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Fire Emblem Air force academy (signups closed)


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Wait, so there need to be some knowledge of this WoC thing to better understand this or something? Maybe I should hold on on this... or just drop it...

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Name: Raymond Peirce

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Appearance: Extremely pale skin, greenish-brown eyes, light freckles, slim build. Somewhat dark blonde hair. Hit puberty around two years ago.

Personality: Rather sarcastic and blunt, and always tries to remain as stoic as possible, though tending to fail miserably. Also somewhat cold and cynical.

Backstory: Raymond's parents were never a huge part of his life, and he thought that they didn't care about him. He would always expect to be noticed by his parents at one point in his day, but his calls to them as greetings and trying to spark conversation were often ignored. He at one point said he would enlist into an Air Force with a wyvern they had raised from an egg twenty years ago, but they took it as a joke and blew him off entirely. They did not know he was so serious about getting away from them due to how distanced they were from him until he finally received the letter stating that his application into the air force was accepted.

Steed(name, color, gender, etc, and of course species): A muted yellow wyvern named Solaire

Stats/inventory(remember, these are students, nothing overly impressive please)


HP: 17

LCK: 5

SKL: 9

SPD: 11

STR: 8

DEF: 10

MAG: 0

RES: 1


Iron Lance

Slim Lance



Edited by Voidlord
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Wait, so there need to be some knowledge of this WoC thing to better understand this or something? Maybe I should hold on on this... or just drop it...

No, you don't have to have read my fanfic.

Voidlord: accepted, but you forgot his hair color.

Chigai: Yep, I okayed him.

RP is here: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=53280

Edited by Dragoncat
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Nevermind, looking back, pretty much everybody is using dots than numbers for stats, and gives me a good idea of how.

Well, taking longer than I expected. Should have it by morning after I sleep, it's almost finished anyway.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Well, mind if one other member joins the roster if it's not too late. I'm not entirely sure if I'm up for this, but having a character along should help anyways.

Name: Vyse

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Appearance: Short somewhat spiky black hair with grey eyes and the face of a scary rogue. A young boy of average height and tan skin who hit puberty three years ago reflecting on his rather deep voice for a teenager.

Personality: Curious and dubious, Vyse isn't one to easily trust others and makes it a point to use facades and ploys to get whatever he needs as easily as he can. He is not one to hold back when he's in a fight going for every opportunity that presents itself in and out of the battlefield. He is however kind to those who can look past his scary face and personality as he tends to look out for the little guy if they're in trouble. He's confident, courageous, slightly smug and near suicidal when it comes to the battlefield and takes risks only when he knows he has a chance of success using his items towards his advantage. Lastly, he is rather awkward around girls near his age not knowing how to properly talk with them yet.

Backstory: Raised inside a village in Begnion, Vyse knew the life of the peasantry well and how they should act under their government, but sadly he couldn't oblige to their standards. Born poor with ailing parents, Vyse was a lonely child who spent most of his time stealing from nobles and breaking into their mansions at the most opportune time. In these attempts, he gradually learned how to use knives in order to unlock doors and accidentally gain his first kill.

It was late at night, when he once attempted to steal yet even more gold from a rich family in the vicinity when he heard a loud roar. Investigating the sound's whereabouts, he stumbled upon the family head whipping a small grey wyvern bound up by ropes inside a stable he had in his home. Never possessing a great sense of justice, he strangely felt the need to help the wyvern no matter the cost and so he caught the family head and knocked him unconscious before untying the wyverns restraints. Sadly, the family woke up and in his defense he killed him and ran away with the wyvern forever into the night.

He pondered his life up to that point and his first kill before he took notice that his wyvern had taken a great deal of affection for him. Knowing next to nothing about wyverns, he had an idea. He would enroll himself in the Air Academy with his wyvern pal he dubbed Zerogan while paying for his tuition with robbing the local populace blind. So he set off and began his journey with his trusty steed into the big old world.

Steed: Zerogan, a slightly smaller than usual young female grey wyvern with red irises and black pupils. Fond of Vyse and very protective him always eager to help and follow his orders. Quite fast.


HP: 20

LCK: 7

SKL: 8

SPD: 12

STR: 6

DEF: 9

MAG: 1

RES: 2


Iron Lance




Tell me if it needs tweaking, bro.

Edited by almi23
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[spoiler=Got it together now!]Name: Eques . . . Gender: Male . . . Age: 12 . . . Class: Wyvern Rider

Appearance: Pale blond hair cut short, green eyes, somewhat slim build. Of average height.

Backstory: A young boy from Crimea, Eques was born to a family of cavalrymen and cavalrywomen. Though he respected the family's skill in mounted combat on the ground, he admired the majestic wyvern riders of Daein, who soared through the skies in search of their targets, unhindered by forest, desert, or mountain.

Though he was disowned by his family for the decision, Eques took the training in lances that he would have used to become a Lance Knight of Daein, along with a wyvern given to him by the Crimea-Begnion Exchange Program, to become a rider of Wyverns.

Personality: Though Eques is most commonly seen as a nervous, stammering wreck, he does have his moments of confidence and clarity. Oftentimes, he is far too trusting and willing to help someone out.

Steed: Michalis, a red-eyed male wyvern with black scales.

HP: ** . . . Lck: *
Str: **. . . Mag: *
Skl: *. . . Spd: **
Def: **. . . Res: *
>>Iron Lance (Unforged, Uses: 47/50)
>>Herb (Uses: 10/10)
>Weapon Ranks
>>Lance: D(6)

Edited by ScarletFlame
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Regarding NPCs...

Will you be controlling the guards as well, DC?

Chigai has already controlled one, and that's okay. So...I guess not all of them.

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