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Woops, apologies for my sudden spout of inactivity. Got into a busy fix in real life and deprioritised mafia-ing in that period. Will get back into the game now.

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Blitz has much yet to learn about living.

Blitz, you are Meta Knight, The Valiant Masked Warrior.

+"Victory is my destiny."

+A mysterious entity with a mask and sword, you appear throughout many of the Kirby games to duel the pink puffball, usually giving him a sword beforehand. However, you are not evil- you tend to be acting with the right intentions to stop the true villains, whereas Kirby is not as informed of the entire situation. Your communication skills may need work. That said, Kirby is not here this time, so you may join the crusade against villainy unimpeded for once.

+Your wings (which are also sometimes a cape or something) allows you to reach places that grounded beings could not. Each night, you may respond to this role PM "Night X: Keeping an eye over USER from high up." You will observe all who visit USER, but not what they do while visiting them. You also may not target the same person twice in a row- it is your duty to protect all that you can.

+You are aligned with The Valiant and win if you eliminate all threats to your team, or this is in some way inevitable.

While it took a lot of people to kill 300 spartans, on his own Shinori turned out not to be too hard to beat.

Shinori, you are Leonidas I, The Valiant Spartan King.

+"Spartans! Tonight, we dine in hell!"

+An ancient king of the Greek city-state Sparta, you had to endure the harsh trials that each Spartan warrior was required to undertake in order to meet qualifications for battle. Indeed, you went above and beyond in your training and were one of the fiercest even in the elite ranks of the Spartan forces. In the Battle of Thermopylae, you led 300 Spartans (and several thousand other people who sort of get omitted) to fight against the much greater numerically Persian army and fought valiantly over three days before dying. You probably weren't as cool in reality as displayed in a certain loud film, but you were still pretty badass. For some reason you are alive and fighting against a much smaller force. Maybe an OP reviver escaped from another mafia game.

+As one of the shoutiest kings in cinema, your rallies will inspire people. Each night, you may respond to this role PM "Night X: Fight harder, USER!" USER will be so awed by your leadership that they will be compelled to act once more than they usually would on the next night with their personal actions. Should they have multiple, they will pick one of them. They also may not idle- you don't make speeches that arent to be followed.

+You are aligned with The Valiant and win if you eliminate all threats to your team, or this is in some way inevitable.

But, there is hope yet! You see a somewhat familiar looking image posted:



It's Day 5. Day 5 ends in about 60 hours, at 1:30 AM on Thursday, June 4th. We'll see how true to that deadline I stay, but that's what it is for now.

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mafia deadpost

can confirm

I'm dying of boredom despite already having been lynched, this is some next-level boredom

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I was sort of sitting on my butt, waiting for town leader to make a move.

exams are op and this is a difficult lynch to figure out, considering the top three suspects i had last night now kind of look better then they did before.

i'll make a decision in a few hours. if anyone has logs with flipped maf, it'd be cool if you could send them my way.

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##Vote: Snike

This is pretty much the hardest decision I've made for lynches this game. Everyone has something going for them in terms of role clears, interactions or something else (or some combination of the two) but scum!Snike is the thing that keeps coming up regardless of who turns up as SK.

The main thing Snike has going for him is potentially being the source of the N1 no kill by hooking Crysta, but it's also very possible that the mafia shot Blitz (which they did at the earliest possible opportunity last night) or shot the SK or something instead N1, causing the no kill.

As a side note, I'd like to prove Poly's role as Mayor today (which the mafia already knows as he claimed to Lord Gaius back on Day 1 I believe?) which would clear him of being mafia more or less completely after BBM's flip. Please don't hammer Snike, just put him at L-1 and see if Poly's role does it.

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With the death of Snike, The United are united no longer.

Snike, you are Chane Laforet, The United Silent Slayer.

+"I will wait for you forever."

+The daughter of the immortal Huey Laforet, you are completely loyal and dedicated to your father and will do anything he asks of you. Your devotion is so absolute that when he offered you a gift for being so helpful as a child, you asked him to remove your voice so you would never betray his secrets. When he was arrested and sent to Alcatraz, you got involved in a train heist where you met Felix Walken, who was enamored with your fighting skills and silence and proposed on the spot. Unsure of how to react, you eventually accepted due to him caring for you without acting in self-interest. At his behest, you have aligned with others who can lurk as quietly as you for a top-secret mission.

+Your skill with knives is remarkable, and you are perfectly willing to put it to the test. Each night, you may respond to this role PM "Night X: Engaging USER in combat." You will fight USER all night long, preventing them from using any other actions, but also deterring anyone who would visit them as well.

+Felix has many contacts in the criminal underworld to give misleading information. Each night, you may respond to this role PM "Night X: Forging ROLE for USERs information". You may specify a character, abilities, and alignment for this role, and USER will appear as that role to any investigations that night.

+You are aligned with The United and win if you eliminate all threats to your faction, or this is in some way inevitable.

Furthermore, you read a scrap of paper he was holding:

Greetings. You are the United. You have a factional kill, like any good mafia, but you also have a factional rolecop as well. You can send any living United member on either action. You can have someone perform both actions.

How interesting...

To nobody's surprise, the game is not over. That makes it Night 5, and means y'all have just over 40 hours to send in night actions- deadline is 12 PM EST, Friday June 5th. Get to work.

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