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<LightBrand99> Oh, crap, people are claiming to you already?

<LightBrand99> I should start boycotting you in the thread

I seriously would not recommend claiming to SB. The only reason you'd want to claim to him is if you think his role is Townish. Well, imo it's more scummy than Townish.

The applications of a Partitioner, for either Town or Scum, are extremely versatile. So far, the only argument I've seen in this thread about how it's Townish is Coco's post about it being too OP for scum. Well, I don't really think that's the case. For one, we don't really know the limitations of SB's role so Reinfleche could easily have designed it to be less broken than you might think it is. Another thing is that players do get to see who were in which partitions (that's how it worked in SSBU, and SB confirmed this applies to his role here as well), which can really bear some extra risks on scum. For example, factional kills will have a smaller pool of suspects, due to partitions reducing the number of players that could have performed the kill.

One could point out that the stage separation in SSBBMafia was meant to be for the Town's benefit. I completely agree, but that was a case where players choose their own stages. In here, however, SB is the one who decides who goes where, and that means he is able to set up the partitions in a way that the Mafia can exploit for their own benefit. Like I said, it's extremely versatile, and though it may be hard to use, it can potentially be very beneficial for scum, thus making it possible as a scum role.

There is also the argument that if scum!SB were to exploit the partitioning for the Mafia's benefit, we'd be able to notice that and lynch him for it. Well, SB claimed of his own accord, and Reinfleche could have intended for scum!Partitioner to act anonymously when he designed the setup. Therefore, the fact that SB wouldn't risk exploiting the ability if we knew he was the partitioner doesn't mean that this role must be Town.

Does that mean scum!SB must be an idiot for claiming? Not necessarily. He seems to have gained the trust of a few players and already has a few claims in his possession. I'd argue that partitioning is stupidly OP for an organized Town, and SB's promise of leading the Town would make his proposal seem very appealing. SB can avoid exposing himself as scum (thus making his partitions seem logically for the Town's benefit) and just wreck the Town by simply being their Leader. Furthermore, if he decides to abuse his partitioning in a clearly anti-Town manner, he's the only one who'll get lynched for it, while the rest of the scum will already have all the information that SB gained as a leader.

I would also argue that Town!Partitioner is stupidly OP in a OC game. However, SB could still be a Town!Partitioner while Reinfleche designed limitations for it to be less OP. Therefore, I am not discounting the possibility of a Town Partitioner, but I really think Scum Partitioner is more likely.

In any case, my point is that Scum Partitioner is a very realistic possibility, even if you think Town Partitioner may be more likely. We just don't know enough about SB's limitations (and we can't believe his claims about them unless they're verifiable) or about the setup to make a proper judgment as to whether Partitioner is more likely as Town or Scum. But since Scum Partitioner has a reasonable probability of existing, I would strongly advise you to NOT claim to SB. Please. Don't just blindly throw all your information to a potential Mafia member who promises that he can lead the Town.

Unless you have further reason to believe that he is Town that isn't related to the Townish-ness of the Partitioner claim. If anybody has such a reason, I request them to please out them now. We need good reasons if we want to designate a Town Leader, and the stuff about SB in the thread simply aren't good enough reasons imo.

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Oh, wow, I'm posting walls of texts in the thread in an OC game, while being inactive and quiet as hell in NOC games. That really does not sound normal, hehe

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Yea I don't think the role sb claimed is inherently town so *shrug*

That being said I'm tired of claiming to people now comes the fun part

Everyone whom I claimed to; part of my roleclaim is true and the rest is false. It is up to you to determine which part is the truth. OC is boring as fuck though I'm like only talking to blitz and a small handful of others but yesterday I was out of commission so that sure didn't help

Has anybody talked to Shinori yet?

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Your argument about my role being too good to be town doesn't really hold because it needs a lot of coordination to work properly, and also I'm fairly sure I've mentioned that I'm pretty heavily limited on how I can use it. And the argument that it's op because I can catch scum with it is dumb because every info role ever can also do the same thing, but more easily. And if Maf is really put into a bad spot by it they can just idle the kill to avoid being caught anyway, so it works more like a really wonky protective role in practice.

Regardless of if people believe me or not, we kind of need to decide on a lynch target soon. If anyone has any decent scumreads, come and talk to me about them.

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See the thing is. People know I'm not good at talking to people. People know I'm not the best at STARTING conversations.

People have my skype.

People can message me here on SF.

Only 2 people have messaged me on SF and only 1 person has said anything to me on skype.

If you want to talk to me send me any sort of fucking opener so we can talk.

Don't bitch at me if I don't message you. Because it's a two way street. I'm not gonna get flack for not talking or participating in this game if people don't seem to want to talk to me anyway.

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So word through the grapevine is that someone in particular wants to be lynched. I wish he would've told me directly, instead of me having to rely on the hearsay of a hearsay recipient

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