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Badass Mafia 2 more like "y'all fuckin suck at dying" mafia

Two things catch your attention, however! Firstly, you see the following very important notice pinned up on a bulletin board. It is captioned with "WANTED: These dinosaurs."


Hearing that sure brightened up your day. Secondly, there appear to be giant mountains dividing the town in half. The groups are as follows:

Group 1: Blitz, Crysta, Elieson, Euklyd, Eurykins, Junko, Lord Gaius, Paperblade, Shinori

Group 2: Excellen, Green Poet, Kay, Mancer, Polydeuces, Proto, SB, scorri, Snike

For Night 2, you will only be able to target people within your group because these mountains are pretty annoying.

It's Day 2. Try and make something actually happen today, okay? Or not, it's up to you guys. Day 2 ends in roughly 60 hours, at 7:15 AM EST on Saturday, even though phase end might not happen right away.

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Inb4 the entire scumteam flaked and just forgot to kill

Or I am a genius

Both would be nice

Topknotch dinos btw

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Send me your results if you have them. This includes protective roles, since potentially multiple kills failed, having information on why would be nice.

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Welp, that takes care of all my complaints about there being no Night 0

##Vote: Shinori

Please start existing. Or let us end your existence anyway today.

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Welp, that takes care of all my complaints about there being no Night 0

##Vote: Shinori

Please start existing. Or let us end your existence anyway today.

I normally wouldn't sheep but in this case I agree totally and we have time. Time to burn means time to learn

Alignments that is

##Vote: Shinori

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I need time on that one

I don't think my vote on him would go anywhere right now as he's already given himself a rep that others can feel free to interpret for a while

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If excel was as obviscum as I feel he is, others would be voting for him without my help. For once I'm not just camping on someone that I'm scumreading

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Tldr excel is scummy to me but I would really like to see if other people have any semblance of a scumread on him otherwise I'm wasting my time with a tunnel on something that won't really give town any insight on anything

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You saw my logs with him and I haven't talked to him since then in OC or in public so I can't expand on anything other than what y'all see

Shinori has actively responded to conversations with a lack of anything (that ive seen anyway) and has provided no reason as to his absense. I'd really like one or the other from him before throwing my vote elsewhere. At least others have suggest a scumread when I asked them, even with lame activity

I also have logs with Blitz from an hour+ ago contemplating a Shinori vote but didn't because I was outside with my daughter to proto voting first was just a pleasant surprise but I'd still sheep it for reasons above

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If excel was as obviscum as I feel he is, others would be voting for him without my help. For once I'm not just camping on someone that I'm scumreading

Tldr excel is scummy to me but I would really like to see if other people have any semblance of a scumread on him otherwise I'm wasting my time with a tunnel on something that won't really give town any insight on anything

> tl;dr longer than the original message

GG Elieson

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Actually now that I think about it I was slightly scum reading proto but I guess I'm really not because I have no idea how to read proto anymore and since I'm always backwards he's probably town

Pro logic, right here folks

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Welp, that takes care of all my complaints about there being no Night 0

##Vote: Shinori

Please start existing. Or let us end your existence anyway today.

Mo fucker you real?

You haven't once ever even bothered trying to say ANYTHING to me.

I would like to refer you to my past post in this thread that regarded people contacting me.


Go read it you fuck.

You aren't going to call me out for not existing and you are not going to lynch me when you haven't done shit to even bother trying to say anything to me either.

It's a two way street mother fucker. So I guess we can both do this.

##VOTE: Formina Sage.

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The point I'm making is you cannot call someone out for not existing if you haven't even bothered trying to talk to them.

I can understand what elie was saying cause I spoke to him but didn't really talk to him about much.

You on the other hand haven't even pmed me on SF or anything.

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Except I actually did come on irc and Skype and tried talking to some people. You never showed up.

Also, your vote on me looks really odd. Sure, I didn't try contacting you over SF PM, but it's not like you did either. So if you have a problem with my logic for voting you, why are you employing the same logic yourself? This really feels like a OMGUS to me.

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I'm on skype, have always been on skype.

Not on IRC.

Specifically said if you wanted to talk to me to contact me on skype or pm me on SF.

You apparently aren't reading shit.


THE ENTIRE POINT OF THE POST IS "LOL TREAT OTHERS HOW YOU SHOULD BE TREATED." The ENTIRE point of the post was to show you how fucking STUPID your vote is currently.

Like literally the entire point was so you could see your own reaction to my fucking vote and realize how stupid your vote is.

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And I have always been on skype and have responded to everyone who has pmed me, I may have not had full conversations with people but have responded.

So that first statement is a straight up use of words just to make me look bad which is funny.

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