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Tsubaki, the man flying a horse. And the status of sex locked classes.


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If Tsubaki really is a man, I'll be hella stoked. I've always wanted a male Pegasus Rider, and it would go perfectly with the female Fighter I've seen floating around~

And if not, yeah I'll be disappointed, but It's not the end of the world or anything

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There could be a story reason for their being a pegasus knight (if they are indeed male)?

Going with the Japanese-style theme of Hoshido, they could be a male raised to be a pegasus knight, traditionally a female-only profession, like real-life Kabuki actors?

Regardless, I think it'd be awesome if we finally got male pegasus knights (female berserkers here we come??)

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Everything I've seen points to Tsubaki being a guy, except for the name. And class. And and... Kidding. If Tsubaki is a girl well, okay. I don't mind either or. Just feels and looks and sounds like a guy to me.

I'm personally just in the hope of Nohr and Hoshido practicing gender equality and mass training dude peg knights and female fighters. Because it's the "hip" thing to do!

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I think he is a guy personally, and Ive been looking forward to male Pegasus knights, female fighters,ect. Also we haven't had an opportunity for male pegasus knights since path of radiance so i really hope he is a guy.

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Sincerely hoping Tsubaki's male. Male Pegasus Knights have been a thing I've wanted for as long as I've played the games.

I'd say it's most likely, too. If seems to be limiting some classes to each nation, so making them gender-inclusive would allow more diversity within those classes to compensate for the lessened class diversity as a whole.

Besides, if we're having this much trouble determining their sex, I doubt a flying horse would be much better at it.

Edited by Twylis
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Both of them were men.

That looked like women. He's saying that Tsubaki may be the same case.

I find it remarkable how split everybody is with this topic. It's kind of silly, imo. I'm still convinced Tsubaki is male.

Me too except when you look real close to Tsubaki's portrait, he has some lashes so... probably doesn't mean too much though.

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I think he is a guy personally, and Ive been looking forward to male Pegasus knights, female fighters,ect. Also we haven't had an opportunity for male pegasus knights since path of radiance so i really hope he is a guy.

Rude. I see what you did there.

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^ Whats rude? Path of radiance was the most recent new universe besides this one. Every one since has shared a universe with an pre-existing one or been a remake.

Oh haha I thought you were being a wise guy and talking about Tanith since some people like calling her manly. XD


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^^ Non tellius and at least thracia776 (dont have fe 4 photos) Pegasus riders don't wear pants honestly. Is kozaki the artist for awakening? If so you might want to look at Marribelle and Anna,

Edited by goodperson707
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I would love it if he is able to ride a pegasus because he identifies as a woman or something along those lines. Very iffy for IS and especially Nintendo, but we've had characters like Vivian before...

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If he's male, maybe he's just an abnormally purely hearted guy... that's what's stopping men from riding a pegasus right?

Or just, you know... it's a different world, with different rules. So maybe pegasi aren't so picky in this one. Pegasus brothers, incoming

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