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If she is a fighter than muscles can fit into the character. LOOK at ACTUAL heavy-class fighters. It's a mark of incompetent designer if you absolutely can't pull off a cute design while factoring muscles. It's your imagination that's faulty if you can't pull off cute with a small but significant amount of muscles. Are you saying muscles ain't cute? There's plenty of ways to pull off that design while still have a bit more bulk behind it.

One thing FE has been generally good for is that it visually shows the statlines of a character. It's perfectly achievable to hit a balance between showing the strong points of the class and designing to the character. This is not mutually exclusive. I've done a couple hundred character designs in my life time. I'd know what's workable and what's not.

I mean there's the Russian powerlifter who's absolutely gorgeous and is more muscular than even Rinka. I'm not asking for the literal hulk here, god.

It's not like I'm making out the design to be an abomination to mankind here. I think it works well mostly with only a small nitpick. Why are you so against just a bit more bulk? Look, when I have arms that are thicker than some professional soldier with big axes (granted I do lift a bit) that feels weird as fuck.

Ok i am sorry for any personal insult i try to distance myself in these arguments so some times i can come off as harsh so i sincerely apologize. But all i am saying is that being a fighter dosen't require her to be any bulkier than any other physical class some axes are probaly lighter than swords anyway and have you seen some of the sword-fighters . And that i see a reason why the lack of muscles is there. Is it good maybe not. But the series is what it is. And i find that a class having to look and act a certain way is weird as fuck as well, and it quite probably a reason why gender exclusive classes and archtypes have kept going for so long. Axe user does not equal muscles. Edited by goodperson707
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Tbh all the axe users should have muscles regardless of how they're actually drawn because IDK the world has an aversion to drawing women with muscles regardless of what actual women look like. I've said several times to look at olympic boxers and powerlifters. When I say muscle I don't mean fucking hawkeye muscle on everyone dear fucking lord

Literally everyone has muscle that's how we move, when you work that out more they become bigger and more defined, all I'm asking is arms thicker than at least this lazy computer bum that maybe sometimes works out once a while

Edited by Thor Odinson
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^ but they don't also from what i read some of the battle-axes were lighter than most swords so shouldn't the sword users be ripped as well. Or do they use different muscles?

Ogma. Dieck. Gerik. Trinity of ripped as fuck sword users. Fighting with axes is also fundamentally different than fighting with swords. Swords really want you to go fast with it. Axes doesn't have the maneuverability, so you want to hit as hard as you can. In older FEs when you're tiny and used big swords you lost a fuckton of speed with it. If you're using swords that are actually heavier than battleaxes (usually the 2h claymore tier ones) then yes you better fucking be ripped too, those went up to about 11-13 weight and that will reduce the speed of the lighter tier mercenaries as well as every myrmidon. Someone like Dieck/Ogma are 13 con and drawn appropriately large use those swords with no issue.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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She appears to be Nohr exclusive. All the more reason for me to go that route. :V We are such opposites, you and me.

Yeah, seem so. :P

About this axe debate or whatever's going on, the lack of reasonable muscular strength is why I don't like the War Cleric class. Lissa does not at all look like she can even properly lift an axe, let alone swing one in battle. Charlotte doesn't look like a Fighter to me either, yet she is one. That's also weird to me.

Edited by Anacybele
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Ogma. Dieck. Gerik. Trinity of ripped as fuck sword users. Fighting with axes is also fundamentally different than fighting with swords. Swords really want you to go fast with it. Axes doesn't have the maneuverability, so you want to hit as hard as you can. In older FEs when you're tiny and used big swords you lost a fuckton of speed with it. If you're using swords that are actually heavier than battleaxes (usually the 2h claymore tier ones) then yes you better fucking be ripped too

I know that about the mercenaries i mentioned them in an earlier post. But they are the kind of the exception and there are still the cavalry characters. Also aren't most swords at least a bit heavy as they are a sharp stick of nearly all metal. While an axe has more wood in it than a sword so an axe can be lighter than a sword as well as heavier. Also what about archers? And the amount of armour they wear vs there defence stat. Yeah once you dive into realism for muscles you go into a bit of a problem.

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I know that about the mercenaries i mentioned them in an earlier post. But they are the kind of the exception and there are still the cavalry characters. Also aren't most swords at least a bit heavy as they are a sharp stick of nearly all metal. While an axe has more wood in it than a sword so an axe can be lighter than a sword as well as heavier. Also what about archers? And the amount of armour they wear vs there defence stat. Yeah once you dive into realism for muscles you go into a bit of a problem.

Concerning sword weight vs. axe weight, I'd say it has more to do with balance. Practically built swords are well-centered in their weight, whereas nearly all of an axe's weight will be in its blade, on the end. Y'know, the side opposite the one you hold.

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I know that about the mercenaries i mentioned them in an earlier post. But they are the kind of the exception and there are still the cavalry characters. Also aren't most swords at least a bit heavy as they are a sharp stick of nearly all metal. While an axe has more wood in it than a sword so an axe can be lighter than a sword as well as heavier. Also what about archers? And the amount of armour they wear vs there defence stat. Yeah once you dive into realism for muscles you go into a bit of a problem.

Do you even know how weapons are made

Have you held one in your hand

Swords don't really go heavier than 5 lbs except in rare fringe cases

In cases like Raven, a fairly small mercenary, he's still shown having a bit of musculature. Honestly, if Charlotte's about as buff as Raven, I'd be satisfied.

calvary characters do not actually bare their arms nor wear skintight clothing. Nor do archers usually-and I have actually complained about the few female archers who look like twigs and don't look like can't draw a fucking bow. There's a reason why I kinda just draw every physical unit with at least a defined deltoid these days. FE axes go a lot larger than normal axes do, as well.

and ^^

That is also a very good point. Torque is taken into consideration, not just the weight of the weapon itself. Picking up a weapon doesn't take a lot of effort, but actually using it is a completely different story.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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i am not saying is too much i am saying if it doesn't fit her character just because she is a fighter doesn't mean she needs them. And yes most fighters have muscles but not all axe classes do, fighter does not = muscles. And muscles does not = strength.

are there enough woman with muscles or non standard body types i would say no. But that does not mean that the female fighter has to have muscles. Especially when muscles don't seem to fit her character that well.

She doesn't need muscles like Hawkeye, but I agree with Thor that I'd expect someone from the fighter class to at least look toned. It's not as if a toned female is unattractive.

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Oh yeah i do agree, but i just think that using an axe in fire emblem (Not Irl) doesn't always make you more toned or muscular than any other physical weapon user. I expected her to have more muscles though so maybe i am pushing too far in the other direction. I also don't like class defining a character, as that seems to me to be a factor of why female fighters and male pegs took so long.

I also like her character

Edited by goodperson707
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Oh yeah i do agree, but i just think that using an axe in fire emblem (Not Irl) doesn't always make you more toned or muscular than any other physical weapon user. I expected her to have more muscles though so maybe i am pushing too far in the other direction. I also don't like class defining a character, as that seems to me to be a factor of why female fighters and male pegs took so long.

I also like her character

I agree every aspect of characters design shouldn't always be dictated by their class. And it's too early for me to say if I'll like her character but I do think she'll have some amusing supports like Tharja did, just replace hexing with gold digging.

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Well I mean if I really had my way every one of the physical female cast would have at least some degree of toning (or bulk, depending on the character), though, which is definitely not happening in FE

Can't blame me for wanting at least a couple in the highest strength classes

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I don't blame you at all. Quite frankly i was expecting and wanting more appropriate muscles.

And i apologize i was insulting, i have a bad history of not paying attention to what i say on real world topics i am stuck on "responding to irrational arguments against the newer games" mode most of the time on these forums. sorry about that.

But i still dislike the idea of class= character. And i don't see anything more wrong about her than most female character design in the series. But it is sort of a wasted opportunity i admit.

Edited by goodperson707
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I finally found that armor design of the other female wyvern rider named Crimson: http://41.media.tumblr.com/9006270fb27a73e59901cccabe6c0845/tumblr_np7pbemGPU1uwpaxio4_1280.png

Is this going to be a trend? One questionable female character design and then another from the same (or similar) class that's more realistic (Camilla and Crimson, Charlotte and Rinka)?

Edited by IceBuster573
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Well, I don't mean that every character has to follow class very strictly, but class do dictate, to a point, what a character's fighting style might be like roughly and that should translate into something in the design. The character should be the class they're in for a reason, and therefore it should still make an impact on the design to some level. It's not just put generic design here, copy paste 100 times, make slight modifications, no, that's not what I want.

Another thing about fighters vs, say, cav or archer, is it's not about the weapon alone, but also its strength stat (base/growth/cap) being one of the highest, and there should still be at least something that reflects that. Classes aren't just their weapons.

Crimson looks quite interesting. I'd like to find out more about her.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Just like other people have said, Crimson does give me them Vaida vibes. Seems pretty cool.

Her dialogue in that screencap is reminiscent of the quotes people say when they get a temporary stat surge in the Barracks. Loosely translated: "Fufufu...I'm feeling different than usual today. I feel like I can take on any enemy!"

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My thoughts:

- Charlotte's got balloon boobs. This doesn't offend me nearly as much as her hair - how is she supposed to freely swing an axe if her hair is all over her shoulder armor?

- Charlotte also has impressive abs. Her arms are really hard to see - it's possible she's the super-lean type, but I can't say for certain, because her shoulder armor/hair is in the way.

- While I don't care for Nyx' threads, she wears them well, and I'm glad she isn't Stupidly Busty Dark Mage the Billionth.

- What is up with the Hoshido spellcasters? Tsukuyomi's arm-thingys looks pretty impratical, and Orochi's missing half her shirt.

- The loincloth seems to be a Nohr thing. Leon's got one, too.

- Props to Benoit for swinging around a lance with exposed palms?

Overall: More hit and miss, but I'm glad that more character designs are released.

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I hope Hinoka doesn't have a cup angst all over again...

EDIT: I realize they probably just hate each other because, but I will rage if that's what some of her supports are about.

Edited by Crysta
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I hope Hinoka doesn't have a cup angst all over again...

Well aside from the lolies, isn't she pretty much the only female character without a sizable bust? I'm afraid it's all too possible.

It would be a weird conversation to have with your brother though, so hopefully they'll skip that boring cliché.

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Well aside from the lolies, isn't she pretty much the only female character without a sizable bust? I'm afraid it's all too possible.

It would be a weird conversation to have with your brother though, so hopefully they'll skip that boring cliché.

Nyx doesn't have gigantic fun bags, last time I checked. She isn't a loli, is she?

But yeah, please no.

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