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If you were an FE character, what would your recruitment conversation, joining condition and class+stats be?


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Looking at his bases, he's clearly a Myrmidon disguised as a mercenary.

Well, the bases seem more fitting for a Myrm, but I'll most likely max my strength 1st or 2nd; something rare for common myrms

Edited by Jester Capri
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Also, how is your speed bad for your level? Every GBA merc has a lower speed base, and growth, than you do.

Dieck: 10 Speed @ Lv. 5, 30% Growth

Oujay: 9 Speed @ Lv. 3, 45% Growth

Raven: 15 Speed @ Lv. 5, 45% Growth

Gerik: 13 Speed @ Level 10, 30% Growth

Capri: 17 Speed @ Level 6, 50% Growth

If anything, you're too fast.

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Also, how is your speed bad for your level? Every GBA merc has a lower speed base, and growth, than you do.

Dieck: 10 Speed @ Lv. 5, 30% Growth

Oujay: 9 Speed @ Lv. 3, 45% Growth

Raven: 15 Speed @ Lv. 5, 45% Growth

Gerik: 13 Speed @ Level 10, 30% Growth

Capri: 17 Speed @ Level 6, 50% Growth

If anything, you're too fast.


Whooooa, didn't see that coming. If anything, I should either be an Est, or tone down my speed.

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Most growths should add up to around 280% to 330%, I think (if we're going by GBA here). Yeahhh you should probably tone down that speed bruh.

Edited by Dracocoa
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Okay, I guess my speed will be at like 16, and the growth will be 45% in case ppl want me to balance myself. I'm trying to make my unit more or less a lightweight glass canon since my defence growth rate is lower than the other mercs. These stats mostly fit a pirate than a merc, but I still want to use swords. Also, my con is actually not so great compared to most mercs, so in late game, I'll probably start suffering from speed penalties.

Edited by Jester Capri
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As long as you have better Con than the most outclassed infantry sword user in FE6 Oujay, your fine. Raven at least has the speed to get away with wielding heavier weapons.

Edited by Carmine Sword
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Mine is a new class : Humug

Condition to recruit me : Defeat me with Lord

Lord: What is this thing on the battlefield?

Me: ... (Bug noises)

Lord : A monster!

Battle quote

Me: ...

Lord : Whatever or Whoever you are, I won't let you hurt my friends!

Defeat quote : ...

After the Chapter

Lord : Well done everyone, now let's g-

Me: .... hey

Lord : WHAT? you are not dead?

Me: Of course not, I need more than a few hits to kill me.

Lord : Just... who or what are you?

Me: I'm a Humug, my mother got infected by a bug when she was pregnant of me and the bug merged with me... At least, I'm kinda unique.

Lord: Ok and what do you want?

Me: To join you Sir/Miss

Lord: Why should I recruit you?

Me: If you let me battle, not only I get expériences but I can also evolve. This allows me to be even stronger than a normal human could.

Lord: Very well, you can join us.

Me: Thank you.

Class: Humug

Level 5

HP: 27 (75%)

Mag: 2 (5%)

Str: 16 (80%)

Spd : 14 (50%)

Skill: 9 (25%)

Luck: 12 (40%)

Def: 15 (36%)

Res: 8 (22%)

Starting weapon : Iron Sword (level D) and Concotion


Evolution : Nym can evolve each ( dunno how manys level but not every single level, that would be too OP) allows him to have new capabilities.

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I would be a soldier. Just in the middle of a lot of generic soldiers. Just have someone with a sense of humor talk to me.

Humorous person: Oh joy, another soldier.

Me: What, am I too generic to have you talk to me? That's class-ist.

Person: What? You can talk?

Me: Yeah...? Of course I can speak! Most of my comrades you just killed didn't have time to speak.

Person: Oh...

Me: Yeah... Well, I hated them anyway. Can I help you kill them?

Person: Uhh... okay?

Class: Soldier (obviously)

Lv: 3

H.P.: 23 (80%)

Magic: 4 (15%)

Strength: 14 (75%)

Speed : 16 (60%)

Skill: 17 (25%)

Luck: 16 (60%)

Defense: 13 (40%)

Resistance: 4 (38%)

Someone should make a hack with all these characters.

Edited by AwesomeSauce
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  • 1 month later...

Okay, here we go...

Join time: Early in the game, no later than Chapter 5.

Condition: The town is being raided/pillaged/ransacked by the evil monsters/bandits/whoever the villains are. I am an NPC three squares away from the main Lord when the level starts. Speak with me and I join.

Recruitment conversation:

Me: You there! Will you help me defend the villagers?

Lord: Of course, that's why we're here. Er...

Me: ...is something wrong?

Lord: N-Nothing, it's just...your clothes.

Me: What about them?

Lord: Er, well, you're dressed...kinda like a thief.

Me: Tch. There is no honor in thievery.

Lord: Honor?

Me: Yes, honor. A man must have honor, or he is no man at all. Compassion, defending the defenseless, helping those in need. These things are important.

Lord: You sound like a priest.

Me: ...let's go.

Lord: R-Right, let's help the villagers!

Class: Ninja
Level: 5
HP: 24
Str: 7

Mag: 5
Skl: 13
Spd: 14
Lck: 6
Def: 8
Res: 8

Movement: 5 (+1 upon promotion)

Weapon Level: Knives/Hidden Weapons D

Starting Items: Iron Kunai, Vulnerary

HP: 90%
Str: 50%

Mag: 10%
Skl: 85%
Spd: 85%
Lck: 20%
Def: 40%
Res: 60%

Promotes into: Elite Ninja

Gains: Ability to use Swords, Sword Rank C

Edited by Fire Emblem Fan
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Class: Est on Steroids










Uses: Rocks










And people thought Sophia was bad.

Promotes to: Earthbender.

Gains rank in Giant rock throwing.


Me: Er, hello there.

Lord: What are you doing here? I'll take you back to our tent and keep you safe.

Me: No need for that. I'd like to help you!

Lord: What, without any weapons?

Me: where's your strongest soldier? I'll throw rocks at the enemy and they'll get super annoyed and then your guy can defeat them!

Lord: No! That's a terrible idea!

Me: I bet you're not even the leader. Where is he?

Lord: Why you little pest!

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Class: Est on Steroids










Uses: Rocks










And people thought Sophia was bad.

Promotes to: Earthbender.

Gains rank in Giant rock throwing.


Me: Er, hello there.

Lord: What are you doing here? I'll take you back to our tent and keep you safe.

Me: No need for that. I'd like to help you!

Lord: What, without any weapons?

Me: where's your strongest soldier? I'll throw rocks at the enemy and they'll get super annoyed and then your guy can defeat them!

Lord: No! That's a terrible idea!

Me: I bet you're not even the leader. Where is he?

Lord: Why you little pest!

I couldn't stop laughing.

I almost fell off my chair...

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  • 2 years later...

I couldn't decide if I wanted to be shaman or a healer, so I merged them together and made a healer that uses dark magic. Oh boy.


To recruit me you need to talk to me with the lord. I'm also a green unit because why not.


Recruitment Convo


Lord: Hey, is that a staff you carry?


Me: Yep.


Lord: And a dark tome?


Me: Yep.


Lord: You seem useful, are you willing to join us?


Me: Definitely.


Base Stasts

LV: 12

HP: 26

MAG: 15

SKL: 9

SPD: 10

LCK: 5

DEF: 3

RES: 13

CON: 9




HP: 65%


SKL: 45%

SPD: 50%

LCK: 35%

DEF: 25%

RES: 40%


Weapons And Ranks


Nosferatu, Restore, Physic, and a Vulnerary 

Dark: C

Staff: C

Promotes to Druid.

Edited by IfIHadToPickADude
Decided to add weapons and weapon ranks cause it makes it feel more complete to me.
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Recruitment conversation: 

Main Lord: You'll do.

Me: Indeed I shall.

Base stats:

LEV: 3

HP: 21

STR: 7

MAG: 2

SKL: 7

SPD: 6

LCK: 9

DEF: 6

RES: 1

CON: 8

MOV: 5

Growth rates:

HP: 85

STR: 55

MAG: 10

SKL: 60

SPD: 45

LCK: 60

DEF: 35

RES: 20

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(I join the team because the enemy team captured my sister and the Lord got ambushed)

(Before the map starts)

Lord: Wha.. Who struck them down?

Me: That would be me.

Lord: Who are you?

Me: I'm a simple mage from a nearby village that got raided by those who attacked you. Might I join your team on defeating them?

Lord: Why should I trust you? You wear the robes of this country. Are you not with the *Insert enemy Country name* army?

Me: I am not one to condone violence but they captured my sister. I am simply worried about her right now. So please, I implore you, let me join your army so that I can save her.

Lord:.... Alright. You have already saved me from these soldiers who tried to attack me.  We shall defeat the enemy and save your sister.

Me: Thank you kindly.


Sage Level 5

  • Hp: 28
  • Mag: 25
  • Skill: 16
  • Speed: 20
  • Luck: 16
  • Def: 9
  • Res: 18

Growth rates

  • Hp: 40%
  • Mag: 65%
  • Skill: 25%
  • Speed: 35%
  • Luck: 25%
  • Def: 5%
  • Res: 30%

Weapon & Rank

  • Fimbulvetr (A rank Anima), Mend Staff (D rank Heal) and Shine (D rank Light).
  • A rank Anima, C rank Heal, D rank Light
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  • 5 months later...

Recruit requirement: I start as an enemy in the early game, and I'm a bit off to the side in the map I'm on. You have to talk to me by turn 10 with you Lord or I'll leave. (Don't worry, the map isn't very big.)


Me: Wait! Don't attack!

Lord: Why not? You're clearly on the enemy side.

Me: Well, yeah, but I don't really like it! I've heard of you and your exploits. I'd like to join you.

Lord: Hm... Well, you look sincere, but why should we trust you?

Me: Look, I've only been fighting for the money. But I hate it, they treat me like garbage! But you, I've heard, are a kind soul.

Lord: Very well. You may fight alongside us.

Me: Thank you so much! You won't regret it!

(Conversation end)


Class: Mercenary


Inventory:Iron Sword, Dracoshield

D rank in swords

Bases:19 HP, 11 Str, 12 Skl, 10 Spd, 7 Lck, 9 Def, 3 Res

Growths: 70% HP, 60% Str, 65% Skl, 45%Spd, 30% Lck, 45% Def, 15% Res

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  • 2 weeks later...

Let's see:

id be a neutral ally. The main lord must speak to me to recruit 

Lord: Hold traveler, this is the middle of a battlefield, find somewhere safe to hide untill it's over!

Me: I don't think you need to worry about me. I am quite capable of defending myself. I'm a traveling mercenary see. My name is (insert name here)

Lord: I see, so what are you doing here?

Me: I had heard about the ongoing invasion of _____ by ______. Normally I don't get myself involved in country spanning wars, just bodyguard stuff, but after seeing what _____ was doing to _____ people, I couldn't sit idly by. I had to go do something.

Lord: I see, in that case why not join us?

Me: I see no reason not to.

Class: Mercenary

Level: 11

Inventory: Steel Sword, Steel Blade, Killing edge, Speed Wing 

C rank in swords. Upon promotion gains a D rank in axes 


33 Hp, 17 Attack, 10 Skill, 14 Speed, 9 Luck, 16 Defense, 10 resistance 

and I'm too tired to add growths I'll do that later 

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Let's see:

id be a neutral ally. The main lord must speak to me to recruit 

Lord: Hold traveler, this is the middle of a battlefield, find somewhere safe to hide untill it's over!

Me: I don't think you need to worry about me. I am quite capable of defending myself. I'm a traveling mercenary see. My name is (insert name here)

Lord: I see, so what are you doing here?

Me: I had heard about the ongoing invasion of _____ by ______. Normally I don't get myself involved in country spanning wars, just bodyguard stuff, but after seeing what _____ was doing to _____ people, I couldn't sit idly by. I had to go do something.

Lord: I see, in that case why not join us?

Me: I see no reason not to.

Class: Mercenary

Level: 11

Inventory: Steel Sword, Steel Blade, Killing edge, Speed Wing 

C rank in swords. Upon promotion gains a D rank in axes 


33 Hp, 17 Attack, 10 Skill, 14 Speed, 9 Luck, 16 Defense, 10 resistance 

and I'm too tired to add growths I'll do that later 

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I'd likely be a prisoner of the enemy in a siege map who uses the chaos to escape. I would also be stealing EXP as a potent green unit. If I survive, and the player clears the map in a reasonably low number of turns, I will turn around and automatically be recruited. However, after the turn count, I will escape the battle.


Me: Huh? My captors were defeated?

Lord: And you are?

Me: An escapee. I used the chaos you created to magic my way out of here. Thanks for saving me.

Lord: You looked like you were ready to save yourself there, though!

Me: Well, I must be strong to save my friends in the fort to the East.

Lord: We happen to be planning to take that fort.

Me: In that case, I think combining our forces would be a good move.

Lord: Agreed. Strength in numbers is a powerful tool.


Class: Mage. Level 7. (I'll join in the early game)

Stats (using awakening as a baseline):

HP: 20 (40% growth)

Strength: 3 (40% growth)

Magic: 7 (95% growth)

Skill: 11 (30% growth)

Speed: 15 (70% growth)

Luck: 10 (50% growth)

Defence: 2 (25% growth)

Resistance: 13 (110% growth)

Total: 81 (460% growth)

Weapon ranks: Anima - C.

Equipment: Concoction, Elthunder tome, Elwind tome

Personal skill: Cowardly approach: If unit is attacking foe that can only fight in Rng 1, foe cannot counterattack.

Edited by The_antithesis
added equipment
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  • 7 months later...

I would be a manakete so I can live forever and I would be traveling the Outrealms trading and collecting various artifacts and skills. To recruit me, you need to summon me from Heroes before porting me over to the main game.

Heroes Stats:

XRay: Creepy Cheese Power
An explorer traveling the Outrealms to obtain lots of artifacts and learn lots of skills. Also trades goods part time to fund hobbies, especially in collecting Einherjar waifus. Reinhardt is his husbando, but he Summoner Supported BH!Lyn and married Lucina. Worships Anna.


"I am the Wings of Mercy. I am the salt of powercreep. I humiliate Surtr and Hel and devour their shame for breakfast... Wait a minute, did you just summon me with free Orbs? It tastes disgusting! I prefer Orbs MARINATED IN BLOOD, SWEAT, AND TEARS!!!"

My Castle:
"I traveled the multiverse learning forbidden knowledge and obtaining a variety of powerful artifacts. I enjoy collecting a lot of hot Einherjar waifus too!"
"I am a disciple of the Goddess Anna. I follow her path of entrepreneurship and trade goods between the Dragon Gates during my travels. I use the profits to fund my Einherjar waifu collecting hobby!"
"I got some pretty broken good stuff for sale! Wait... what the...? You cannot afford any of my wares with that puny amount of Orbs! Come back when you have sold your body, soul, future, happiness, and all your children."
"I like breaking games. You know what else I like to break? The fourth wall! So, did you play Awakening and Fates? Who did you marry?"

"[Friend] told me to say "Hi!" and your friend did not even pay me!"

Ally Growth:

Level Up:
+[4,5] Points: "I am perfection to the infinite power!"
+[2,3] Points: "I am perfection plus!"
+[0,1] Points: "I am already perfect!"

"Pay me first!"
"No you!"


"That tickles."

"Powercreep is EVERYTHING!!!"
"The power of MONEY!"
"I will devour you!"

Character Screen:
"Ooh! Yeah! Touch me harder!"
"Each touch will cost you 100 Orbs. Just kidding! ...Or am I?"
"You think you can be a whale? Hahaha!"
"I need more space. Can you make this Castle bigger. The Barracks is really cramped too. What? Oh, that is right, you cannot afford it!"
"I came, I saw, I break this game!"
"You got me, so have you solved all content yet? You cannot be that incompetent right?"
"You have a problem with that NASTY SURTR??? I WILL CRUSH HIM FOR YOU!!!"
"I love Goddess Anna! ALL HAIL GODDESS ANNA!!!"

5* Level 40:
"I have learned a lot here and collected quite a few objects of power. Thanks to you, I have also got a lot of my Einherjar cards signed too! If you still need me here, I will stay and continue breaking the game for you."

Color: Colorless
Weapon: Dagger
Movement: Armor
Level 1
HP: 10 (70% Growth)
Atk: 10 (70% Growth)
Spd: 10 (70% Growth)
Def: 10 (70% Growth)
Res: 10 (70% Growth)
Level 40
HP: 40
Atk: 40
Spd: 40
Def: 40
Res: 40




Weapon: FSBCFGAERCBMDVPSSHGBB (furious-shadow-blow-chilling-fire-gem-affinity-raven-smasher-counter-breaker-meister-desperate-vantage-pulse-spiral-slaying-harmonics-guard-blade-blade) Cheese:
Rng 2; Mt 14
Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+3. Inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-7 on foe during combat. Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+8 during combat. Foe cannot counterattack. If unit has weapon-triangle advantage, boosts Atk by 20%. If unit has weapon-triangle disadvantage, reduces Atk by 20%. If unit has weapon-triangle disadvantage, reverses weapon-triangle advantage granted by skills. Grants weapon-triangle advantage against color foes, and inflicts weapon-triangle disadvantage on color foes during combat. Effective against infantry, armored, cavalry, and flying foes. Unit can counterattack regardless of distance. Unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack and foe cannot make a follow-up attack. Unit attacks twice. (Even if foe initiates combat, unit attacks twice.) If unit initiates combat, unit can make a follow-up attack before foe can counterattack. If foe initiates combat, unit can counterattack and can make a follow-up counterattack before foe's first attack. At the start of turn, grants Special cooldown count-6. Grants Special cooldown count-2 after combat. Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Deals +10 damage when Special triggers. Grants Special cooldown charge +1 to unit and inflicts Special cooldown charge -1 on foe per attack. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack.) Adds total bonuses on all units on the map to damage dealt. Unit can move 2 extra spaces. Unit can move over terrain similar to a flying unit. Unit can move to a space adjacent to any ally. Allies can move to a space adjacent to unit. Calculates damage using the lower of foe's HP, Atk, Spd, Def, or Res. Neutralizes effective damage. After combat, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-7 on target and all foes through their next actions, and grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+7 to unit and allies for 1 turn.

Assist: Rally Restoring DanSing RepoVision
Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+7 to target, unit, and allies for 1 turn. Neutralizes all allies' and unit's penalties (from skills like Panic, Threaten, etc.) and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, etc.) that last through their next action. Grants another action to all allies. (Cannot target an ally with Sing or Dance.) Target ally moves to opposite side of unit. Grants another action to unit. (Additional action granted once per turn only.)

Special: Exploding Elemental Aetherforce: Cooldown 2
Before combat this unit initiates, foes in a wide area near target take damage equal to 2 x (unit's Atk x 2 minus foe's Def x 0.5 or Res x 0.5). Boosts damage dealt by 100% of unit's HP+Atk+Spd+Def+Res. Treats foe's Def/Res as if reduced by 100% during combat. Restores HP = damage dealt.
Area of Effect (T=Target; E=Area of Effect):

A: Cheesy Ward
Grants HP/Atk/Spd/Def/Res+10. Inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-7 on foe during combat. Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+8 during combat. Unit can counterattack regardless of distance. Grants Special cooldown charge +1 to unit and inflicts Special cooldown charge -1 on foe per attack. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack.) Reduces damage dealt to unit to 0.

B: Back Up Cheese
Foe cannot counterattack. If unit has weapon-triangle advantage, boosts Atk by 20%. If unit has weapon-triangle disadvantage, reduces Atk by 20%. If unit has weapon-triangle disadvantage, reverses weapon-triangle advantage granted by skills. Unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack and foe cannot make a follow-up attack. Unit attacks twice. (Even if foe initiates combat, unit attacks twice.) If unit initiates combat, unit can make a follow-up attack before foe can counterattack. If foe initiates combat, unit can counterattack and can make a follow-up counterattack before foe's first attack. At the start of turn, grants Special cooldown count-6. Grants Special cooldown count-2 after combat. Deals +10 damage when Special triggers. Grants Special cooldown charge +1 to unit and inflicts Special cooldown charge -1 on foe per attack. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack.) Unit can move to a space adjacent to any ally. Allies can move to a space adjacent to unit. After combat, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-7 on target and all foes through their next actions, and grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+7 to unit and allies for 1 turn.

C: Dial It Up to Cheese!
Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit and all allies during combat. All allies gain: "Grants Special cooldown charge +1 per attack. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)" At start of turn, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+7 to unit and all allies for 1 turn; neutralizes unit's and all allies' penalties (from skills like Panic, Threaten, etc.) and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, etc.) that last through their next action; and grants Special cooldown count-6 to unit and all allies on team. (Stacks with similar skills.) At start of turn, inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-7 on all foes through their next actions; grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+7 to all foes and converts bonuses on all foes into penalties through their next actions; inflicts status on all foes preventing counterattacks through their next actions; inflicts status on all foes restricting movement to 1 space through their next actions; and resets Special cooldown of target and foes within 2 spaces of target, and inflicts the following status on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions: "Inflicts Special cooldown charge -1 per attack during combat. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)" (Neutralizes Special cooldown count reductions after combat, but skills that Accelerate and Slow Special are still effective.)


Main Game Stats (I will use Awakening's template):

Once you port me over to the main game, you will have to recruit me via DLC. I think I will start out as a Grandmaster so I can be like a jack of all trades. As a part time merchant, I will have my own convoy and supply my own weapons. I have also learned every skill imaginable during my long periods of travel and got the ability to swap out skills midbattle whenever I use Second Seal!

+Spd, -Lck
Level 1
HP: 40 (80%)
Atk: 21 (50%)
Mag: 21 (45%)
Skl: 21 (55%)
Spd: 21 (65%)
Lck: 21 (50%)
Def: 21 (40%)
Res: 21 (30%)
Max Stats
HP: 80
Atk: 39
Mag: 39
Skl: 42
Spd: 44
Lck: 44
Def: 40
Res: 40

Equipped Skills (If I am not paired with someone who has Lethality, I will use Lethality instead of Nohrian Trust):
Personal Skill: One True God's Blessing: +100% to Skill activation rate
Embla's Ward
Nohrian Trust

Equiped Items (I have Second Seal so I can quickly reclass into a flying class for more mobility.)
Tempest Blade
Firesweep Bow+
Gravity+ [Wrathful Staff]
Second Seal



XRay: YOU THERE!!! Have you seen a porcine filth wielding a giant axe around here? His name is Surtr and I am charged with EXTRACTING JUICY JUSTICE OUT OF HIS CRIMINAL BACON ASS!!! Nifl's and Múspell's WRATH AND VENGEANCE MUST BE SATISFIED!!! I will EXTERMINATE ANY FOOL who helps him!

Lord: Whoa whoa whoa! Calm down! I have not seen him here. What has he done to draw such ire upon himself?

XRay: He is charged for treason against his own kingdom of Múspell for bringing it unto ruin, assault and battery against his own two daughters, and incinerating the Kingdom of Nifl's first princess. I see that you are also on a crusade to bring peace and justice to this world. Allow me to join you so we can mete out divine punishment together. You will help guide me around this world and I will help CRUSH THE JAW, SPINE, AND GROIN OF ANY EVIL that you come across.

Lord: Okay... You seem pretty powerful and would be a good asset to our cause. Very well, we shall prevail against evil together... Oh no! I see some bandits raiding that village! We must go protect them.


Lord: Try not to do anything too crazy!

Once the battle starts, you can then stick me in the middle of the enemy army and watch me one shot every single bandit.

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You know @XRay that's a pretty good unit you'd be but I think I would be everyone's favorite unit.

I would be a guy forcibly conscripted into the protagonist's army against my will, so recruited by default.

In my recruitment conversation, I'd probably mention how I only wear pink suits and complain about how much being drafted sucks and also how I'm still getting paid so I can't even complain about it being slave labor.

I would probably join as a level 8 villager with 3s in all stats except HP which is 12 and speed which 86 and if reclassed to a mage I wouldn't learn any spells.

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