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highest possible Aether activation %?

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I wanted to marry chrom simply for wanting a hero class lucina. I usually make asset speed so I wanted to try skill for once. Lucinas current highest skill possible (w/o rallies/weap bonus/pair up bonus) is 64 which makes aethers rate (with RF) 44%. of course I dont have any units right now with rally skill and i forgot to give my MU rally spect but after crunching a few numbers along with +8 from pair up as her S support is hero inigo the highest number I can come up with is approx 89 (with mystletainn equipped) I havent factored in other things yet (special dance,gaius confect, etc) if you have any things for me to add please feel free to say so

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I'd assume it's around 55%, but going for pure Aether rate is not practical.

What would be far better (in your case) is to stack Aether and Ignis, giving you a fairly low chance of not proccing anything without lowering Aether's activation rate. Basically Ignis would be your backup.

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I wanted to marry chrom simply for wanting a hero class lucina. I usually make asset speed so I wanted to try skill for once. Lucinas current highest skill possible (w/o rallies/weap bonus/pair up bonus) is 64 which makes aethers rate (with RF) 44%. of course I dont have any units right now with rally skill and i forgot to give my MU rally spect but after crunching a few numbers along with +8 from pair up as her S support is hero inigo the highest number I can come up with is approx 89 (with mystletainn equipped) I havent factored in other things yet (special dance,gaius confect, etc) if you have any things for me to add please feel free to say so

If Skill=64, [(Skill/2)+10] = 42%.

Please submit your math with specific examples

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Highest Aether possible?

+Skill MU x Chrom.

Make Lucina an Assassin and equip Mysteltainn

After tonics, LB, pair up, rallies and RFK and what not it comes to 55%

... It also allows for 100% Luna.

Edit: With a barracks skill surge it goes to 57% but that's unlikely.

I'd assume it's around 55%

Wizard. Edited by Ownagepuffs
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Female Morgan exists; she can have a higher Skill mod than Lucina would depending on male Robin's Asset (Skill) and Flaw and Lucina's mother (Sumia for this case), therefore having higher activation rates. Stacking Aether with Ignis and/or Luna can be scary with Brave weapons. Female Morgan inherits Aether from Lucina or Chrom!Cynthia.

Edited by Roflolxp54
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Female Morgan exists; she can have a higher Skill mod than Lucina would depending on male Robin's Asset (Skill) and Flaw and Lucina's mother (Sumia for this case), therefore having higher activation rates. Stacking Aether with Ignis and/or Luna can be scary with Brave weapons. Female Morgan inherits Aether from Lucina or Chrom!Cynthia.

While Female Morgan can get Aether from any daughter of Chrom, she can't get Rightful King. Which, I imagine, would be needed to get the "highest Aether activation rate" in the first place.

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well thanks for everything though Ill be sure to see a difference in aethers chance between mystletainn and a brave weapon.im planning to get the DLC micaiah to be rally bot soon enough. also ill see what happens when I apply confects and tonics

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While Female Morgan can get Aether from any daughter of Chrom, she can't get Rightful King. Which, I imagine, would be needed to get the "highest Aether activation rate" in the first place.

Ah, that's true though Rightful King isn't too useful when compared to proc-stacking for loads of damage.

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Why would you use Mysteltainn for 55% if you can use a brave weapon to get 77-78%?

I was doing higher proc% per hit as opposed to average proc% over the course of a round.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's 54% without barracks or stat+2 skills. MU!Lucina has one less skill than Chrom!inigo/Brady!Morgan, who is the only rightful king user capable of reaching 90 skill without those things.

Edited by Alastor15243
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