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Being left alone with your thoughts is the worst thing ever.


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When I'm alone I start to think. Sometimes good thoughts, sometimes bad thoughts. Others though, I start to think of weird stuff. Stuff I would never think of normally. Other times I end up thinking of moments in my past that were terrible or cringeworthy and just bleh!! It sucks.

You guys ever have something like this happen to you?

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Try talking to yourself out loud.

It helps.

No, it doesn't make you insane.

The voices inside my head told me so.

haha you're a funny guy

yeah it sucks man. I think of a moment 6 years ago, something I probably shouldn't have said but nothing too terrible. One interaction with someone I knew that went sorta wrong.

I really shouldn't have done that. I could've given it a little more thought before I did it. She hates me now. Our interactions will never be the same again.

Even though they probably forgot about it haha

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Indeed... Especially if you're left alone for the course of a year or more, and most of that time is just spent isolated waiting for your friends to even show up, and then you start to think too deep into things...

And that's how the existentialist side of me was born. Oh how I hate it. qq

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especially at night. your hormones are all out of whack preparing you to sleep. i try to tell myself that none of what i'm thinking around this time is rational, and it helps to a certain degree. i usually wake up in the morning not agreeing with the thoughts i had the night before, that is how i know they are transient.

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This happens to me all the time. But for me being stuck alone with my thoughts can go both ways sometimes it actually helps me out and making good plans etc. But other times.. they can get quite depressing like for example thinking back on past regrets or mistakes, things that happened etc.

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ngl I find that being alone with my thoughts is fine...

... unless it's at night, and my thoughts get darker for some reason.

not all the time, but yeah, night is way more likely to bring overwhelming thoughts

but generally I have no issue at all just being me and my thinking

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