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Phoenix Mode.


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More options is not always a good thing. I can understand why people who are fine with Casual are not fine with Phoenix. Casual still requires thought to get through; Phoenix just lets you kamikaze without a care in the world. It sounds like a joke or cheat mode.

Oh, and let's be a little less spammy, k?

Not really? Espeically on normal. Just pair up Chrom and Avatar, hit auto and the game wins itself.

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Honestly, I don't care as I probably will only touch it in a non-serious run a-la casual. And I'm seeing a lot of hate for the mode and we don't even know how it will be executed yet. As others have pointed out, the amount of health the unit comes back with and at what position the unit comes back with are very important factors. As for the lord, I'll assume the game will still end as game over happens at the lords death and the rebirth happens the turn after. If not, then a game over woud be impossible and that could possibly get you stuck in a never-ending battle with an opponent that you do no damage to and one-shots you. I'd like to think the game devs would've thought of that. It's funny how I prefaced this with 'I don't care' but now I am really interested in how the mechanics and intricacies of this mode work.

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Ok I may have said alot of shit about casual mode and its fanbase before but I take it all back. Casual looks like Hard mode when compared to this, it upsets me that we are now going to get players who will only play this mode and claim the other are to hard or pointless. Don't get me wrong going for a casual appeal isnt a bad thing but its certainly took it to far with this one. Overall with the lack of durability, A game based around grinding, and phoenix mode i'm quickly losing interest in this game.

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Ok I may have said alot of shit about casual mode and its fanbase before but I take it all back. Casual looks like Hard mode when compared to this, it upsets me that we are now going to get players who will only play this mode and claim the other are to hard or pointless. Don't get me wrong going for a casual appeal isnt a bad thing but its certainly took it to far with this one. Overall with the lack of durability, A game based around grinding, and phoenix mode i'm quickly losing interest in this game.

What is the problem with this exactly? You're saying that it bothers you that people who don't want to play a particularly difficult game will be able to enjoy FE without playing modes they find pointless?

They didn't remove the modes you want to play lol.

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Ok I may have said alot of shit about casual mode and its fanbase before but I take it all back. Casual looks like Hard mode when compared to this, it upsets me that we are now going to get players who will only play this mode and claim the other are to hard or pointless. Don't get me wrong going for a casual appeal isnt a bad thing but its certainly took it to far with this one. Overall with the lack of durability, A game based around grinding, and phoenix mode i'm quickly losing interest in this game.

Where did you get the bolded information? I thought it was specifically stated that the Nohr path would lack grinding. And I kind of get the weapon durability if it is indeed forced, but I don't understand how Phoenix mode would make you lose interest in the game if it's an optional feaure.

Edit: Struck-through because basically ninja'd.

Edited by Venterqua
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What is the problem with this exactly? You're saying that it bothers you that people who don't want to play a particularly difficult game will be able to enjoy FE without playing modes they find pointless?

They didn't remove the modes you want to play lol.

But casual already covered this. I may be wrong but I don't think Phoenix is intended for testing/research since it's a very small group who would actually use it for that (though this is a good use for it). There's making the game accessible (adding casual mode) and then there's removing the point of the game. FE is a strategy RPG, what's the point of trying to appeal to people who don't like any strategy to the point where even casual mode turns them off? It's like making a Zelda game where you have a mode that removes all the puzzles. Just because it's optional doesn't mean I can't think it's a dumb option (tbh I even doubt there are people who were interested in FE but were waiting for a less challenging mode than casual).

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I don't see myself using this the first ten or so times I play but maybe after that if I'm just grinding through playthroughs to get 100% completion on the supports and fill them all out, I'll use it.

I am curious tho, will it be available to nohr? I actually think that's a good idea since some people want to enjoy both stories but may genuinely not be too good at the game in the normal way. Might as well let them have their fun.

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But casual already covered this. I may be wrong but I don't think Phoenix is intended for testing/research since it's a very small group who would actually use it for that (though this is a good use for it). There's making the game accessible (adding casual mode) and then there's removing the point of the game. FE is a strategy RPG, what's the point of trying to appeal to people who don't like any strategy to the point where even casual mode turns them off? It's like making a Zelda game where you have a mode that removes all the puzzles. Just because it's optional doesn't mean I can't think it's a dumb option (tbh I even doubt there are people who were interested in FE but were waiting for a less challenging mode than casual).

The same point as having an invincible mode in Persona Q.

For those who wants to enjjoys the story/characters without having to overcome imposible challenges.

I imagined Hoshido newcommers who'd like to try Nohr, but fear it would be too difficult for them.

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The same point as having an invincible mode in Persona Q.

For those who wants to enjjoys the story/characters without having to overcome imposible challenges.

I imagined Hoshido newcommers who'd like to try Nohr, but fear it would be too difficult for them.

But again, that's what casual is for.

If they want zero challenge, why not just save money and watch it on YouTube?

Edited by Book Bro
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But again, that's what casual is for.

If they want zero challenge, why not just save money and watch it on YouTube?

Because Nintendo would rather they buy the game so they can make money than have them watch it on Youtube?

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Because Nintendo would rather they buy the game so they can make money than have them watch it on Youtube?

I mean from the players pov, if they're only going to play on the mode where they can't lose and don't have to think, it's basically like they're not playing the game at all

Edited by Book Bro
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This is a hilarious addition. However, I believe we should keep in mind that this is optional. We can pretend it doesn't exist and play classic mode. No issue.

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I mean from the players pov, if they're only going to play on the mode where they can't lose and don't have to think, it's basically like they're not playing the game at all

I doubt it's impossible to lose. It's certainly more difficult to lose though. Honestly I probably won't play Phoenix mode unless I get the urge to really steamroll the game, want to do something fun like no promotions, only base weapons, or need to unlock support conversations for absolute trash characters that would be difficult/incredibly frustrating on harder modes (looking at you Meg).

I understand why people think it's stupid, even I think it's over the top. What I don't understand is the amount a vitriol spewed about it. People saying they won't buy the game because of it (like seriously, LOL). It's still an option and Classic still exists.

I may actually get my wife to play FE now. She loves games that she doesn't have to expend much thought on and she loves shipping people to the max.

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But again, that's what casual is for.

If they want zero challenge, why not just save money and watch it on YouTube?

I wasn't aware watching youtube let you design your own character, or choose who to support them with, or get to kill a boss yourself who you really hate. Or get to train who you want and train their stats as high as you want.ect
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Not really? Espeically on normal. Just pair up Chrom and Avatar, hit auto and the game wins itself.

That requires thought to know how it works. A new player won't likely realize that can work (especially since Pair Up isn't actually available on normal for the first few maps in Awakening). Phoenix mode sounds like you can literally know nothing about how the game works and just throw any unit in and win.

In any case, the point is general. Awakening isn't the only FE with Casual mode. I'm not very concerned about a particularly broken mechanic steamrolling one game's normal mode. It works just as well in classic as it does in casual, anyway, so you might as well be arguing that normal mode takes no thought.

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I think there are a few things people are overlooking. For one thing, it's still not 100% clear to me if Pheonix mode is infinite (ie units can keep on coming back again and again without restriction) or if there is gonna be some sort of limit on how many times it can happen in one battle.

Second, we need to remember the Nohr campaign, which is apparently going to have a lot more varied and complex winning conditions than just simple "rout all enemies" or "kill boss." Sure, on maps like that Phoenix mode would likely make winning an utterly trivial matter, but on something like "kill boss on the far side of the map within five turns or you lose" Pheonix mode isn't a sure win. It makes it a whole hell of a lot easier, sure, but I'd guess that's kind of the point of Phoenix mode, to make it easier to complete the Nohr campaign for FE newbies.

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I'm gonna use it for research, I think that's its best use personally. I don't think many will agree on that though ^^;

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So basically SUPER CASUAL MODE! Maybe the game will be that much harder than others. But this mode makes me think everyone has a Arum Staff in their cloths ready for use when they fall.

Fire Emblem: Order of the Phoenix.

Coming to theaters soon.

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But this would make data gathering on the enemies inaccurate! I see this mode as a research mode so that's a nowi!

How would Phoenix mode be any more useful for data gathering? Unless it disables FOW, you can get all the same information from Classic/Casual, and Casual Mode is already good for practice runs.

Being invincible to damage would make it better for a goof-out mode because then you wouldn't have a situation where you could potentially game over (say, if a unit next to Kamui died, disappeared and allowed an enemy to reach and kill them)

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I wasn't aware watching youtube let you design your own character, or choose who to support them with, or get to kill a boss yourself who you really hate. Or get to train who you want and train their stats as high as you want.ect

You're right it's not exactly the same, I'm just not seeing how casual was still not accessible enough or made it less enjoyable for anyone.

I'm gonna use it for research, I think that's its best use personally. I don't think many will agree on that though ^^;

If anything, that's the only positive for this mode, IMO. Edited by Book Bro
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