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Interview with IS developers (by 4Gamer)


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I was also trying to say the main reason i like those objectives is because that the enemy units and maps often fit those objectives but you can have good map design without them as the objectives are as i said mostly extra lose or win conditions.

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The interview mentions that leveling supports will be quicker down the Hoshido path -- which would essentially confirm that the limit of five won't be revived, although I don't believe anyone really thought it would be. If they intend for the player to unlock a handful naturally without having to grind for them, hopefully they wrote a few more unique conversations this time around. Assuming that's the case, then Nohr would address the complaints regarding repetitive maps, while Hoshido would address those directed towards repetitive chats.

Hmm, are you sure they mentioned supports? Are you referring to one of the first paragraphs on the third page? Pretty sure they were just talking about character growth, as in gaining experience.

Also, TwinBlade said my interview report didn't have any mistakes. Phew.

Edited by VincentASM
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I hope they don't make that route lunatic levels of bullshit

You can always use the difficulty toggle : P

I don't think it'll be that tough. Maybe HM levels at worse.

Presumably there will be separate difficulty levels too, eg. Normal, Hard, Lunatic.

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Map objectives are primarily flavor (and marketing, it seems). FE9 having varied map objectives didn't stop mounted steamrolls for example. In other games, quite a few oft-admired Defend maps can be trivial. Some of the most strategic maps can have few objectives, like FE6 seize, FE12 Lunatic(') seize, and yes some of FE13 Lunatic(+) kill boss/rout. More important is enemy variety/equipment/placement/AI.

Edited by XeKr
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You can always use the difficulty toggle : P

I don't think it'll be that tough. Maybe HM levels at worse.

Presumably there will be separate difficulty levels too, eg. Normal, Hard, Lunatic.

Yeah, true, but I would rather not.

Gotta feel superior for not playing easy mode, y'know.

if you think lunatic is hard then you need to git gud

It wasn't, but I hated being forced to abandon many units because they simply couldn't fight basic enemies without being utterly destroyed.

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wait, so if it ends at chapter 5, and that's 1/6, then wouldn't that be around 30 chapters, rather than 25 (well, 26)?

or am i just really bad at math.

5*6=30=25 distinct+5 shared

Map objectives are primarily flavor (and marketing, it seems). FE9 having varied map objectives didn't stop mounted steamrolls. Some of the most strategic maps can have few objectives, like FE6 seize, FE12 Lunatic(') seize, and yes some of FE13 Lunatic(+) seize/rout. More important is enemy variety/equipment/placement.

Plenty of FE "defend" chapters have less of an actual defensive component then the tiki paralog in awakening

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Sounds wonderful! I already planned on picking Nohr for my first playthrough as I think Marx, Book Bro, and even Camilla, barring her ridiculous looking armor, are more interesting than the Hoshido siblings. It seems to be shaping up to be a great game.

I am a bit disappointed that Nohr won't be getting a map since I love to grind, but I was prepared, since we pretty much knew this for a while.

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Hmm, are you sure they mentioned supports? Are you referring to one of the first paragraphs on the third page? Pretty sure they were just talking about character growth, as in gaining experience.

Oops. That's more likely. My apologies for that.
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if you think lunatic is hard then you need to git gud

Lunatic is hard. It may not be hard for you, but being good at it doesn't change that it is a difficult mode.

Here's something I know none really care about but, maybe the return of a voiced narrator? Heck, have Robin from Awakening as the narrator for pure fanservice.

A voiced narrator would be cool, but there are 6 Robin voices, so I don't think so on that part.
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A voiced narrator would be cool

Eh, I don't know about that. Last time we got one(Radiant Dawn right?), it felt out of place as far as I'm concerned.

...then again as far as I'm concerned still, it was dubbed in french. That was something. Please never do that again.

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Also if anyone was wonder Tsubaki is confirmed as a male pegusas rider.


Pegasus knight, okay. But I still see nothing about her gender here (I still say female until someone from IS actually comes out and says this character is male).

Still, why draw those eyes and that ponytail on a man? I'm not saying a man can't have a ponytail since we see one on Shinon and Seliph, but those aren't FEMININE ponytails like Tsubaki has. I was also kind of hoping for a reverse of Libra here. Libra's a man with a woman's voice, I wanted Tsubaki to be a woman with a somewhat masculine voice.

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Pegasus knight, okay. But I still see nothing about her gender here (I still say female until someone from IS actually comes out and says this character is male).

Still, why draw those eyes and that ponytail on a man? I'm not saying a man can't have a ponytail since we see one on Shinon and Seliph, but those aren't FEMININE ponytails like Tsubaki has. I was also kind of hoping for a reverse of Libra here. Libra's a man with a woman's voice, I wanted Tsubaki to be a woman with a somewhat masculine voice.

We don't need to do this again. Believe what you want, but stop talking about this character.

And don't respond to this post unless it's via PM.

Obviously, no one else should respond to this, either.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Haha, sorry, I wasn't replying to anyone in particular XD

Just to clarify, if you buy the digital version, you get a free download for the Nohr or Hoshido campaign. After you've downloaded the first campaign, you can then, at any time, pay for the second/third campaign (the exact same process as if you bought the packaged version).

Im still hella confused about this. I dont really do much in the way of Pokemon style gaming so...We arent gonna have to shell out 40 clams for each route are we? Cuz fuck. On top of it, are they going to package the game like that internationally? If so, thats going to put a lot of people off. It works well for Pokemon because that series was always packaged that way. FE, not so much. ;/

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If you buy one side you get the other side at a discount. (50% off I think?) And nobody knows how it's going to get packaged internationally yet I think.

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First more objectives=better map design? Secondly most of the mentioned objectives are simply in essence, extra lose conditions, (or in the case of sieze is just bring your lord after beating boss) they can be and are often interesting, but they like everything need to work with the map and unit placements.

I didn't mean they go together, I just get the impression they're going to have both more objectives and better maps (bc they're saying the difficulty will be high, which I'm hoping is bc less wide open fields and not just OP enemies).

I also hope the objectives are implemented well so it's not super easy to just rout everyone instead.

Will you still be allowed to play casual mode if you go with Nohr?

Nohr version, Marx only, classic mode. Go back to Hoshido, scrubs.

But yes I assume casual will be there and easy/normal/hard as well. :P

Edited by Owain Dark
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