and Sunday to repave the driveway/fix the sidewalk. That's in addition to walking (well, except the first one).

Heck, on Wednesday I even had a short conversation with a girl in line at the post office about her favorite sports team. I HAVE been trying. Today just got messed up.

That's good! Taking steps to be more active is definitely a positive thing. Just keep in mind that you need to maintain a healthy diet while you're also keeping active.

Remember that it's slow. But in half a year, or by Christmas even, you'll be in much better shape physically, and thus mentally!

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I have been exercising. A few days ago my family and I went for a lengthy walk around a nearby park for example and Thursday I spent an hour literally pushing around some large and heavy bins in the basement and, assuming it doesn't rain, I'm going to be moving multiple bags of concrete and asphalt Saturday and Sunday to repave the driveway/fix the sidewalk. That's in addition to walking (well, except the first one).

Heck, on Wednesday I even had a short conversation with a girl in line at the post office about her favorite sports team. I HAVE been trying. Today just got messed up.

Not good enough. Losing weight is not easy at all and you'll never lose weight at this rate. Jog for at least half an hour everyday.

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Walked down to the temp office and found they're closed on weekends. Hindsight says it was pretty obvious but, oh well.

More importantly I found my dads old weight set and have started carrying his 10 LBS weights with me everywhere AND found a course down to a gamestore on the opposite side of the city that has an open night every Saturday night. I already had plans with my family tonight, but next week I will try to go.

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