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Regarding the Hoshido Path

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^so what if seth could nearly solo it? Also some players would hear from a friend or a guide that you should not use seth too much, to avoid exp loss. i know i did and yes i played hard mode, (bring a restore staff to chapter 14, yeah that chapter was FUN, stupid 22 mag berserk druids)

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^so what if seth could nearly solo it? Also some players would hear from a friend or a guide that you should not use seth too much, to avoid exp loss. i know i did and yes i played hard mode, (bring a restore staff to chapter 14, yeah that chapter was FUN, stupid 22 mag berserk druids)

Sorry maybe I'm speaking too much from experience, seeing as I've played every game in the series on every difficulty x.X

It may be skewing me nowadays. (That and Sacred Stones is my least fav FE. I like it but I like the other 12 games more. Personally)

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^ i think the internet in general skews people, i would never have known that seth breaks the game,(which was my first FE game btw) without the internet, just because he can break the game, it didn't affect how i played as i didn't know as i was a bit late to the internet party. Part of the fun for me was finding out who could be strong, i didn't know the growth rates or average stats then. Sometimes it was fun to see how their stats looked berserker ross with strength not even in his top three stats and was my unit with the 2nd highest res during that FUN chapter 14 (those memories aren't going anywhere). Also widespread internet broke my childhood career of getting hour long phone calls from friends asking for general Pokemon knowledge.

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A point I think that people are forgetting though is that difficulty modes have been a staple of every FE since...idk. And even in the so-called easy FEs like FE8, Hard Mode is still reasonably difficult. Even if Hoshido is designed to be more accessible, Hoshido Hard/Lunatic mode should still be challenging enough to not be a snorefest.

Though FE2 was the first with its optional Easy mode, it didn't really become staple until FE6 onward.

To my knowledge anyway.

FE8 would be reasonable if Seth didn't exist, he murders that game before breakfast.

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Though FE2 was the first with its optional Easy mode, it didn't really become staple until FE6 onward.

To my knowledge anyway.

FE8 would be reasonable if Seth didn't exist, he murders that game before breakfast.

FE5 also has the hidden Elite mode, which doubles EXP like Gaiden's easy mode.

FE4 actually had a hard mode in the settings after you beat it once, apparently. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=49548&p=3313072 (though it doesn't seem to do much judging by the thread)

Edited by L95
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Though FE2 was the first with its optional Easy mode, it didn't really become staple until FE6 onward.To my knowledge anyway.FE8 would be reasonable if Seth didn't exist, he murders that game before breakfast.

So? as i said earlier why does that matter? In fact with difficulty scaling unless you plan to use him from the beginning, at least some of your units are going to be around or better stat-wise as level 1-3 seth by the time it gets harder, the only times i remember wanting to rely on seth in hard mode during the starting section, was in chapter 5 and 6 (and that was mainly to get the items from the chapter)

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The point is the fact that someone so ridiculously broken as him even exists, though. Just because you didn't use him doesn't mean he's not just sitting there letting you break the game cleanly in half over his knees. It's the same deal with challenge runs-deny yourself resources the game provides you in certain ways to make the game artificially harder, but it doesn't make the game itself harder. Seth is a resource the game provides you. Not using him when the game throws him at you in prologue is not really the game's problem.

It's not a bad thing to find FE8HM moderately difficult. It's a strategy game, there's a learning curve, I remember getting my ass whooped on FE8 EM when I first started this. It's a learning experience.

However FE8HM is not even remotely challenging to me anymore, even without Seth (see: female only shitstomps). Likewise, FE13 HM is pretty much a normal mode to me, and I need something on the level of Lunatic to be actually properly challenging. I just hope both routes have a difficulty mode on par with 13's L mode if not 12's. Maniac tier would also be nice. The gap between Hard and Lunatic is quite large.

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^ but that what it is about though isnt it? learning with the game, and seth being able to take the game down easily even on hard isnt obviously apparent at first especially if you play normal first and find his endgame stats arent quite as good at level 20. Its not about the best way to play, i dont care if veatrans or even myself can beat most games easily without higher difficulties, the higher difficulties are what its there for, and if its not difficult dosent mean its not good. Bieng good enough that its easy means your good enough thats its easy, not that the game is easy for everone or that the game is somehow flawed cause it was easy for you. Bieng able to say you find it easy is sometimes the point of a video game.

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I'm pretty sure it's actually really apparent Seth is really strong he joins with like, way better stats than everyone else and if you keep on using him you notice he never slows down

But what's the point of a challenge mode if it fails to challenge people? Something like L+ is still challenging regardless of how good I get because I still actually need to pay attention to the enemies and watch my placement, even I don't find it horribly unfair difficult like a lot of people claim. FE8? I throw god at the enemies and they die. I don't have to pay attention. I can play it practically blindfolded. I can pull off Seth at half skill speed (rescuing Eirika) solo tank with Javelins by just moving him into enemies haphazardly and my only problem is running out of Javelins which Eirika can carry for me anyway. That's when the even higher difficulties become necessary.

Nobody's saying it's a bad mode by itself, but the point of hard aka challenge modes, it's not enough. That's why FEDS started doing the 4-5 difficulty modes stuff instead of just one hard mode, and that should continue in the future. Especially in a strategy game, a good challenge mode SHOULD keep you on your toes all the time. It should make you think about your next move.

We just don't want the equivalent of FE8 Hard to be the highest difficulty a game offers. That's too low-bar for something that's supposed to be actually challenging. It can still be one of the difficulties given.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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i do agree that higher difficulty modes are good but what im saying and was always saying is seth is still just an option, yes he has higher base stats but he is a crutch character obviously so and if you play hard mode right after easy/normal and used nearly anyone besides just seth, at max level who has higher stats? Yes the end stats don't matter but, if someone plays it at first they probably think it does and also want to use other characters other than just seth all the time. Also nearly every game has things that are better than the other, but not everyone might find it or want to use it. I didnt know seth was anything other than a character that i wasn't sure i wanted to use much as he already was good. Warp was an item i used like once, i thought mounted characters weren't that good as their max stats sucked and what does 2 more movement matter as i keep my units close together anyway.

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The point is to many of us, Seth's existence isn't even why FE8HM is easy, though. His existence just turns it from fairly easy to utter shitstomp. Did you miss my point earlier on all-female run? I'm pretty sure Seth isn't female, so he's definitely excluded from that run, yet I still had a very easy time with it.

Honestly I have a difficult time figuring out what you're saying in your arguments. Maybe it's just because my own English is non-native or something

Edited by Thor Odinson
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^ yes but i originally said seth doesn't matter in regards to the difficulty that much. I never said it was that difficult nor did i say it is the best difficulty i just get a bit annoyed of people saying that one thing that makes it easier makes it easy in general, some maps might be easy or hard for my team, but it could be different for somebody else as they might have different stats or style of play.

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My theory is that there are two sides to Intelligent Systems. One side wanted another awakening because it was massively successful, and/or just enjoyed that direction. Another wanted to either make a very different game and/or a traditional one. Chances are there are going to be long-term developers there who preferred the old formula since well... those are people that designed them in first place.

Either they play it safe and make another awakening OR perhaps do what they want to do and make a more traditional game to attempt to popularize that while the iron is hot. They ended up compromising and making two different versions.

This game, I think, is going to be a huge experiment -- to see if they can popularize the old formula (with the massive new interest and fans they received from awakening) or if awakening's direction is really the right choice after all.

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^ yes but i originally said seth doesn't matter in regards to the difficulty that much. I never said it was that difficult nor did i say it is the best difficulty i just get a bit annoyed of people saying that one thing that makes it easier makes it easy in general, some maps might be easy or hard for my team, but it could be different for somebody else as they might have different stats or style of play.

Let's go to FE9 then, Bexp. This can do various different things.

From overpowering literally anyone in the game or just spacing it across your team, either way this system is utterly broken, and is why I feel FE10 did the whole divided groups stuff. Now I love FE9 (its like my 2nd favorite game), but Bexp was a hilariously stupid idea.

Can I simply not use it? Sure, but if its there why don't I use it? Seth is a similar deal, heck I don't even use him half the time I play FE8, (and if drafts are any indication to his strength he isn't allowed in them). I still curbstomp FE8, heck I could probably do something silly like a Lute solo and manage it after a few stumbling blocks. (And in a sadist draft we had a group of people only use 2 people each, ZM was able to do well with just Colm and Neimi)

I'd like a game where I have options AND have to think. FE8 is the FE I pop in for just lets curbstomp.

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^^ The traditional style won't be as popular as Awakening's style but new fans will definitely increase the sales of Nohr. I am happy that they are mostly advertising the Nohr version, as the only advertisement Hoshido need is showcasing the similarity to Awakening.

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^^ The traditional style won't be as popular as Awakening's style but new fans will definitely increase the sales of Nohr. I am happy that they are mostly advertising the Nohr version, as the only advertisement Hoshido need is showcasing the similarity to Awakening.

I actually agree with this despite, disliking the opinion that Hoshido is just Awakening 2.0. I feel there is much more to it than that, but at a marketing standpoint I'll concur.

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Also they said they didn't want it to be treated as if it was split into two. They're supposed to be distinct what if scenarios. Your picture of what the game will be isn't in line with what has been revealed about the game:

Let me rephrase my position. The two routes are not joined together in a single story like a part 1 & 2 BUT they are meant to be different ways to explore a single conflict, the war between Nohr and Hoshido. It's like Fate/Stay Night's routes. Each path is exclusive to the others but each must be played to appreciate the greater story being told. I think the other route being offered as heavily discounted DLC is proof enough that IS doesn't want you to stop at playing "half" of the FE14 story. Emphasizing each game having a unique story is tell the consumer two things, 1. this isn't one game being sold for the price of two, and 2. the differences between versions is not as trivial as Pokemon so you it's worth it to buy both.

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My hopes for Hoshido are:

  • Multiple different mission objective (not just defeat the commander and defeat all the enemies)
  • Unique Japanese-style classes - possibly an exclusive shape shifter like a Kitsune (spirit fox) i.e. Taguel of If
  • Many memorable characters
  • Lots of Waifus and Husbandos for my characters!
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Opposing Veteran and Newcommers is stupid. Even if I played through more than half the games, and am here from quite a while, I'm still a pretty inefficient (you could even say awfull) player.

You know balancing a FE is nearly impossible. There are just too many variables (the character you uses, the growth rates, (and everything concerning the RNG actually) plus other things game-dependants like reclass.)

I posted this in another thread, but there are more than a way to play a game, and while I enjoy challenge as much as anyone, it's not the only reason I play a game. I play for the story, and mainly for the characters.

We also are quite certain that some classes will be more presents/exclusive to each game which promise qite different gameplay experience.

And Hoshido have Pegasi, Ninjas and apparently Female fighters which I find pretty cool. (Nohr have DragonKnight and BowThief which are also quite great)
I also find the character's look more appealing in Hoshido.

So, I think I may enjoy both games for different reasons. That's a perfectly good reason to try both.

Besides, thee's something that haven't been said enough, but that I think is important : You will have to fight against your Nohrian kind. You may even be forced to kill some of them (I can perfectly see Leon or Camilia being bosses at some points.)

As far as emotional impact go, this is already strong enough. Even if it's a simple story, having to kill the ones you grew with and that sincerely liked you is all the drama I need. (I sincerely thinks it's a harder choice personally to go with Hshido than with Nohr. Yes it seems the most righteous choice, and you're blood-related to them, but you're affectionnaly closer to Nohr) (based on what we know so far at least).

So yeah they seems to be plenty to like in both games if you don't focus your attention on only one aspect.

Not sure which one I'm gonna play first yet, because there's two few information.

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The interviews so far were pretty clear I mean we can hope all we want but they said basically more than once

Nohr will have more diverse objectives and a HARDER campaign with a more unique story in the series and using the non world map system

Hoshido will keep the gameplay similar to awakening, common objectives like rout all enemies and the EASYEST campaign with a more standard FE story of "defending your good guys country"

And Third path will be a middle ground easyer than Nohr and harder than hoshido.

This is all confirmed so yes it seems IS intent is make Nohr more towards "hardcore" SRPG fans while Hoshido try to retain and add more of the Awakening fanbase. Regardless of how everyone feel about this that is their intention although I'm sure they would love that people end up buying both of the versions


Pretty clear cut

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