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Nintendo really wants to become the new EA huh

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So I just found this out. At first I was excited as all hell for FE If because I was thinking "oh I'm gunna choose Nohr and then after that Ill replay it for the other kingdom!" Except if I wanted to do that it'd be an extra 20 dollars just to replay the game...

What the hell? This is the worst DLC strategy I've ever heard of. I was really excited to be able to play two sides in one game but you're only getting half the game for full price. Now theres no guarantee that it will be this way over in NA but if it makes money... They most likely will. Why does Fire Emblem have to be the series Nintendo goes DLC stupid on? Why can't they charge 100 dollars for every new mario game instead? I don't play those so I wouldnt care, but why do you have to do it to essentially the only Nintendo IP I look forward to?

Theres also the problem of games costing more here in Canadia than they do down south. For example Devil Survivor 2 for 3ds (the re-release whatever) costs. SIXTY dollars new. Yeah. Sixty dollars for a port of an old game. Thanks Atlus. So if Atlus can get away with charging crazy for their "niche" games (they arent really cause they sell a lot more than they used to) whats to stop Nintendo from saying "FE is niche cauz japan!!!!" and charging 60 dollars for If as well, and then an extra 20 or whatever for the second half of the game, and then another 10 for the third path. That would be half I paid for my 3ds. It makes no damn sense at all.

Is anyone else super annoyed at what could be for the North American release?

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I am displeased (see my rants in the FE:if section), but I wouldn't say it's EA bad. I mean, $40+$20=$60 is the price of a console game. Still, I think it's a stupid decision, considering past FE's had separate campaigns for the price of one. Perhaps not a slippery slope, but this is a damp incline for Nintendo's DLC policy.

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I am displeased (see my rants in the FE:if section), but I wouldn't say it's EA bad. I mean, $40+$20=$60 is the price of a console game. Still, I think it's a stupid decision, considering past FE's had separate campaigns for the price of one. Perhaps not a slippery slope, but this is a damp incline for Nintendo's DLC policy.

What if someone feels the need to have both physical versions? then itd be 80 dollars, or probably 120 for me (i've heard there wil only be one version for NA but if they had both) and in Japan I think a 3ds game is about $50 new so thatd be 100.

The main annoying part is that if both paths truly are long, they could have had this great game with a lot of content all for $40 and people would love the hell out of it. Instead you gotta pay 1.5-2x the price for technically one whole, complete game that is already finished. I'm sure the DLC will be on-cart too, the $20 would be like buying the unlock key for it.

This is worse than any other kind of Day 1 DLC IMO

If they happened to release a complete edition for $60, then whatever I wouldn't complain, but I almost guarantee it will be more than that and I really won't be happy but... Fire Emblem is one of my favourite series and I can't see myself being able to stop the urge of having to have it. Us real FE fans are f-ked either way.

Its kind of like how if you really want a certain Amiibo, youre gunna have to pay like 5x the MSRP because Nintendo ships out like 100 and then scalpers preorder all of them the minute theyre announced.

I could also rant about the Nintendo creators program...

Seems like Nintendo really wants to do things wrong.

Edited by Agile Tit-Tyrant
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Its not the worst DLC strategy ever heard of, not by a long shot. I mean there was the Battlefield 2 DLC strategy that mean that when servers change maps, anyone who didn't have a specific map pack or DLC would get instabooted without warning thus killing servers. Evolve's recent pre release DLC plan was so convoluted that it needed articles on Eurogamer and Kotaku just to make sense of it. Destiny's recent DLC and the way that items were adjusted to account for it mean that if you didnt buy the DLC then you could no longer use some of the features of the game that you had been using pre-DLC.

I know im being a little nit-picky by only picking you up on that one that that you said but its worth remembering that this is by no means the worst thing in the world when it come to DLC, not by a long shot. Doesn't make it good, but not the worst.

Edited by Merric
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TBH, I don't like the plan, but I like Fire Emblem enough that I'm willing to part with my money for a game series I love. I know that means that Nintendo have me weighted and measured and they have found pressure point that works on me and I know it will work on me. I can't say it will be the most cost effective purchase in the world that I will ever make, but I know I'm going to make it. I dont know how expensive thing would need to get for me to say "no i don't think so" but whats potentially on offer and the price its going acceptable for me, i recognise that for others it wont be.

Its a vice i will live with, and money I will live without.

Edited by Merric
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What if someone feels the need to have both physical versions?


I'm going to grab a YouTube comment, because this one was relevant.

This is how I think it will be in the west: you make your choice at chapter 6 and that locks the other path until you complete the main game and that will unlock the other path. It's kind of like how Hector mode worked in FE 7. You unlocked that mode after you beat the main game with Eliwood. Then the third path would be DLC.

Lastly, this is video is based off of the Japanese release, which doesn't surprise me in the least (as I don't really trust IGN). Watch the video before commenting, guys~!

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I won't lie I was a bit perplexed by the Japanese announcement and quite frankly a bit pissed.

BUT there's a couple of things in retrospect that make me think this isn't AS bad as it could have been.

1) The only place this has been confirmed in as of now is in Japan and the game isn't getting released worldwide until 2016 which I got to think is both localization time as well as compiling the game into one cart.

2) The special edition which includes an art book and all the limited goodies that collectors and fans die for along with both paths and the third path DLC is priced at about 77USD which is 17USD more than a standard edition console game and I've seen preorder collector's edition games go for well over $100 with less content.

I really do hope they just release it one cart in the West though as a base version like every other game while I can see this strategy working out in Japan where FE is by far more popular I don't think people out West will go for it sides from fans (and even I don't necessarily agree with it) hell people over youtube are already pissed about the Japanese release strategy even though they haven't said how they are releasing it out here.

Edited by LordTaco42
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I'm going to grab a YouTube comment, because this one was relevant.


Lastly, this is video is based off of the Japanese release, which doesn't surprise me in the least (as I don't really trust IGN). Watch the video before commenting, guys~!

That is exactly what i think is gonna happen internationally. And if there are versions of the game with two different box art, that thats all it is. Cosmetic differences. Like, i really think internationally, we'll get Nohr version and Hoshido version. But its the same game with just different box art/colors. That you wont be losing out if you get Nohr version. Your cart/box will just be black and purple. Then Nintendo releases Third Path DLC which will cost like, i dunno...20 bucks at most...?? I feel like this is actually part of the reason we arent getting the game until 2016.

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IMO whether it is fair or not to sell us portions of the game really depends on the amount of content for each portion. If it looks like they'll all stand up on their own merits, I'll try and buy all 2/3 at some point. If it seems like a ripoff, I might get one or none.

Edited by Severlan
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When you design a strategy like this with higher sales in mind instead of better art, the art will suffer. I seriously doubt they will be two independently satisfying games. Imagine if you had to buy two copies of Sacred Stones to play both routes.

Edited by Makaze
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When you design a strategy like this with higher sales in mind instead of better art, the art will suffer. I seriously doubt they will be two independently satisfying games. Imagine if you had to buy two copies of Sacred Stones to play both routes.

knowing my dumbass 10 year old self i'd buy both eventually

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When you design a strategy like this with higher sales in mind instead of better art, the art will suffer. I seriously doubt they will be two independently satisfying games. Imagine if you had to buy two copies of Sacred Stones to play both routes.

sacred stones wasn't designed to be two separate games. there are 5 stand-alone chapters without the sibling. supposedly these are two completely separate stories (after ch. 6) with different outcomes and everything. the analogy doesn't work.

that said, i'm almost certain that's not how this game is going to work in the us market. i see it working like fe7. at worst, $10 dlc for second path, $10 for third. this series has never been popular previous to awakening, so i think it's way too early in its new-found popularity to try and cash in on it now in a manner like this. then again, nintendo has very poor management these days (too many folks are stuck in the past), so who knows really. or maybe it's a good decision. i dunno

i'll buy both; it doesn't really matter. fire emblem, ace attorney, and metal gear solid have that sort of fanboyish support from me.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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It feels like Nintendo is experimenting at this point. If FE14 does well, and we get an FE15, they'll probably listen to FE14's criticisms, and work around that. lol

I like Pokemon

But, we might not even get seperate games for each path. Still, I like Pokemon.

I think for the whole 2 separate games thing, it works beautifully in Pokemon's context. It promotes trading and battling, which is arguably the biggest part of the whole series. I think the problem here, is that I doubt it'll translate well into the FE series at all.

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