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Do you like where FE is heading...? /:


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I'm honestly afraid that with the two-game system FE is going to devolve into a mass of new people who only play Hoshido and either forget about Nohr or pass it off as a relic of days past. Open-world games are in vogue right now.

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Well, I don't visit Tumblr, so that's that. And yes, there should not be gate keeping; I meant as such with my post.

EDIT: Hm, that last part sounded wrong even to me.

EDIT2: Better way to say it: I basically agree with everything you've said, but at the same time, it should be understood that people are allowed to hate the newer stuff if they wish just as much as people are allowed to love them.

oh dear, i was speaking generally. However, while i agree people are definitely allowed to have negative opinions, they really shouldnt be asses about it.

is the kind of thing im putting out here. Like, most of those Jugdral fans on tumblr are not being dicks about it, but occasionally.....one slips. Ive also seen people deliberately go after Awakening fans (like on gamefaqs) and its pretty gross.

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i can get behind being in a camp of "oh yeah i like the older ones better" or "or yeah i like the newer ones better" if, as florina says, the person isn't a dick about it. then you have shit like

Then us true FE fans are a minority.

(and if soul was being funny then this, but unironically) that's just straight up lmao

EDIT: and ya i know that every fandom has these people but it's silly everywhere it pops up

Edited by Integrity
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I'd say that I am for one extraordinarily pleased that the series is getting this much attention from Nintendo nowadays. I never once thought since I first started playing the series in 2006 that it would ever become this popular. And hell, I'll take this situation with the cheap simple storylines and half ass map designed FE13 esque gameplay over what we had in 2012. Good lord, 2011-2012 was the worst. Just waiting, waiting, hoping that FE12 would come to the states. Waiting to see if FE would EVER come back to the states. I mean man, those were some dark times.

I'm just glad that the series is doing way better than it ever has done before and that Nintendo actually kind of gives a shit about it now. It's very refreshing to see more Fire Emblem related news in a Nintendo Direct than Mario or Pokemon news. It actually makes me feel sorry for Metroid fans that don't like Fire Emblem. I know one of those people IRL, I remember him being pissed that Nintendo hasn't said much of all about a new Metroid game in 5 years when we are essentially getting 3ish FE games in 6 years.

Honestly I'm just very thankful that we are at this point instead of where we've been in the past. Hell, if it weren't for NoA's decision to keep Marth and Roy in Melee way back in '01, we may have never gotten a single FE game released in English. And THAT is saying a lot. If it weren't for the dude who made that decision I would never have played my favorite Video Game of all Time. Seriously.

I just hope IS can keep it up and bring in more and more fans. Because this series NEEDS more love, it is still extraordinarily underated when compared to the likes of GTA, Call of Duty and other crappy casual shit like that. I didn't dislike Awakening, I thought it was a good game albiet the map designs and story were not that great to say the least. So I am a little concerned about those two aspects when it comes to If. Though my biggest worry is that they may have abandoned the idea of remaking games ever again. I want to someday play an official translated version of FE2-6, and I know that's asking for a lot. But if I just got FE4 and knew that the whole world got to experience it officially, that alone would make me a very very pleased fan.

So yeah, kudos to you IS. Way not go out and die on us! Keep it up you fools!

Edited by DomesticHausCat
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All I really need to keep loving the series is Player/Enemy Phase, named recruit-able units with differing growths, battle maps with grids to move units about to attack...and support convo to add a little flavour no matter how superficial or meaningful to make me care about keeping units alive and around.

So long as future installments have those features, I'm happy to experience what new different mechanics and story IS cooks up. more mage(specifically anima tome wielding variety) domination is a plus for me

So yeah, I actually like how most of the FEs seem to have their quirks(Affinity, Biorythm, split teams, reclass, split promotion, capture for gold, weight, pair up, rescue, magic spending HP, fatigue, grinding, class/character skills, etc) to feel 'fresh' for me gameplaywise. An appropriate analogy is, the crucial core of the game is like the vehicle I'm comfortable to sit in, the way the games differ mechanically is like the scenery I look out of the window to see. Some I like better, some not as much, but the key joyful thing is they change from time to time, both in major ways and minor.

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Do people love FE11 more now than they did before FE13 came out?

I'd say that I feel the same about FE11 as I did after FE13 came out. It's a good game, but fairly, dry I suppose? It's very Spartan if you will, very bare bones and sparse is all.

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I think there's a line between being aware of, and criticising the flaws of the a game itself, and telling other people they can't enjoy a game because it has flaws in it

I mean hell, I do criticise FE13 a lot but at the end of the day it's 'cuz I actually care and I do enjoy the game and I think it's mostly well done, but at least with us artists go, usually when we bother to criticise something, it's because we think it can do better.

But hey, there's no game that's perfect. If we shat on everyone who ~dares to enjoy an imperfect game~ then really every gamer gets shat on anyway.

Unfortunately, some people in the fandom--I don't really see it on SF a lot, well, mostly, do not understand that.

On the other hand if someone has criticisms for your favorite game but don't direct it to the gamers on a personal level, don't take it personally.

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Wow, this thread is significantly less Awakening-bash heavy than I expected. GJ SF.

I like the way the series is going. I like that IS is trying new stuff in terms of story and character design with each new installment while still keeping the same basic framework. It helps to give each continuity or era of FE its own distinct identity, which I think is important for a series like Fire Emblem which has so many different continuities.

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In short, it's becoming all fanservice-y and stuff. The moment I saw the first characters, I was pretty disappointed. FE13 did the same thing, and now this. Again, we are given another Waifu Simulator and stuff like this. It's making the fanbase even worse. This is all to appeal to casuals and turn our beloved series into...whatever this is? I'm not even going to talk about SMT x FE.

This is exactly why I don't like the direction the series is going, but sadly it's what IS needs to do to survive, as a poster mentioned.

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I don't think If is very indicative of what future games are going to look like, anyway. I bet that the fact that the two versions of If function fundamental differently is at least partial because IS and Nintendo are still indecisive in regards to which direction to take.

Edited by BrightBow
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I don't think If is very indicative of what future games are going to look like, anyway. I bet that the fact that the two versions of If function fundamental differently is at least partial because IS and Nintendo are still indecisive in regards to which direction to take.

So wait. Do you think that the reason If is being split into two games is that they'll see which one is more popular and go with that as the style for future FEs?

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Ever since I got into the series, ever since I started playing Fire Emblem back when it originally came out to the West over 10 years ago, my biggest wish for the was that the series finally comes out of its niche.

I wanted nothing more than that everyone gets to play it, everyone knows about it, that it's etched in the public conscious the same way Super Mario, Legend of Zelda, Pokémon, Final Fantasy, Warcraft and Call of Duty are.

When Awakening proved itself to be popular at least to the point that everyone on video gaming websites and forums talking about it and becoming one of the most popular video game tags on tumblr in 2013, I was very satisfied.

So yes, I like where the series is heading.

But I'm not completely content until FE truly has reached mainstream!

Actually it baffles me that some people here don't want FE to become popular.

Who doesn't want to be popular?

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