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topic for those boobhurt over camilla's design


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buzz lightyear

buzz off

didnt he go to the moon

buzz off

buzz buzz buzz off johnny

buzz off


buzz off

You shouldn't have dared Johnny to buzz off, Kevin

buzz off

I cry every tiem



buzz off

"Buzz on" would be pretty annoying, though. :P:

buzz on

no u

buzz off

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buzz off-san woke up one winter morning...
One day, Sakura-san was walking to school when...
...a stranger in the street appeared suddenly!
"Here's my autograph!" said Sakura-san
"To be honest, while I did want your autograph...i also..you see..i....i." the stranger hesitated! I need your help urgently! You must save us!!"
"We need someone strong, and intelligent and mighty...you have been chosen!"
"Well, I always felt there was something weird about me...I never thought i would be assigned a mission like this!", He lied.
"You are the Special. Our magic Tricordercame to us in a dream again and told us to find you"
"You must save us from buzz off-san we dont have the power on our own"
"Very well,I suppose I'll help you"
Suddenly, Sakura-san was sucked into a underground lab.
"This is where we have set up our new secret HQ HeadQuaters!
"Theres someone that wants me meet you..."
At that movement a door slid open with a funny sound...light shined from behind and a shadow stode there
"So..this is the one we are after?"
"She certainly looks as attractive as we heard"
buzz off-san walked out of the light!
Sakura-san was amazed!, always brilliantly modest, Sakura-san never dream of recieveing such a compliement from great buzz off-san.
"Thank you, its an honour to meet you"
"The honour is all mine"

"No time for that now!" said buzz off-san. "We have work to do!"

Meanwhile, buzz offs mind was wondered back to the past.
It was buzz off-sans Canada day party, which everyone was invited too.
The party was awesome as always, because buzz off-san was hosting it.

buzz off was pretty drunk that day.
If buzz off was honest, he couldn't remember much that happened.
Only something about a Phaser,a rabbi and a traffic cone.

There was one thing that stuck in him mind though. Something he would never forget.
buzz off.
buzz off was wearing a buzz off-san mask that night

Everyone had come as something or someone else.

buzz off-san was dressed as buzz off-san.
buzz off-san was dressed as buzz off-san.
buzz off-san was dressed as buzz off-san.
buzz off-san was dressed as buzz off-san.

buzz off was instantly attracted to buzz off in him costume. The way he moved. The way he talked.The way he flicked his hair.
buzz off was doing a Karaoke number.
It was "Let it go". And he was awesome.
He sung like a true seductor.The audience was miasmarised by buzz off.

buzz off got up and sang too.
When buzz off was singing let it go it was like the words spoke to him. buzz off seemed to be addressing each word of the song just to him. The room faded away and it was just the two of them. No one else in the world.
They gazed into eachother eyes as buzz off spoke the last lyric.
Then silence.

Suddenly, buzz off was woken out of the flashback by the present

I was introduced at the others at the base. There was of course beautiful buzz off-san and snarkly buzz off-san. Smart and clever buzz off-san and... and buzz off-san.

I too had heard of buzz off-san and had always been a little insecure about my feelings for him
But here he stood before me, stretching and gesturing at drawings on the wall. It looked so manly, so envigorating and virilus.

And when he spoke, he sounded so... I swooned right in front of him.

"We should defeat buzz off-san," buzz off-san said.
"I agree," said buzz off-san, "but I'm not sure."
"We can use your new friend," said buzz off-san. "buzz off-san doesn't know Sakura-san. So that should do. We can infiltrate the base like that.
"But Sakura-san is still very inexperienced," said buzz off-san, "And I worry about her."
"Don't worry," said buzz off-san, "I know Sakura-san can take it on. Trust me on that" And he gave me a wink.

In the corners of my eyes I saw buzz off-san stairing first at me, and then at him. And then in a huff, he walked away.

I walked after buzz off-san and said: "What's wrong?"
"Nutting" buzz off-san said but I didn't believe him.
"No seriously, you can tell me, I'm really good at picking up on these things."
"You're right, you're really good at picking up on those things," said buzz off-san and sighed. He then said: "You know my past, right?"
I thought to myself, yes, yes I do. I heard of everything about you. And I said: "yes."
"Well, it... it... makes it hard for me to make connections with people." buzz off-san said. A single tear rolled down his cheek. It made it look even more pretty than it already was.
"And I feared,' buzz off-san said, 'that when I saw you talk and awke at buzz off-san like that, that you may... you may no longer find me that interesting?"
"But I do!"
'And without you, I don't know if the world is still worth saving," buzz off-san said with a sniffle, "how can I defeat buzz off-san if you won't be with me?"
"Well, uh, I didn't think you'd like me that much," I said blushing.

But then, then buzz off-san leaned forward and kissed me. And I no longer knew what to do. Can I be in love with both? Why must I choose?
The next time they saw eachother buzz off winked at buzz off, remembering what happened at the party.buzz off blushed.
Some of the others giggled. Did they know? buzz off didn't care.
It must be here somewhere, but I have no idea where it could be", wondered buzz off-san
At that moment, buzz off-san fell down some steps near a Spaceelivator.
At the bottom was buzz off-san`s new Spaceelivator!
As they entered there was lots of Lackyss.
So they swung back their trenchcoats and murdercided them all with their concealed Pulse pistols of awesome(but no one died!).
"Ok, he is sure to be in the penthouse sweet in his House " said buzz off-san pressing the correct elevator button
The elevator went up a few floors. SUDDENLY there was a bang on the roof!
"down!" shouted buzz off-san.
And they did. Which is just as well, because seconds later...
The hatch opened and a couple of Minionss with Machettes pirouetted down.
"oh god! What are we going to do!?" said buzz off-san
"We gota think fast" said buzz off-san.
"I know you dont like violence, buzz off-san, But you have to do this. Do it for me. please.." Said Sakura-san

"Ok, your right, I know we have to fight them" said buzz off-san who did a massive mighty super kirate kick just as the first soldier landed
which knocked them unconscious.
"Nice work. But its not over yet! Look!"
A massive Loyal followers appeared, but they killed him.
Ding! They had reached their floor.
buzz off had some time before he had to do anything, so he decided to have another flashback.

It was just after the Karaoke. They had stepped of the stage to loud applause and were now looking at eachother.
"Hi" buzz off said, meekly.
"Hay" buzz off said, also meekly. Their confidence from moments ago had evaporated like alcohol.
"Do you want too..."
"ok then."
So they walked to the cloakroom.
It wasn't long before their lips were together. buzz off couldn't remember who made the first move.
He did remember the taste though. The taste of buzz off.
buzz off tasted like Strewbury on a Autumn noon.
Refreshing and salty but also a bit sour.
What had they been eating? buzz off tried to work out it. It took much tung work.
After a few minutes mouth to mouth pot holing, buzz off guessed what buzz off was doing.
"I had Pear for lunch."
"you dont have to stop though"
"oh. Good!" buzz off said, with great relief.
They finally drew away after what seemed a whole June but was only mere minutes.
The taste of buzz off's lips still lingered in buzz off's mouth as they finally looked upon each other with new eyes.
Relieved sighs came from both of them as both embraced, buzz off snuggling against buzz off's neck as he snuggled upto buzz off's torso.

(lots of hugging happened after this).

. They had a lot of..."fun".

"Sorry about that, I got a little carried away" said buzz off.
"Thats ok I.....enjoyed it." said buzz off blushing in the way they always did.
"Yes" said buzz off.
"I'll bring some of my toys next time for us to play with" said buzz off.

And with that they left the cloakroom and returned to the party. The months that followed were fun but they never told their friends.

"So you have come" said a voice booming from the sky
A Rocket appeared above them.
buzz off-san laughed at them from it.
"Ha Ha Ha Ha"
"I could gun you all down from here with my Rocket, but I would rather do this...personal style."
He leaped down and landed at the far side of the rooftop
"Ready?" he said, still laughing.

buzz off-san removed his shirt and flexed his abs.
"Yes. I am ready. "
With that they leaped at eachother, metaphorical guns blazzing (which were littoral Clubs).
"I kill you dead"
buzz off-san head butted buzz off-san in the chest

buzz off-san fell backwards in pain punching a few times before crashing to the ground.
"Ha Ha Ha Ha" laughed buzz off-san
"You could never have defeated me, so why did you even try?"
"I had too, for all that is good and just in the world."
"Well now you will die. Goodbye."
buzz off-san leaned over buzz off-san holding a large rock.

"Quick buzz off-san use this!" said Sakura-san ,chucking a nearby mobile phone towards buzz off-san.
buzz off-san grabbed it and chucked it towards buzz off-san hard, knocking him backwards....off the edge of the tall Spaceelivator they were on!
"Goodbye, buzz off-san have a nice fall!"

"We are safe now, he fell to certain doom."
buzz off-san and buzz off-san got out from the bush where they were cuddleing. "Thank you, you saved us all"
"Dont mention it."

So they left the tower and went home. They lived happily ever after and had lots of kids.
The End

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buzz off-san woke up one winter morning...

One day, Sakura-san was walking to school when...

...a stranger in the street appeared suddenly!

"Here's my autograph!" said Sakura-san

"To be honest, while I did want your autograph...i also..you see..i....i." the stranger hesitated! I need your help urgently! You must save us!!"


"We need someone strong, and intelligent and mighty...you have been chosen!"

"Well, I always felt there was something weird about me...I never thought i would be assigned a mission like this!", He lied.

"You are the Special. Our magic Tricordercame to us in a dream again and told us to find you"

"You must save us from buzz off-san we dont have the power on our own"

"Very well,I suppose I'll help you"

Suddenly, Sakura-san was sucked into a underground lab.

"This is where we have set up our new secret HQ HeadQuaters!

"Theres someone that wants me meet you..."

At that movement a door slid open with a funny sound...light shined from behind and a shadow stode there

"So..this is the one we are after?"

"She certainly looks as attractive as we heard"

buzz off-san walked out of the light!


Sakura-san was amazed!, always brilliantly modest, Sakura-san never dream of recieveing such a compliement from great buzz off-san.

"Thank you, its an honour to meet you"

"The honour is all mine"

"No time for that now!" said buzz off-san. "We have work to do!"


Meanwhile, buzz offs mind was wondered back to the past.

It was buzz off-sans Canada day party, which everyone was invited too.

The party was awesome as always, because buzz off-san was hosting it.

buzz off was pretty drunk that day.

If buzz off was honest, he couldn't remember much that happened.

Only something about a Phaser,a rabbi and a traffic cone.

There was one thing that stuck in him mind though. Something he would never forget.

buzz off.

buzz off was wearing a buzz off-san mask that night

Everyone had come as something or someone else.

buzz off-san was dressed as buzz off-san.

buzz off-san was dressed as buzz off-san.

buzz off-san was dressed as buzz off-san.

buzz off-san was dressed as buzz off-san.

buzz off was instantly attracted to buzz off in him costume. The way he moved. The way he talked.The way he flicked his hair.

buzz off was doing a Karaoke number.

It was "Let it go". And he was awesome.

He sung like a true seductor.The audience was miasmarised by buzz off.

buzz off got up and sang too.

When buzz off was singing let it go it was like the words spoke to him. buzz off seemed to be addressing each word of the song just to him. The room faded away and it was just the two of them. No one else in the world.

They gazed into eachother eyes as buzz off spoke the last lyric.

Then silence.

Suddenly, buzz off was woken out of the flashback by the present


I was introduced at the others at the base. There was of course beautiful buzz off-san and snarkly buzz off-san. Smart and clever buzz off-san and... and buzz off-san.

I too had heard of buzz off-san and had always been a little insecure about my feelings for him

But here he stood before me, stretching and gesturing at drawings on the wall. It looked so manly, so envigorating and virilus.

And when he spoke, he sounded so... I swooned right in front of him.

"We should defeat buzz off-san," buzz off-san said.

"I agree," said buzz off-san, "but I'm not sure."

"We can use your new friend," said buzz off-san. "buzz off-san doesn't know Sakura-san. So that should do. We can infiltrate the base like that.

"But Sakura-san is still very inexperienced," said buzz off-san, "And I worry about her."

"Don't worry," said buzz off-san, "I know Sakura-san can take it on. Trust me on that" And he gave me a wink.

In the corners of my eyes I saw buzz off-san stairing first at me, and then at him. And then in a huff, he walked away.

I walked after buzz off-san and said: "What's wrong?"

"Nutting" buzz off-san said but I didn't believe him.

"No seriously, you can tell me, I'm really good at picking up on these things."

"You're right, you're really good at picking up on those things," said buzz off-san and sighed. He then said: "You know my past, right?"

I thought to myself, yes, yes I do. I heard of everything about you. And I said: "yes."

"Well, it... it... makes it hard for me to make connections with people." buzz off-san said. A single tear rolled down his cheek. It made it look even more pretty than it already was.

"And I feared,' buzz off-san said, 'that when I saw you talk and awke at buzz off-san like that, that you may... you may no longer find me that interesting?"

"But I do!"

'And without you, I don't know if the world is still worth saving," buzz off-san said with a sniffle, "how can I defeat buzz off-san if you won't be with me?"

"Well, uh, I didn't think you'd like me that much," I said blushing.

But then, then buzz off-san leaned forward and kissed me. And I no longer knew what to do. Can I be in love with both? Why must I choose?


The next time they saw eachother buzz off winked at buzz off, remembering what happened at the party.buzz off blushed.

Some of the others giggled. Did they know? buzz off didn't care.


It must be here somewhere, but I have no idea where it could be", wondered buzz off-san

At that moment, buzz off-san fell down some steps near a Spaceelivator.

At the bottom was buzz off-san`s new Spaceelivator!

As they entered there was lots of Lackyss.

So they swung back their trenchcoats and murdercided them all with their concealed Pulse pistols of awesome(but no one died!).


"Ok, he is sure to be in the penthouse sweet in his House " said buzz off-san pressing the correct elevator button

The elevator went up a few floors. SUDDENLY there was a bang on the roof!

"down!" shouted buzz off-san.

And they did. Which is just as well, because seconds later...

The hatch opened and a couple of Minionss with Machettes pirouetted down.

"oh god! What are we going to do!?" said buzz off-san

"We gota think fast" said buzz off-san.


"I know you dont like violence, buzz off-san, But you have to do this. Do it for me. please.." Said Sakura-san

"Ok, your right, I know we have to fight them" said buzz off-san who did a massive mighty super kirate kick just as the first soldier landed

which knocked them unconscious.

"Nice work. But its not over yet! Look!"

A massive Loyal followers appeared, but they killed him.

Ding! They had reached their floor.


buzz off had some time before he had to do anything, so he decided to have another flashback.

It was just after the Karaoke. They had stepped of the stage to loud applause and were now looking at eachother.

"Hi" buzz off said, meekly.

"Hay" buzz off said, also meekly. Their confidence from moments ago had evaporated like alcohol.

"Do you want too..."


"ok then."

So they walked to the cloakroom.

It wasn't long before their lips were together. buzz off couldn't remember who made the first move.

He did remember the taste though. The taste of buzz off.

buzz off tasted like Strewbury on a Autumn noon.

Refreshing and salty but also a bit sour.

What had they been eating? buzz off tried to work out it. It took much tung work.

After a few minutes mouth to mouth pot holing, buzz off guessed what buzz off was doing.

"I had Pear for lunch."


"you dont have to stop though"

"oh. Good!" buzz off said, with great relief.

They finally drew away after what seemed a whole June but was only mere minutes.

The taste of buzz off's lips still lingered in buzz off's mouth as they finally looked upon each other with new eyes.

Relieved sighs came from both of them as both embraced, buzz off snuggling against buzz off's neck as he snuggled upto buzz off's torso.

(lots of hugging happened after this).

. They had a lot of..."fun".

"Sorry about that, I got a little carried away" said buzz off.

"Thats ok I.....enjoyed it." said buzz off blushing in the way they always did.


"Yes" said buzz off.

"I'll bring some of my toys next time for us to play with" said buzz off.

And with that they left the cloakroom and returned to the party. The months that followed were fun but they never told their friends.


"So you have come" said a voice booming from the sky

A Rocket appeared above them.

buzz off-san laughed at them from it.

"Ha Ha Ha Ha"

"I could gun you all down from here with my Rocket, but I would rather do this...personal style."

He leaped down and landed at the far side of the rooftop

"Ready?" he said, still laughing.

buzz off-san removed his shirt and flexed his abs.

"Yes. I am ready. "

With that they leaped at eachother, metaphorical guns blazzing (which were littoral Clubs).

"I kill you dead"

buzz off-san head butted buzz off-san in the chest

buzz off-san fell backwards in pain punching a few times before crashing to the ground.

"Ha Ha Ha Ha" laughed buzz off-san

"You could never have defeated me, so why did you even try?"

"I had too, for all that is good and just in the world."

"Well now you will die. Goodbye."

buzz off-san leaned over buzz off-san holding a large rock.

"Quick buzz off-san use this!" said Sakura-san ,chucking a nearby mobile phone towards buzz off-san.

buzz off-san grabbed it and chucked it towards buzz off-san hard, knocking him backwards....off the edge of the tall Spaceelivator they were on!

"Goodbye, buzz off-san have a nice fall!"


"We are safe now, he fell to certain doom."

buzz off-san and buzz off-san got out from the bush where they were cuddleing. "Thank you, you saved us all"

"Dont mention it."

So they left the tower and went home. They lived happily ever after and had lots of kids.

The End

buzz off


and raven im inspired everytime

buzz off

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