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Who is the nicest and friendliest Lord in the series? *Series Spoilers*

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Whom do you find to be the most kind and friendliest Lord character in FE? Please back up your reasons with evidence. Why? It makes things more interesting.

I marked this topic as a spoiler topic so people would know what they're wandering into.

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Obviously it's Ike because he fights for his friends.

While she's not a lord, Caeda is probably the most friendly character in the series. Her recruitment conversation with Roger is the stuff of legends.

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Eirika,probably.No contest there.Maybe because she's naive,but she's just so kind to everyone.Even when L'Arachel and Innes annoy her.

Edited by ShadowShine
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Eliwood, for sure. He tries to find the diplomatic solution to any problem and nearly befriends the old Blackfang, however Sonia and them had different plans. He's also really kind to everyone.

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Probably Eirika. She just seems really really kind.

I wish I could say Ike, of course, but while he's obviously a good guy at heart and all, his bluntness prevents him from sounding like it half the time. lol

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Probably Eirika. She just seems really really kind.

I wish I could say Ike, of course, but while he's obviously a good guy at heart and all, his bluntness prevents him from sounding like it half the time. lol

Well at least he is honest. I'd take honesty over kindness all a lot of the time.

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What about Chrom? He's kinda giving and nice?

He stops his entire army to help about 3 villagers.

Multiple times.

those chapters sucked actually

But in all actuality, it's Eirika. She's just so darn nice to everyone. Even when her best friend is threatening to kill her, she doesn't want to fight. I believe she strives for peace the most.

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Well at least he is honest. I'd take honesty over kindness all a lot of the time.

Yes, I do love Ike's honesty. And his passion. I mean, yelling at Sanaki to stand up for Elincia was just awesomesauce, even if he almost got in huge trouble for it. ^^

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Chrom would be a candidate if it extended anywhere past his friends and some countrymen. Just look at how he handled Plegia, for instance... >_>

I'm jumping on the Eirika bandwagon, btw, with Eliwood close behind.

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Yes, I do love Ike's honesty. And his passion. I mean, yelling at Sanaki to stand up for Elincia was just awesomesauce, even if he almost got in huge trouble for it. ^^

Haha yeah basically I just see that scene in my head something like this:

Sanaki: Why should I help you?

Ike: You're stupid.

Sanaki: Ok, you're the real deal.


Elincia: You just threatened the most powerful person in the world, you know that right?

Ike: Because she's stupid.

Elincia:....You know you could have gotten us all killed, right?


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Chrom would be a candidate if it extended anywhere past his friends and some countrymen. Just look at how he handled Plegia, for instance... >_>

To be fair, even ignoring what went down in chapter 9, most Plegians were either bandits or cultists - both of which I wouldn't exactly be willing to talk things out with... <_<

Edited by Levant Caprice
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Haha yeah basically I just see that scene in my head something like this:

Sanaki: Why should I help you?

Ike: You're stupid.

Sanaki: Ok, you're the real deal.


Elincia: You just threatened the most powerful person in the world, you know that right?

Ike: Because she's stupid.

Elincia:....You know you could have gotten us all killed, right?


That's quite a humorous way of putting it. XD Ike even said "my ignorance doesn't excuse my stupidity" too. lol

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To be fair, even ignoring what went down in chapter 9, most Plegians were either bandits or cultists - both of which I wouldn't exactly be willing to talk things out with... <_<

That doesn't excuse the fact that he left Plegia to rot and practically handed it over to Validar.

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To be fair, even ignoring what went down in chapter 9, most Plegians were either bandits or cultists - both of which I wouldn't exactly be willing to talk things out with... <_<

But Eirika would be.

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