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Project X Zone 2. It's out everywhere now.


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oh that's right. They're putting Natsu in...a Character with no real backstory yet to take off of...Why can't we get a better SC rep? Yoshimitsu? Yung Seong? SIGFRIED? TAKI? MAXI? omfg PXZ2 bugs me. I'm happy we're getting Haseo, but I have a sinking feeling Darkstalkers is going to get more of the axe and a lot of the English chars like Frank West and Bruno aren't coming back.

Ever since Namco has stopped dubbing their games I've grown slowly more and more aggravated with them, especially when trying to market these games that could be playing off the VAs. Ugh, I'll admit I'm being than a little spiteful at this game and the original, but considering this has been what I consider a growing problem with Namco Bandai due to the increase in low quality ports outside of things like Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and the Naruto Ultimate Ninja games, and such. I'm happy we're getting it...but I can't help but be more than a little annoyed at it all.

Hopefully the characters will actually be IN CHARACTER this time? I know they're addressing a ton of the flaws in the previous game like monotony and stage length, but is the writing gonna reflect this? Dante was so boring and a lot of characters didn't seem to fit the personality set up for them in their respective franchises. I get that may be due to translation and using the Jap audio, but if you want to translate it, at least try and evoke the characters in a way that would sell to fans.

Sorry, this game leaves a bit of a bad taste in my mouth. Hoping they can show some stuff to impress me. Despite my cynicism, I'm actually looking forward to it. I want them to prove me wrong, because I know they can. They just didn't try hard enough last time.

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Dante was one of the best things about the previous game. The after-quotes amuse me to no end.

Still, have to wonder why Natsu was chosen over Taki. I recognize the latter!

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I think for all the characters. In PXZ they did a good job representing everyone as best they could.

Dante was a mixture of his 3 and 1 selves so he was a little more serious, no problems here.

Also The Natsu choice confuses me considering no one really liked SCV that much.

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Dante was one of the best things about the previous game. The after-quotes amuse me to no end.

Still, have to wonder why Natsu was chosen over Taki. I recognize the latter!

Same here on the whole Natsu thing. Then again, SC2 was the only Soul Calibur game I ever played.

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The reason I say Dante was poorly written was that he never seemed that funny. Maybe part of the hilarity comes from his voice, and having it be Japanese takes that away from me. I also think some if not most of his story dialogue wasn't all that suited to him. Then again, its kinda hard to write one-liners and noticeable remarks for chars like Dante when you need so many different characters getting their chance to talk and be useful.

Speaking of which, never got why Dante didn't just do it all himself. I mean this is Dante we're talking about. Guy could probably beat the entirety of the game solo if he wanted XD Of course, gameplay and story require it, but I find that a funny thought of him just having the entire game beat when everyone else finally arrives.

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The reason I say Dante was poorly written was that he never seemed that funny. Maybe part of the hilarity comes from his voice, and having it be Japanese takes that away from me. I also think some if not most of his story dialogue wasn't all that suited to him. Then again, its kinda hard to write one-liners and noticeable remarks for chars like Dante when you need so many different characters getting their chance to talk and be useful.

Speaking of which, never got why Dante didn't just do it all himself. I mean this is Dante we're talking about. Guy could probably beat the entirety of the game solo if he wanted XD Of course, gameplay and story require it, but I find that a funny thought of him just having the entire game beat when everyone else finally arrives.

I just would like to imagine the faces of all the enemies when they see this army of like unstoppable badasses

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Unstoppable Badasses? They all seemed quite calm in the face of not only their arch nemesis but also their nemesis packing an army of monster killers....and Dante. (I will never let the Dante jokes die.)

Should be called PXZ: Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series.

Though to be fair, there's also those moments where the game careens away from Badasses and References to stupid and almost idiotic fanservice at times. Normally I don't mind Fanservice all that much (I do play a ton of Skullgirls after all), but omg some of this was just uncomfortable at times. That one lady with the cowboy as his partner seemed to just be there specifically to create those scenarios

I just remembered...PXZ also introduced me to the NEW Shining Force...oh my god the new Shining Force...Why can't some RPGs stick to their roots ever these days and just stay nice and simple?

Anyways, I could complain about the story as well, but honestly? Who expected anything from it? I was more impressed with the really great spritework and how they accurately recreated these characters. Yes I can be positive about the game, real shocker, yeah? XD

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I think it was pretty accurate to all the series involved, although Yuri and Estelle randomly being with the zombie slayers in that one particular level of zombie killing was a bit out of place.

I enjoyed the Sakura Wars stuff quite a bit as well, they seemed to just be having a grand ol time putting in as many references and stuff as possible, lol Frank, also the Cowboy is from a subset of Super Robot Wars named Haken and the girl is a princess named Kaguya, the various Super Robot Wars fans on the site could probably tell you more about Endless Frontier

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I know of Super Robot Wars, and I know of Sakura Wars...but....apparently I don't know much about games with War in the title.

It bothered me how they made Legends and X apparently in the same period, with Tronne recognizing X and Mega Man and knowing Zero :/

Also "Let's forget everything past X5 cause Iris!" Bugged me than it should...X8 is mah fav X game D:

Devilotte and the Blodia Punch killed me everytime. EVERY TIME. BLOOOOOOODIA PAAAAAAWNCH!

I didn't play the tales game Yuri is from. Shame, I hear its good. Too bad its XBOX EXCLUSIVE >_>

Really enjoyed the .hack sections (screw the Goblins, though) and felt that was well done, though of course they used Skeith because no one played anything past Part 1, so of course we have to go with the one that makes the least sense! D:

I loved a lot of the references. I guess I'm ust far to bogged down by the little things...Looking over my own posts, man I'm a jerk.

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Namco needs to pull a Graces f and gives us the PS3 version of Vesperia, or update it to PS4, or SOMETHING! Because Vesperia is friggin' awesome~! :P:

Ahem. . .

I think Kaguya is supposed to be disgustingly blatant fanservice. Frank West's reaction to her was priceless!

What sold the series for me were the after-battle chats. . .or, the funny ones, whether it be Neneko being a troll, or Flynn getting ALL the girls. . . :P:

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It bothered me how they made Legends and X apparently in the same period, with Tronne recognizing X and Mega Man and knowing Zero :/

I thought that was just in reference to other crossover games? There are a couple times that make it seem like previous crossovers are canon in PxZ. Edited by DavidSW
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Also "Let's forget everything past X5 cause Iris!" Bugged me than it should...X8 is mah fav X game D:

To be fair, the original X series plan was to end at X5 and Inafune has no plans to continue it, yet Capcom managed to sneak around him to do X6 and X7 which are highly regarded as the worst the series has to offer, X8 is different yes, but its not very logically canonically.

Also some of how characters know each other already is through Namco x Capcom which Reiji and Xiaomu starred in

Edited by Jedi
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I think Kaguya is supposed to be disgustingly blatant fanservice.

ya but even if she's supposed to be disgustingly blatant fanservice she's still ...disgustingly blatant fanservice :(

i didn't like her very much for exactly that reason, i was a little secondhand embarrassed by having her on my screen sometimes

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I think Kaguya is supposed to be disgustingly blatant fanservice. Frank West's reaction to her was priceless!

She is, yes.

She comes off to me like a mix of SRW fanservice in general; giant boobs and giant weapons(Well the Zankantou, but details).

It's sad that, even in her own game, she's not even that useful, it at all.

Edited by Soledai
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She is, yes.

She comes off to me like a mix of SRW fanservice in general; giant boobs and giant weapons(Well the Zankantou, but details).

It's sad that, even in her own game, she's not even that useful, it at all.

Is she some kind of parallel Sanger by chance because she also claims her sword is the one that cleaves evil (with cleavage I may add)

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Namco needs to pull a Graces f and gives us the PS3 version of Vesperia, or update it to PS4, or SOMETHING! Because Vesperia is friggin' awesome~! :P:

Ahem. . .

I think Kaguya is supposed to be disgustingly blatant fanservice. Frank West's reaction to her was priceless!

What sold the series for me were the after-battle chats. . .or, the funny ones, whether it be Neneko being a troll, or Flynn getting ALL the girls. . . :P:

Speaking of Neneko, I liked her conversations with Ogami and Sakura and KOS-MOS and T-elos, among others.

Is she some kind of parallel Sanger by chance because she also claims her sword is the one that cleaves evil (with cleavage I may add)

I suppose. Her Overdrive finishes with the poor schmuck who's unlucky enough to be on the receiving end getting split in two in EXCEED and in PxZ. She even cries out "CHESTO!!" at the end sometimes.

Edited by Levant Colthearts
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ya but even if she's supposed to be disgustingly blatant fanservice she's still ...disgustingly blatant fanservice :(i didn't like her very much for exactly that reason, i was a little secondhand embarrassed by having her on my screen sometimes

Endless Frontier didn't take itself very seriously. Most of her on screen appearances were followed with a reference to her bust size. But I do like Haken and Kaguya's dynamic. Maybe Aschen will replace her this time. I would have any complaints.

I'd love it if they brought back Axel Almer & Alfimi, but I don't want to get my hopes up.

Hell yeah. Just finished EF Exceed recently and I want them in it so bad. They are basically the basis of every PxZ character since they were the only pair unit. Something something Soulgain is OP as shit.

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I'd love it if they brought back Axel Almer & Alfimi, but I don't want to get my hopes up.

I didn't pay any attention to the first game's roster, but... The more I think about it, the more I'm surprised they didn't get in the first game.

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I didn't pay any attention to the first game's roster, but... The more I think about it, the more I'm surprised they didn't get in the first game.

They probably wanted to keep representation equal. Even street fighter didn't get that many characters. I like that they gave more obscure characters a chance to shine. Hopefully this one actually has a good story.

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Most of her on screen appearances were followed with a reference to her bust size.

pointing out that your parody of something is in fact that thing straight-faced still makes that thing pretty straight-faced, dude. this doesn't salvage anything, she's still disgustingly blatant fanservice no matter how many nudges the devs give that they're wise to their own tricks.

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