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Fire Emblem confessions.

Yami Noctis

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I also recruit spotpass characters from previous games in the series just for the sole purpose of putting them through the hubba tester

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  • The first time I played a Fire Emblem Game (8), I didn't reset and I only had 3 units by Chapter 9, Erikia, Seth, and Franz.
  • I tend to forget axes exist
  • I barely have any strategy
  • I started HHM before EHM because why not
  • Anything on a mount is my favourite class
  • I fangirl over seeing the color of Paladins' armour in the GBA games.
  • I don't like things like dancers for some reason
  • I fangirl over to many people
  • I also fangirl over the color of wyverns
  • I never support for benefits, I do it for fun.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I like magic users way to much.

And Pent to much.

Edited by Alto Angelo
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I never support for benefits.

I never usually re-class any units into Wyvern Knights in 8 because I hate the wyverns.

I like the GBA way of supporting.

I dislike Path of Radiance and hate Radiant Dawn.Come at me.

I fangirl a lot.

I like Pegasus/Falcoknights more then Dark Fliers.

I prefer brute strength over strategy,even when I shouldn't go all out..

I don't use dancers/bards.

Hector,Lyn,Ephraim and Eirika are my favourite lords.

I love the Hubba Tester solely because of that shipper part of me.

Edited by ShadowShine
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Although there is nothing in particular that I dislike about them, taken all together I like the Elibe saga the least in the series.

I believe that the Tellius saga has the best storyline out of the series. yes, even better than Jugdrall.

Haven't bothered to play FE1, 2, or 3, and probably never will.

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1. I hate the clothing designs in Awakening.

2. I prefer the outdated but somewhat realistic animation of Holy War and Thracia then the animations from the GBA game which try WAY to hard to be cool.

3. I think Radiant Dawn is shit and I will personally punch Micaiah so hard her head explodes.

4. Dark Magic is the best magic.

5. I want Yuka Tsujiyoko to compose the next FE that is NOT if.

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1- I never finished FE5 / Thracia. I generally finish games I enjoy and I don't mind difficult games for the most part, but when I got to the invisible teleporting squares, that was it for me. I was willing to deal with everything else, but not that.

2- I first played FE4 and FE5 via emulator (shh) when there were no translation patches available at all. It... wasn't easy, but I adored FE4 and liked FE5 up to a point. I had briefly tried FE3, but found it not very enjoyable. My impression of Shadow Dragon was not much better either (though I did finish that one); Marth's games aren't for me I think.

3- I felt the GBA games were a huge step back. The previous two games had unique characters with awesome skills, large epic maps and dynamic, flowing battles. The GBA games removed all unit's skills so everyone was the same, the battles were static with pre-canned animations and no variations and the maps were tiny. The gba music didn't have the sweeping map tunes of FE4 or the excellent deployment of FE5. Everything felt so simple and basic. I enjoyed FE 7 and FE8 much more than I thought I would, but my feelings on this subject never really changed. I've never played FE6 due to this.

4- Despite point #3, I bought a GBA basically just for Fire Emblem 7. Was a good buy since I ended up with multiple enjoyable games on the system.

5- A friend had a Gamecube. Ended up borrowing the Gamecube pretty often for Path of Radiance.

6- I bought a Wii just for Radiant Dawn. Kind of regret it since I have a total of 3 games I like on the system (though I love those three a lot).

7- I bought a 3DS when Fire Emblem Awakening was announced for localization. Awesome buy, don't regret it at all.

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For the longest time, I didn't know that the game forecast the battle results when you started to engage the enemy; I just went through it without second thought.

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I was incredibly underwhelmed by FE4.

I love using Gregor as a pair up partner just so I can hear him say "Is Gregor time!" Never gets old.

I wouldn't use any of the lords in FE7 if I didn't have to.

I actually like Micaiah.

I despise the Myrmidon/Swordmaster class.

If I could have team full of Valkyries I totally would. Especially if they were all L'Arachel and Maribelle, but not Mist. Mist can DIAF.

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-I seem to be in the minority, but I dislike Ike and find him to be extremely boring and undeserving of the popularity. Good job smash...

-I never played the Marth FE games but played all others. For some reason I don't feel like it.

-I both love and hate how Alm singlehandedly wins the last chapters in FE2. I love it because all other units are terrible, but hate it because it's far too easy. Alm is far too strong for a child.

-I regrett not having played FE4 blind.

-As I'm not an LTC-person, I find both Sigurd and Celice to be pretty bad unit and personality wise.

-Cuan's death made me more sad than the death of all the other units. I tried to rush my units through the desert to save him, but that was futile...

-FE5 Thracia is the bane of my existence.

-Lilina is probably my favorite female FE character. + points for being Hector's daughter.

-Mercenaries are broken in every FE game.

-I like Roy, even though he's a pretty sad excuse of a unit.

-FE7 isn't a good FE game, but it has Hector so it's worth playing.

-EphraimxEirika is legit.

-Cormag is my first wyvern rider who turned out amazingly well.

-Scared Stones is my favorite FE game and has my favorite cast of characters out of any FE game.

-After thinking about it for a long time, I still can't decide my favorite lord, Hector and Ephraim are both just far too great.

-The Tellius games were rather mediocre. Bonus Exp is a terrible addition to any FE game.

-My favorite Tellius-unit is Aran, he turned into a godly lancer with all stats capped and better than Nephenee.

-Shinon is the best archer in the entire franchise.

-The only armor knight I ever used in any Fire Emblem game from start to finish is Gatrie, but only in Radiant Dawn as there he was a beast.

-I didn't bring any of the laguz royals with me into Radiant Dawn endgame as it felt like cheating if I did that.

-I accidentally killed both Nasir and Gareth at the end of Radiant Dawn, as I didn't know you can recruit them and I saw them as my enemies.

-Ashera is easily the hardest boss in all of Fire Emblem.

-Awakening was actually a great game with good characters. The story was flawed but still easily more enjoyable than the story of FE7. Haters hate too much.

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- I didn't like the story of Fire Emblem Awakening at all, and while I enjoyed some of the characters, I hated pretty much 50-60% of them. Go to hell candy-thief guy and armor knight that nobody notices. Those are dumb ass gimmicks.

- I didn't play any of the SNES Fire Emblems because I'm holding out for a patch that isn't buggy.

- I actually like the Laguz.

- I don't like how many last-minute characters there are in FE7.

- I think if you skip the grind, FE8 is better than FE7. I also like the extra animations they added in.

- I like the Fighter animation in FE7.

- I only played 5 missions in Shadow Dragon before tossing it away because of the graphics. I picked it up again just recently though.

- I hate world maps in any sort of Fire Emblem game.

- There's no point to have a Myrmidon in FE7 if you just use Lyn.

- I think Archers are awesome.

Edited by siveon
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  • 2 weeks later...

- I have pretty much the full library of "system sellers" for the 3DS (Link Between Worlds, Smash 4, etc.), and Awakening trumps them all by a significant margin. I spent an entire summer saving up for a 3DS and that game, and don't regret any of it for one second.

- Not a single game in the franchise has a good final boss fight. Not even Radiant Dawn.

- Awakening is awesome, but has some serious wasted potential. The SpotPass characters' Support repertoires is the biggest one, I think. (Why can't Emmeryn support with her siblings? Why can't Yen'fay support with Say'ri? Gangrel and Emmeryn? Walhart and Basilio?) Interactions with and between DLC characters is another one. At least it makes nice tinder for fanfiction.

- I recognize all of FE8's flaws, and understand that other games may be objectively better in certain regards, but FE8 still stands on top for me. It knocked my socks off too hard as a kid.

- Unsurprisingly, I've beaten FE8 more than any other game in the series, and possibly any game ever? No wait that's Portal

- I'm fine with explicitly stated incest (Arvis/Deirdre, Manga!Eldigan/Raquesis), but claims of implicit incest is my button, especially regarding Ephraim and Eirika. That's my childhood you're messing with, dammit.

- I played the European version of FE7 first, forever ruining my first experience with the game because that version sucks. ('Biran'? Seriously?) I'll pick it back up on the American Wii U VC, but it won't be the same...

- I've played every game in the series except the first one... but I haven't beaten 2, 3, or 5. In 5's case, I don't know if I ever will, but I'll try at least. I also haven't ever finished Hector's story, but, well, see above.

- I'm fine with Archers (no worse than any other unit). The worst class in every game without exception is the Armor Knight. (Edit: Well, there is Gilliam...)

- I used Leonardo, Edward, and Nolan in Part 4 Endgame because I couldn't stand not using their legendary weapons. (Leonardo was still in a second-tier class at the time.) I also didn't use any Laguz Royals because I was more attached to Ranulf and had invested tons of EXP in him.

-I always look forward to new games with an idealistic eye. I have high hopes for SMTxFE and FE14... especially if they manage to make Armors useful for once.

Edited by Quan of Leonster
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Oh hey, it's one of these threads again. Hmm, now what did I not mention last time that I feel like mentioning now...

I am legitimately starting to lose all interest in post-FE12 installments that aren't remakes/spin-offs. Come at me.

Also I still want light magic back.

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- When I first played FE7 I let Dorcas die and still haven't forgiven myself..even though it's..Dorcas..

- I hate how they are dumbing down the series. This is not an RPG series this is a SRPG


- I hate the remakes

- I hate Marth and his games

- I have yet to beat FE5

- I don't like the two generation thing, like in FE13 and FE4

- I love the kinds of units that everyone else seems to hate eg Wendy, trainees, Donnel, Meg, Erk, Ests

- My least favorite class in general is cavaliers even tho they are useful, they are not specialized enough

- Fav classes are pegasus knights and mages

- I don't use laguz type units

- FE13 is the most gorgeous thing i can't even

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- I used Pelleas over any other mage in Radiant Dawn.

- I used Aran over Nephenee in Radiant Dawn.

- If a character dies while arena abusing, after arena abusing for hours, I move on even though I hate it when characters die.

- Radiant Dawn Ike is my favorite Ike.

- However I don't like the meme machine that is Super Smash Bros. Ike.

- I really like the three tier classes.

- I kind of want (dis)mounting to come back as a mechanic.

- More hybrid classes please...

- More new or returning classes please...

- I want the trainees to come back.

- Although Awakening was exploitable, I really enjoy it because it got my best friend into Fire Emblem.

- During my first run of Blazing Sword as a wee lad, my Lords were my weakest units because I hated gaming over and they (Eliwood especially) would die a lot.

- I didn't really like Marth in his own games.

- Chrom and Lucina have too much hype behind them.

- I support characters together because I feel like they would have awesome conversations, not because of the benefits that come from certain supports.

- Strangely, I miss the affinities each character would have.

- I feel like the only person who noticed that there might be armor/clothing destruction in Fire Emblem if.

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I wish Arvis was recruitable in FE4

I sympathise with Arvis and Lyon more than the protagoinists of their games.

Sigurd and Leif are my least favorite FE characters

I can't abide by fan names like Shiida, Katua, or ESPECIALLY Celice.

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I like Radiant Dawn a lot.

I like Sacred Stones better than Blazing Sword.

I've never finished Sword of Seals.

My Fire Emblem OTP is Lute/Vanessa everything else can just go and be mediocre.

I tried to play FE4 but the sheer amount of horseriding made my ass hurt.

Also, I make Amelia a General every time. No exceptions.

Edited by Yasako
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I really don't mind Awakening

I let Nolan, Laura, Aran and iirc Illyana die when i first played Radiant Dawn

it was my first FE

I always used promotion items on Mist because i could never get her past level 15

I have yet to play Lunatic on Awakening

I use Roshea on Shadow Dragon un-ironically

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I loved Radiant Dawn, it was my third favorite game in the series. I also found Micaiah attractive, interesting, and very useful. (I get amazing RNG luck, she had a lot of speed and could double most units.)

I have yet to beat any final boss with the exception of Fire Emblem Awakening, which I have only beat on Casual, because I'm a sucker and cannot stand the chance of my units dying. And I was lazy.

Ike is.. okay.

Chrom is one of my favorite lords, and Lucina is boring.

Camilla reminds me too much of my own sister to be attracted to her.

SD Marth is the only lord I can relate to.

I like all the changes they're doing with FE:IF, and I liked Awakening, but found the gameplay boring. (It would have been so much better as a manga, so i'm glad they're making one.)

I have almost no opinions on FE4, but Thracia776 is the most difficult, and therefore fun, game in the series.

I gave up on FE:7 after Lyn's story, I felt Eliwood was dumb. I had no idea how Fire Emblem was supposed to work, and I thought it should have stopped there and assumed I'd never see Lyn of Matthew again.

I had no idea I had so much to put here.

Oh, and I like FE12's Kris and the whole assassin plot. But I might just like the idea of an archer with a monocle.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fire Emblem 4 was my first Fire Emblem but I played it so long ago that I no longer remember much about it and I lost the game.

I actually think that the avatar becoming the main lord of the series is a good thing. I like customization for the main characters.

While quite a few characters are duds in Awakening, I think some of them, such as Virion, are decently well rounded.

I once left Ewan for dead because he got hit by a stray bolting and Ephraim got a 7 up for his level.

I liked the names they gave the "replacements" for Shadow Dragon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

-I honestly miss Pantless Marth from FE1. He was a cool guy.

-I think I tried to complete Fire Emblem Gaiden at least 10 times, but I always get turned off on Chapter 4 for some reason, and it's not precisely because my characters are underleveled by that point.

-Eirika x Ephraim. Come on, FE4 had incest, why not you?.

-I thought that Marth would be on FE7 the first time I played it. About Roy? I thought that he was Eliwood.

-I actually like Thracia 776.

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