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Will you accept S-Ranking multiple characters as Avatar?

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Well, it depends on how it's portrayed and how it's executed. If all S-Supports mean marriage, that'd be a little hard to pull off. Polyamory is indeed a thing but would it be portrayed as Kamui with multiple S-Supports or an S-support triangle, quadrilateral, etc.? The former could piss a lot of people off , the latter as well if not done delicately.

Now if S-Supports are not limited to marriage but as a strong bond, that makes it more likely to happen but that comes with its own set of complexities that I'm not sure IS is ready to handle at the moment.

We also have to think about supports as a battle mechanic and having multiple S-Supports could make how a very OP Kamui.

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My main complaint with Persona 3 and 4 is the dating mechanic; it feels not only very shallow and desperately wish-fulfilling in some cases, but the fact that the game seems to think it's totally normal for you to get romantically involved with every single girl your age (or older...) at the same time. It's beyond stupid, and I wouldn't want that particular nonsense in a Fire Emblem game.

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Yes, I would enjoy constant womanizing.

And at some point in the game all the girls you've been wooing simultaneously ought to figure it out and brutally murder you as an alternate non-canon "ending".

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Harem ending best ending

No thank you. I prefer chosing one character who I like and just get max with them and I really hate the idea of harems. And I agree with Thane the whole situation in P3 and P4 really bothered me so I just stuck with Aigis and (I think)Yukiko.

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Harem ending best ending

No thank you. I prefer chosing one character who I like and just get max with them and I really hate the idea of harems. And I agree with Thane the whole situation in P3 and P4 really bothered me so I just stuck with Aigis and (I think)Yukiko.

Aegis is the only real option in Persona 3, so I'm proud of you.

Never bothered caring for the rest of SEES, honestly. Both the villains and the main cast of Persona 3 make me sleepy, for the most part.

Edited by Thane
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I don`t think it will nor that it should. The doesn`t need to be many marriage canidates either (if that returns, one of the pictures from Famitsu hints at this, but I`m stll not sure), just have a few who make sence. Bottom line, I don`t think they should allow you to S-rank/marry more then one person (if S-ranks are for marriage that is).

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Like one s-support wouldn't be lame enough already..

No, leave that stuff out of my Fire Emblem, it's not what the series is about. Just play a different game if you want that stuff.

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totally on board 8]

would make it so much easier to fill in the support library like holy shit

crysta's proposed bonus ending would be icing on the cake

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totally on board 8]

would make it so much easier to fill in the support library like holy shit

I guess there's that...

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if S rank doesn't directly mean marriage, they could really make S rank triangle supports. Like if Kamui has an S rank support with Leon, and an A rank with Marx. Then if Leon and Marx have a high enough support (say A rank), with the possibility of an S rank (between Marx and leon). Then Kamui can S rank Marx as well and if Marx and Leon get an S rank together you get a special ending for those characters

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I think it should just stay with one S-support if nothing else I wouldn't want the avatar to S-support everyone and then break the game through the pair up bonuses. What I could see though is platonic A paired endings or even platonic S paired endings say if they get that support with a brother or sister or even close friend. Could be interesting.

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totally on board 8]

would make it so much easier to fill in the support library like holy shit

lol that's what replaying the game is for

if S rank doesn't directly mean marriage, they could really make S rank triangle supports. Like if Kamui has an S rank support with Leon, and an A rank with Marx. Then if Leon and Marx have a high enough support (say A rank), with the possibility of an S rank (between Marx and leon). Then Kamui can S rank Marx as well and if Marx and Leon get an S rank together you get a special ending for those characters

I think this sounds interesting, but it's only like the very last part of the story. Although, it wouldn't be hard to implement.

With 9 potential save slots?

Why would you need it?

lol good point

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^ you mean restarting a couple dozen times vs not restarting, the time does add up. Also you can start to fill up your S supports before you recruit all the characters which is a plus. Not that I'm advocating this mode though.

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