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2017 NFL Playoffs - Super Bowl LI Confirmed! Atlanta Falcons vs New England Patriots!

Lord Raven

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The most infuriating part is that If he had just fallen on the ball they still would have won. No way MSU is making a 60 yard field goal. Instead he tried to be a hero and fucking attempt some weird roundhouse punt.

That might top the App State game as the most crushing sports loss I've ever witnessed.

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The Lions may have more roster talent than the Bears but none of that matters because Matt Forte is a reincarnation of Walter Payton and clearly the best RB in the NFL today. Fite me Adrian Peterson (except don't because that would scary).

If the Bears continue winning today all I can say is John Fox is really horrible at tanking, this season looked so promising 2 weeks ago.

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I still think mah man Le'Veon Bell is the best RB in the league right now. He can do it all and he's hard to stop! He can't be stopped even with Pouncey out! Imagine if Pouncey was there! :o

Anyway, Steelers and Cardinals won't be on TV here. :( In fact, Fox isn't showing any games here right now. Such BS, they always did before.

Panthers are always on though, thankfully, since this is North Carolina. And I finally get to watch Luke Kuechly again! <3

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No, Vick came back in. But the game isn't as close as the score says... I hate to be negative, but that's how it is. Steelers got lucky with some questionable calls and penalties that probably should've been called against them. Cockrell pulled the guy's jersey on that one potential TD play for the Cards, for example, and no PI/holding was called.

I miss Ben... We lost yet another o-lineman too, also to a leg injury. Sigh...

Edited by Anacybele
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OOH, NICE TD by Martavis Bryant to give us the lead.

But Landry Jones had to be put back in. He threw the TD, but then he threw a pick on the 2-pt attempt. He's still not too great...

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Okay, I'm surprised Cam Newton wasn't called for excessive celebration there... Dude, that was awesome, but calm yourself before that really does happen, please...

Still, TOUCHDOWN. Enough losing to the Seahawks, let's beat them this time!

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And there's now no winless teams either. Heh.

Seahawks issued a challenge. I thought that was a fumble, not a sack OR incomplete pass... But it was ruled a sack initially.

EDIT: Aaand, it was reversed... Ruled incomplete.

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