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There's a possible slight extension because of a small error. I'll not end the phase until it's corrected, if it would take longer than the scheduled phase end time.

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People hate shipping or something, so Proto and Kay find themselves victims of this hatred.

Proto, you are Horatio Caine, The Valiant Investigator.

+"The verdict is in, Frank, but the jury is out."

+The protagonist of CSI Miami, you are renowned for your one-liners at the start of each episode, where you usually put on sunglasses followed up by the YEAH from Won't Get Fooled Again that is now synonymous with the show's intro. Your incredible deductive skills have lead to the arrest or death of many a dangerous criminal in one of America's highest crime-rate cities. This time you have encountered criminals far more dangerous than ever before, and aim to bring them all to justice.

+As a top-level investigator, you are on the look for suspicious characters. Each night, you may respond to this role PM "Night X: Looking into USER's criminal history." You will conduct a thorough look-in to USER's past and discover their alliance. However, the criminals you are dealing with here are diabolical- even you might fail to detect alliance with complete certainty.

+You are aligned with The Valiant and win if you eliminate all threats to your team, or this is in some way inevitable.

Kay, you are Solid Snake, The Valiant Stealth Master.

+"Kept you waiting, huh?"

+The main protagonist of the Metal Gear series, you are a clone of the legendary soldier Big Boss. You joined the special forces unit, FOXHOUND, and ended up fighting against him as he uses the powerful bipedal Metal Gear tanks twice. Then after leaving FOXHOUND, you fight against your twin brother Liquid Snake when he takes over the unit and attempts to use the mighty Metal Gear REX. You also encounter a third clone, Solidus, as he tries to fight against a shadowy organization with Arsenal Gear and Metal Gear REX, and in your final mission you defeat the Patriots and Liquid Ocelot, who uses Outer Haven. Along the way you must sneak around enemies and avoid detection, proving your mastery of stealth. You’ve been dragged out of retirement for the fourth time now. Hopefully you won’t have any more giant robots to deal with.

+You possess a multitude of cardboard boxes, and wish to teach those around you about the magnificent ways of stealth. Each night, you may respond to this role PM "Night X: USER, you should use this to hide from hostiles." USER will learn quickly and hide in the box, avoiding all negative night actions except for killers. Take care- what is determined as a negative action for some teams may differ for others.

+You are aligned with The Valiant and win if you eliminate all threats to your team, or this is in some way inevitable.

The world was not Paperblade's.

Paperblade, you are Tony Montana, The United Kingpin.

+"Make way for the bad guy. There’s a bad guy coming through! Better get outta his way!"

+The main character of Scarface, you are a Cuban immigrant who moved to Miami. Through significant time and effort, you build up a formidable drag cartel behind the scenes, and also get this awesome pet tiger. However, your own paranoia eventually gets the better of you, and you descend into cocaine addiction. In a fit of rage you kill your own best friend, and then your sister is killed during an attempt on your life made after a business deal gone wrong with the Sosa crime cartel. As dozens of assassins enter your mansion, you gun most of them down in a desperate last stand but are shot in the back and die.

However! In the surprisingly good video game spinoff The World Is Yours, you actually survive, and are forced to recover your fortune after most of it is taken by the Sosa cartel. After a tough journey, you confront and kill Sosa, reestablishing the Montana Cartel as the most powerful in Miami. An investigation is being performed once again, however, and this time you've hired much more powerful aid.

+You're used to dealing with your activities being investigated, and you've prepared for this sort of event. Upon any investigative reports, you will appear as Tony Montana, The Valiant Kingpin, and this ability will not be seen.

+You have many employees at your service, and can dispatch them for handling jobs. Each night, you may respond to this role PM "Night X: Check what USER’s up to, henchmen." You will send an employee of your cartel to track USER all night and determine who they visit.

+You are aligned with The United and win if you eliminate all threats to your faction, or this is in some way inevitable.

It is Day 4. Day 4 ends in 60 hours, at 12:30 AM EST on Sunday, May 31st! Who would've thought we'd see THAT happen, actually on time deadlines.

Edited by Reinfleche
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Dear bb, I really did not like your argumentation for pressing scorri last phase.

since I cannot talk to you out of thread, what argument?

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##Vote: BBM

[28/05/2015 22:39:46] SB: i'm leaning towards lynching BBM today anyway
[28/05/2015 22:40:54] SB: "There's a possible slight extension because of a small error. I'll not end the phase until it's corrected, if it would take longer than the scheduled phase end time. "
[28/05/2015 22:41:04] SB: this was rein screwing up [snip]'s role pm
[28/05/2015 22:41:08] SB: from my convo with them
[28/05/2015 22:41:20] SB: so they're pretty much confirmed now too
[28/05/2015 22:42:54] Charizard Sucks: What was the error in the role PM?
[28/05/2015 22:43:52] SB: he put [snip] syntax in
[28/05/2015 22:43:57] SB: when it was meant to be [snip]
[28/05/2015 22:46:15] SB: but yeah that change makes their role really similar to BBM in that
[snip] vs 2-shot Doc
(plus BBM's 2-shot persuade I guess)
but [snip] is basically confirmed?
and scum dont have a flipped bulletproof or anything either[
tl;dr because of a role pm change that was meant to be there from the beginning of the game, BBM's role now has a lot of crossover with other roles which have been virtually cleared. Scum also don't have flipped roles that can either protect them from kills or screw with votes, and as one of the last two scum is most likely rolecop+(something) based on the Proto kill (who had only claimed to me and one other person, and I'm pretty confident that they aren't mafia), this lines up pretty well.
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The argument about me being scum because of roles conflicting with each other makes no sense because we also have two cops according to the whole Euklyd shenanigans, and Proto is cleared through death (stronger clear than whatever I overlap with because there are no flipped protective roles). By your logic, the other cop is also scum. Maybe you already have them cleared or something; I don't know, but if that's the case then that's proof that overlapping roles can exist.

I don't know what my role conflicts with, but the idea that scum needs vote-power isn't good either. The numbers are what, 12/5/1? Maybe 13/4/1? If the mafia and ITP were more competent at killing things and also at not crossfiring we'd have potentially four more town deaths and one less scum death (assuming Paper was killed by the ITP since you were surprised by the death).

Additionally, there are plenty of games where scum don't have any vote-based power and town do, such as CYOR. Town had a mayor, scum had nothing AFAICR, and mayor is a way better role than 2x persuader too. There's also no reason for scum to need a 2x doctor to protect themselves over BPVs or whatever, which is the standard method of scum protection. You said they don't exist but you're basically guessing that because they probably wouldn't claim it if they did.

I was really sick when I got home and just conked out for like 7.5 straight hours. Would like people to contact me.

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The other cop isn't cleared and the main reason I'm keeping them alive atm is because they're forced to clear people. I'm not saying that scum has a guaranteed vote-altering role, but it lines up pretty well with the rest of the setup and Poly (who's pretty likely to be be town through interactions with every flipped scum at this point) already claimed his BPV being hit Day 1, making a scum BPV less likely. There's also only one other two-part roleclaim and part of that is a passive, so in general your role just seems kind of out of place.

Also: Paper died on my orders. The Kay kill was the most surprising one, although I wasn't really expecting Proto's death either because of how careful he was when claiming.

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so I didn't sleep after all

this is kind of dumb defending myself right now because I don't know anything going on behind the scenes or anyone else's role who hasn't publicly claimed, but here goes

I don't know what you mean by "scum having a vote role aligns with the setup". This is a meaningless statement unless you can explain how that's even possible. Use a theoretical made up setup if you don't want to divulge info about this setup, but I personally don't understand how the mafia needs a persuader in 12/5/1, especially as my role doesn't even work in *YLO (though you can't take my word for that I guess). Mafia persuader that isn't an insta-day-persuade that can hammer people aka Paperblade in .hack1 is a dumb role even if it CAN operate in *YLO. All it does is end the game one day earlier maybe; except numbers aren't (or shouldn't have been anyways) against the mafia in this game.

Using interactions on one side while not using them on the other side is arbitrary; me/Gaius didn't have many interactions with Euklyd or Paper but I was like the only person who actually tried to justify my vote on Crysta rather than voting because you said so. Whether you want to say I'm scum because of that because I tried to overdo it or something I don't care, but you owe it to consider my side and not just go "oh whatever we have a ton of mislynches available anyways" to dismiss anything that points to me being town rather than scum. You of all people should know that that's how town romps turn into scum comebacks.

Scum not having a BPV if Poly is a town BPV doesn't make sense either, because your argument is that I'm the scum protective role because my role overlaps with people who are likelier to be town. Whether scum has a doctor (me) or whether scum has a BPV, either way, there's an instance of mafia having the same/similar role as town.

As for my role seeming "out of place" because it has two parts to it; the parts are all limited use so I'm more of a JoaT who sacrifices some versatility in role use for 2 shots instead of 1.

I'll concede that it makes more sense to lynch the overlapping doctor than the overlapping cop though. If anything I should have been lynched D1.

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oh yeah, if the SK killed Kay, they're probably an assassin of some kind because their shot selection has been really weird. They've shot... Poly and Kay? Two really inactive people.

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I got a question asking what my role and abilities are, which is fair considering what I'm being lynched for so I'll answer it in thread- 2x doc, 2x persuader.

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I had a point going to put BBM & LG into a 1v1 but I remembered that BBM is in LG's slot gg

I can't vouch for the doc shots but LG did claim D1 that he had the Persuader part to me so this checks out okay?

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Lord Gaius, you are Ganondorf, The United Dark Lord.

+"Now! Let us put an end to that which binds us together!"

+The main villain of the Legend of Zelda series, you seek to gain the Triforce in your many appearances- a mysterious magical gift from the goddesses comprised of three parts. An ambitious man, you typically possess the Triforce of Power, the part that best reflects and amplifies your physical dominance. Sometimes you succeed in acquiring all three parts, sometimes you dont, but at every corner the hero Link seems to be in your way of ruling. Angered at your repeated failures, you have instead teamed up with other powerful people. Maybe success elsewhere will give you the momentum you need to overtake Hyrule.

+You command many powerful minions that can guard people. Each night, you may respond to this role PM "Night X: Sending my legions to defend USER." USER will be safe from any killing actions for this night phase.

+You can be quite persuasive when you put your mind to it. Twice at night, you may respond to this role PM "Night X: Obey my command, USER1! Vote USER2 tomorrow." USER1 will fear your power and be forced to vote USER2 the next day. This doesn't work if the game could end that phase.

+You are aligned with The United and win if you eliminate all threats to your faction, or this is in some way inevitable.

It's Night 4. Night 4 ends 36 hours from how, 1 PM EST June 1st, just send your actions in sheesh.

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