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Aqua's role

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Anyone else is a bit concerned that she is going to overshadow Kamui? With now, that she's the Princess of Nohr raised in Hoshido... I know you guys aren't huge fans of Avatar characters in FE and all but what I don't like is when one character overshadows another in FE games. This has happened before in Awakening, RD, Blazing Sword, and etc... If Kamui truly is THE main character, then there is no reason for Aqua to overshadow them. I really hate it. Of course, she could easily be a secondary protagonist, in which I'm fine with.

I'm not a big fan of her being in a reverse situation to Kamui's. I think the "child of two worlds" trope should just stay as Kamui's shtick.

Edited by Kamui-of-Nohr
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Well, since Aqua was kidnapped as well, I'd like it if Hoshido kidnapped her first, and then Nohr took Kamui in retaliation/tried to take her back but ended up with Kamui instead. It'd be a bit more interesting if Hoshido were the aggressors in this case, IMO.

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I always figured Aqua was the second lead

Well, of course she is. My concern is that she would.overshadow Kamui, similar to how secondary protagonists in past FE games had overshadow the Lord. EX: Kris to Marth, Robin to Chrom, Ike to Micaiah, and etc...

It gets on my nerves because I'm pretty picky. If Kamui is THE protagonist like IS and Nintendo said, then they better stay as the damn protagonist. Sorry, but I just hate that.

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Well, of course she is. My concern is that she would.overshadow Kamui, similar to how secondary protagonists in past FE games had overshadow the Lord. EX: Kris to Marth, Robin to Chrom, Ike to Micaiah, and etc...

It gets on my nerves because I'm pretty picky. If Kamui is THE protagonist like IS and Nintendo said, then they better stay as the damn protagonist. Sorry, but I just hate that.

Get ready for it. It's been the case in every FE since at least 8 (and to some degree in 7 with Hector Mode being superior to Eliwood Mode).

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I think this will prove to be Hoshido's flaw in the series. I don't really see her being related to the Nohrian siblings biologically, but the one maid being somehow related to her (what with the blue hair and all) doesn't sound too far'fetched to me. Also, this is the first time I am hearing this as well.

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Almost the entire game will be about Kamui's choice, and he's an avatar with dragon powers whom everyone wants on their side. I'm not even sure you CAN top that. I mean if If was taking place in an old FE universe, I'd already be hating Kamui with a passion.

Edit again oh boy!:

I think this will prove to be Hoshido's flaw in the series. I don't really see her being related to the Nohrian siblings biologically, but the one maid being somehow related to her (what with the blue hair and all) doesn't sound too far'fetched to me. Also, this is the first time I am hearing this as well.

Well go read that 20 pages long topic already. It's somewhere in there. It's also not confirmed and that maid comment was an extremely good point that you have my congratulations for.

Edited by Cysx
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Well, we had Eirkia and Ephriam, as well as Lyndis, Eliwood, and Hector. Those were all main characters and they were pulled off fairly well. Not the best, but not as bad as Awakening and New Mystery. We have a pretty talented writer for this game, so I hope he'll handled the two well.

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It's essentially a rumour right now.

Now I don't usually post rumours without good reason, but I thought I'd make an exception this time and trust my instincts XD

This particular detail hasn’t been confirmed, but it seems the blue-haired songstress, Aqua, may be in a similar but reverse position as the Avatar. According to reports, she is the princess of Nohr taken prisoner by Hoshido. If you recall, the Avatar is the prince/princess of Hoshido raised by Nohr.
Edited by VincentASM
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I really really hope find it unlikely she'll overshadow the protagonist. I know that's happened in every FE since, but based on everything we've seen so far, the avatar seems much more relevant.

But yeah, if she was kidnapped first, that would be awesome. It would make the story that much better.

Still, we don't know if Aqua will play into the "child of two worlds trope." We know almost nothing about her situation. The videos have shown that the avatar was unaware of his heritage until the game started, but we're told nothing about Aqua's actual role. She hasn't had a single line of dialogue in any screenshots or videos.

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It's essentially a rumour right now.

Now I don't usually post rumours without good reason, but I thought I'd make an exception this time and trust my instincts XD

Well, I hope it is a rumour. I'm sure there's more to Aqua then just her using a reverse of Kamui's gimmick.

she'll be the main villian, mark my words

Now that would totally be a great plot twist. I don't think there ever been a villain Lord before. Perhaps she is a bad samaritan to Kamui.

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besides kris and Marth which i haven't played, most of those are quite exaggerated in how much they overshadow them, and are matters of opinion. Also being plot important doesn't make you the protagonist

More on topic i don't see how aqua will overshadow kaimui in any meaningful way, but if you consider any character who is not kaimui being more important to a plot arc, as that character overshadowing Kaimui I think you might be disappointed.

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besides kris and Marth which i haven't played, most of those are quite exaggerated in how much they overshadow them, and are matters of opinion. Also being plot important doesn't make you the protagonist

More on topic i don't see how aqua will overshadow kaimui in any meaningful way, but if you consider any character who is not kaimui being more important to a plot arc, as that character overshadowing Kaimui I think you might be disappointed.

Well, plot relevance doesn't prevent them from being overshadowed. Robin was, technically, the most plot relevant character in the entire game, I mean, it was ALL ABOUT HIM, but he was still way overshadowed by Chrom.

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If she's the villain and playable, that would be simultaneously an awesome twist... and utter bullshit. Imagine if you did a Kamui and Aqua solo run? You'd suddenly be out half of your properly-trained fighting force. Granted, that would be a stupid idea to do, relying on so few units, but it's still a dick-move design wise.

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besides kris and Marth which i haven't played, most of those are quite exaggerated in how much they overshadow them, and are matters of opinion. Also being plot important doesn't make you the protagonist

More on topic i don't see how aqua will overshadow kaimui in any meaningful way, but if you consider any character who is not kaimui being more important to a plot arc, as that character overshadowing Kaimui I think you might be disappointed.

Micaiah was clearly the protagonist of RD, so why the hell did Ike steal the spotlight from her? Granted, I was sad when I played RD for the first time means no more Ike, but I started to like Micaiah despite some of the questionable decisions she made and next thing you know, Ike is there.

Edited by Kamui-of-Nohr
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I really hate it. That was what made Kamui special. I knew she'd be important, but I've been hoping she wouldn't overshadow Kamui. It's put a bit of a damper on the story for me to be honest. I hope it's not true. I just can't see her being related to the Nohrians either. It feels so random.

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Well, plot relevance doesn't prevent them from being overshadowed. Robin was, technically, the most plot relevant character in the entire game, I mean, it was ALL ABOUT HIM, but he was still way overshadowed by Chrom.

depends on the plot arc your currently on IMO but quite frankly who overshadows who is a matter of opinion. But honestly it seems to me that people see what they want to see, but it seems even worse to me now that lots of people seem to be in a negative mood and want to see the worse in the new games.
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she'll be the main villian, mark my words

I've been saying this since the first trailer, and if it turns out to be true I hope she's not just being controlled or anything like that. I want her to be acting of her own free will manipulating whoever she can to achieve her goal, as opposed to Idoun (who is I believe the only major female antagonist to date).

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I've been saying this since the first trailer, and if it turns out to be true I hope she's not just being controlled or anything like that. I want her to be acting of her own free will manipulating whoever she can to achieve her goal, as opposed to Idoun (who is I believe the only major female antagonist to date).


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Micaiah was clearly the protagonist of RD, so why the hell did Ike steal the spotlight from her? Granted, I was sad when I played RD for the first time means no more Ike, but I started to like Micaiah despite some of the questionable decisions she made and next thing you know, Ike is there.

How was she the protagonist of radiant dawn she was the protagonist of part 1 yes but i don't see how the heck she was the protagonist of part 2. you can have more than one main protagonist per game you know.
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Oh haha love how I forgot about her even though RD is my favourite game. Ashera was cool though she had little screen time. Still want a female antagonist that's like say Zephiel or Lehran.

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