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Awakening Tiki has been confirmed by the new Famitsu... but only as an npc for dialogue, alongside Edgeworth, Ada Wong, Garigliano (Resonance of Fate) and

Tarosuke(Yokai Dochuki).

Okay then. Also, Garigliano? I knew the name came up in the first game, but I didn't expect this...

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Glad to see more NPC characters showing up

I assume they will be like Aura from the previous game with plot relevance but unplayable

In other news Ranmaru of Sakura Wars V is a villain so hopefully this leaves someone from the original games for another villain I hope

Or something

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Glad to see more NPC characters showing up

I assume they will be like Aura from the previous game with plot relevance but unplayable

In other news Ranmaru of Sakura Wars V is a villain so hopefully this leaves someone from the original games for another villain I hope

Or something

Same here.

Also, Sakura Wars got another villain? Coolio. I was wondering who it'd be. I've also been wondering, did Sega make up the movesets for the Sakura Wars duos from scratch (which might be possible since all fighting in SW is done via giant robots), or not?

Edited by Levant Colthearts
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Makes me wonder a bit on why they didn't choose Nobunaga for the Sakura Wars V villian, but irrelevant

Same here.

Also, Sakura Wars got another villain? Coolio. I was wondering who it'd be. I've also been wondering, did Sega make up the movesets for the Sakura Wars duos from scratch (which might be possible since all fighting in SW is done via giant robots), or not?

Kind of, I know for the most part one of of Gemini attacks, Rumbling Wheel, is the same attack her mech uses

Then again Gemini has her own game, so they could come from there

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Makes me wonder a bit on why they didn't choose Nobunaga for the Sakura Wars V villian, but irrelevant

Kind of, I know for the most part one of of Gemini attacks, Rumbling Wheel, is the same attack her mech uses

Then again Gemini has her own game, so they could come from there

Also makes me wonder if we'll be seeing normal enemies from Sakura Wars V...

Figures. I wonder if any other attacks might've come from their mechs' attacks....

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Makes me wonder a bit on why they didn't choose Nobunaga for the Sakura Wars V villian, but irrelevant

Kind of, I know for the most part one of of Gemini attacks, Rumbling Wheel, is the same attack her mech uses

Then again Gemini has her own game, so they could come from there

I mean they chose Ciseaux from SW3 who I'm 89% sure was not the main villain so same logic applies here

Most of the moves were probably based on things from their characters.

Sakura and Ogami I have no idea

Erica has the greatest moves because GOOD MORNING DANCE etc etc

I guess Gemini has stuff from the game or anime or stuff

No idea

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Once again I praise PXZ for being one of the few games I don't mind playing with Japanese voices due to the lack of ear-piercing high-pitched screeching.

The new gameplay stuff isn't too extraordinary, but seem cool nonetheless. I'm particularly interested in what seemed to be more customization options.

Also did they just show the final boss right away..... again?

...And it's another robot dude who probably isn't actually that big when you fight him?

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Hmm Ryu and ken seem to take inspiration from street fighter 2 the animated movie. Right down to the music being the main theme of the movie, possessed ken, and having an ultimate attack where both fire a hadouken at the same time.

Edited by Roku
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Is it just me, or does Vashyron and Zephyr's super look like what happens in the opening of Resonance of Fate? Also, I'm digging that Sakura Wars theme remix. And we get Nelo Angelo as an enemy too.

Edited by Levant Colthearts
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Also, it looks like there's a shop where you can customize the characters. Neat!

Clipsey really wants that soundtrack, too~!

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I'm late, I know, but I'm surprised they went with Bison as the villain rep for Street Fighter considering that, according to Namco x Capcom - which this game is meant to follow the timeline of - Bison is dead. Hence why I presumed they went with Seth in the first place for PXZ1 (that, and SF4's popularity). I'd have expected, like, Gill or Urien instead because now they're just making time fuckery.

No problem with Metal Face being in, though, and I like the inclusion of Pyron. Kinda sucks that Tiki, Edgeworth and Ada are only NPCs, but I'll deal.

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Also, it looks like there's a shop where you can customize the characters. Neat!

Clipsey really wants that soundtrack, too~!

I figured as much since if she and Saya are working together... it'd only make sense to assume she's a bad guy.

I want that soundtrack too~! And I'm looking forward to this customization stuff.

I'm late, I know, but I'm surprised they went with Bison as the villain rep for Street Fighter considering that, according to Namco x Capcom - which this game is meant to follow the timeline of - Bison is dead. Hence why I presumed they went with Seth in the first place for PXZ1 (that, and SF4's popularity). I'd have expected, like, Gill or Urien instead because now they're just making time fuckery.

No problem with Metal Face being in, though, and I like the inclusion of Pyron. Kinda sucks that Tiki, Edgeworth and Ada are only NPCs, but I'll deal.

Huh. Bison was supposed to be dead?! I had no clue... What's really throwing me off is Nelo Angelo, because....

[spoiler=Devil May Cry spoilers] he's actually Vergil.

Edited by Levant Colthearts
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Huh. Bison was supposed to be dead?! I had no clue...

It's an NxC thing; in the SF games he's clearly alive and well, but he did die during the events of NxC; this much I do remember.

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It's an NxC thing; in the SF games he's clearly alive and well, but he did die during the events of NxC; this much I do remember.

Okay then. My NxC knowledge isn't up to snuff...

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Once again I praise PXZ for being one of the few games I don't mind playing with Japanese voices due to the lack of ear-piercing high-pitched screeching.

The new gameplay stuff isn't too extraordinary, but seem cool nonetheless. I'm particularly interested in what seemed to be more customization options.

Also did they just show the final boss right away..... again?

...And it's another robot dude who probably isn't actually that big when you fight him?

I love how Segata Sanshiro throws the enemy right into the screen.

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I was watching the trailer over

and saw this



This is T-elos attacking KOS-MOS as a villain

but her colors for damage are yellow, which was the color for crits in the original

Not trying to jump to conclusions

but enemies MIGHT be able to crit you now

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I'm pretty sure this was a thing in the first game?

Not that I was aware of. What's more disconcerting to me is the damage.

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